The REAL Cause Of Mass Shootings?


Mass shootings are horrible. It’s ridiculous that I even have to make that point, but such is the nature of the world that we live in where so many on the political left think that you support mass shootings because you support gun rights. But here we are, so, let me repeat: Mass shootings are horrible, and we don’t want them to ever happen.

Now, that we’ve settled that issue (hopefully), the real questions, the ones that we should be discussing, come up, and those questions are what are the causes of mass shootings and how do we stop them?

If we actually start looking into those questions (without defaulting to blaming guns for the crimes), then, we can actually get someplace to save some lives.


When you ask questions like that, though, you sometimes come up with some answers that make some people uncomfortable. Why? Because the answers begin to skewer some of the sacred cows of our culture. And one commentator has a viewpoint on what is driving mass shootings that you’re not likely to hear discussed in the legacy mainstream media. Jeffrey A. Tucker writes,

Among the related factors, as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been pointing out in public lately, is the odd relationship between school shootings and the wide distribution of these drugs. Many cases we know about already, but the medical records of others are being withheld, even though the public is more and more understanding that the real problem is not guns but pharmacological products. And yet the activists themselves are entirely focused on taking away guns rather than looking more deeply.

That’s a microphone drop kind of statement. Saying that kind of thing out loud in a group is likely to shock people into complete silence because so many people have been conditioned to simply accept that giving pharmaceuticals to everyone, even young children, is a good idea.

Now, I’m not a doctor or pharmacist. But you don’t need to be either of those to see statistical correlations which can indicate causation.

And if we are going to, as a society, stop pretending that we care about saving kids’ lives and, instead, actually work to save kids’ lives, then, we need to look into things like this (and other things) so that we can get to the real root of the problem.



  1. There has never been a gun that has killed anyone. Guns don’t kill. I know because as a collector, I enjoy shooting, much more than watching a foot ball game etc. My guns only fire whent he trigger is pulled, and the gun has never pulled a trigger. People do that. So to remedy that problem, you should not blame or outlaw the “gun”, You have to stiffen the penalties for the individual who did that. Then you don’t let these crazy lawyers use, this individuals had an abusive childhood or was abused as a child, grew up in a fatherless home etc. YOU DO THE CRIME YOU DO THE TIME. or in flat out murder cases, the death penalty is carried out. Re instated public hangings or firing squads for murderers, rapists and child molesters. When they are on display I think those crimes would come to a stand still. Definitely a deterrent.

  2. I think most sane people would agree with you. Unfortunately, the warning signs of someone’s anti-social or potentially violent behavior are too often ignored by the people closest to them, i.e. the parents, co-workers, or law enforcement. The psychopath in Florida, Nikolas Cruz, murdered 17 people at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida and had more than 40 prior encounters with the local police before he went on his rampage, yet nothing was done to separate him from society prior to his shooting spree. The warnings were all there, but nobody had him committed to a mental institution or correctional facility. Nikolas Cruz was on Olanzapine, a drug used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and abnormal thought disorders or abnormal mood disorders. He’d been taking these drugs since he was 6 years old. He should have been watched closely and probably should have been confined to a mental institution. But was he? No. Guns are not the problem, drugs and mental illness are.

    • the criminals in gov’t. that broke the system, will NOT be the ones to fix the system. Same goes for the medical, BIG pharma industry. They do not want to cure illnesses, they want to practice on the maintenance of illnesses, and get kickbacks from it. The taxpaying (working) fools/slaves in Amerika are the saps. RED states need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika. Stop paying to be abused, conned and played for a fool. wise up sheeople

  3. If we make it to where kids under the age of 18 can’t get on the computer then we might save them because then they would not be seeing and learning about all the stuff that drives them to do what they do. Because of social media bullying and other things that goes on. And the school does not help the kids that are being bulled i know because when my kids asked for help they where asked how they felt about the kids that were doing it and they said that it made them want to bring a gun to school because nothing was being done to help them and as soon as they had said that the cops was called in they was kicked out of school the parents of the kids that were doing the bullying got a restraining order and my kids was put on a 72hr hold in the physic ward police tried searching my kids room and no school would let them in because of feeling they had

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