Moms Demand Action NEEDS To Explain


Anti-2A organizations like to make statements about how the world will be safer with gun control in place, but no one in the current administration in the White House or in the legacy mainstream news media ever actually questions those statements.

Now, you and I know why they aren’t questioned, and the reason is that the statements just aren’t true. Even a cursory review of the statistics shows that gun control does absolutely nothing to reduce rates of violence or rates of any crimes, really, and, in many cases, gun control correlates directly with increases in violent crime.

Which is why delusional zealots such as the women at Moms Demand Action need to explain exactly how this happened in a city known for, basically, being a gun control zone. Wim De Gent writes,


A teenage Venezuelan illegal immigrant has been arrested for allegedly shooting two New York Police Department officers after they attempted to stop him while he was riding a scooter.

The two officers were patrolling the 115th precinct to address enduring robberies in the area involving perpetrators on mopeds and scooters when they spotted 19-year-old Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata driving a moped the wrong way down a street at 89th Street and 23rd Avenue in Elmhurst at about 1:40 a.m.

When the police attempted to pull the young man over, he fled on foot, with the two young officers chasing him on foot for several blocks. During the chase, Mr. Castro-Mata produced an illegal firearm, firing multiple rounds at the officers, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban, during a Monday press conference.

Officer Christopher Abreu, 26, was shot in the leg, while his partner, Richard Yarusso, also 26, took a hit to his bulletproof vest, which effectively saved his life.

During the fire exchange, the suspect was also hit in the ankle. Once the suspect had been taken out, Mr. Yarusso applied a tourniquet to his partner’s leg to stop the bleeding.

The two junior officers—who joined the force two and five years ago—were released from the hospital several hours after the ordeal. As Mr. Yarusso rolled his partner, Mr. Abreu, out in a wheelchair, they were greeted with applause from colleagues and bystanders.

Thankfully, no one was killed.

But the question still needs to asked: How did an illegal alien, who can’t legally buy a gun in the U.S., have a gun to shoot at police officers in New York City, of all places, where guns are difficult for anyone to get? You would think that it would be even more unlikely that an illegal alien would have a gun in New York City since both their illegal alien status and New York City both make them getting a gun legally very difficult. Double the difficulty in getting that gun.

Moms Demand Action needs to explain how this happened and how any of their proposed policy positions could have prevented it.

But they won’t because they can’t because criminals don’t get guns legally, and that means that, very clearly, gun control doesn’t and can’t work.



  1. Just like all gun control groups they have no answer, legal gun owners know that it’s just big money hoping to destroy our country’s constitution which it never will.

  2. Well I have been around awhile and remember the gun controll that was put in place in Regan’s day after he was shot and Brady lost his was only on hand guns and boy did it ever increase the shootings between gang members at the time.i have seen more and more gun controll happen and more shootings seem to happen no matter what.mire gang shootings but not just at each other but at regular folks as well if found in the wrong place and more restrictions the more shootings including work place and the folks at the atf and Obama and other goody two shews cause so much of the violence we see today.well hope the anti gun folks like what they brought about with their laws and background checks.

  3. Explain to me how we were safer before the 1990’s after all guns have not changed …

  4. It may also be interesting to ask them how in a country like Mexico with absolute firearms prohibitions, has a murder rate with guns, including automatic weapons, and only one gun store in the entire country, run by the police in Mexico City is controlled and run by people that have guns that are always illegal in that country? It isn’t even safe to travel to most places in Mexico anymore because of the risk of kidnapping for ransom, robbery at gunpoint, and i many cases murder at the hands of those that have the guns in that country. Mom’s Demand Action is a delusional exercise in wishful thinking and puts many that should not be at risk to exactly the risk that they think they are attempting to prevent. They should perhaps concentrate on the real problem with the people that misuse not just firearms, but many forms of mayhem and violence.

  5. Ah, New York City! The folks running things there are constantly saying that the various gun laws do not restrict the police and military.
    Back in 1990, when we sent troops in Desert Shield/Desert Storm, it was my misfortune to be a resident in that People’s Republic. I was a licensed healthcare professional in New York State, worked for the federal government full-time at a good rate of pay, and held field grade rank in the Army Reserve. I had volunteered for deployment to Saudi. When I sought to purchase a pistol, which I would use to practice, since I would receive one in the combat theater. and might have to use it! Much to my shock, I would have to go through all the crazy hoops anybody else would, and, at the minimum, this would take at least six months.
    Anyway, I was fortunate to escape the People’s Republic of New York!

  6. “Gun Free Zones” & “Sensitive Spaces” equal TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENTS for criminals and bad actors looking to commit “Mass Shooting Events”
    If NYC prosecuted crime & criminals, and illegal aliens who commit crimes in the city with the same fervor that they are going after President Donald Trump, crime would be down.

  7. Hey MOMS
    Come and take IT!
    From my cold DEAD HAND.
    81 Union Street #6
    Rockland, Maine

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