What Do LEOs REALLY Think About Concealed Carrying Guns?


If you were to only listen to people who hate the Second Amendment like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris (or their cronies in the mainstream legacy media), you would think that law enforcement officers across the country hate the idea of gun ownership by private citizens. You would think that they don’t want anyone but the government to have guns.

But is that really the case?

As you think about your answer to that question, the first thing to consider is that, if you think that most law enforcement officers oppose private gun ownership, it may be because you’ve only been hearing one side of that conversation, the side that anti-2A people want for you to hear.


But there is another side to that conversation that you may not have heard (hat tip to here for the lead). John R. Lott, Jr. writes,

Law enforcement officers understand the importance of allowing people to defend themselves. PoliceOne surveyed more than 15,000 police professionals across ranks and department sizes in 2013 and found that 91% of the members support liberally issuing concealed handgun permits.

The National Association of Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs is similarly supportive. Those are first responders who are on the scenes of these tragedies every day.

Academic criminologists and economists who have published peer-reviewed research on guns also agree. Surveys show that they had the same top four preferred policies for stopping murders and mass public shootings. This included letting people carry concealed handguns and abolishing gun-free zones.

That’s right, law enforcement officers overwhelmingly support legal private gun ownership.

Why? Lott also explains that by noting that law enforcement officers acknowledge that they get there after the crime has already happened and that there is no way to be everywhere at once to be able to stop those crimes when they start. (Plus, if you live in a city like New Orleans, for example, the average time for police to be able to respond to emergency calls this year has been 22 minutes. Three hour response time to non-emergency calls.)

If police can’t be everywhere, who has to be able to defend their lives?

You and me.

Of course, law enforcement officers support legal concealed carry. They want to save lives, too.



  1. There are literally thousand of cases where a legal gun owner have stopped crime. Why is it that you never hear about that on the news?

    • It doesn’t fit the narrative Douglas, if the media were to recognize the reports that are like the one in this message, they wouldn’t be able to support the total abolishment of private ownership of firearms and that is the goal. The government cannot exercise total control until there is total dependence upon them and there are no means of rĂ©sistance. Once they achieve that then there is no longer a need to pander to the fiction of a Constitutional Republic, and they are close!!!

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