Harris Hypocrisy On Display


Kamala Harris keeps getting worse and worse as a Presidential candidate. The closer that we get to the November election, the more of a dumpster fire that she is turning out to be.

She says things that her handlers have to hedge and correct (they probably thought that they were done with that once Biden was out of the way), and some of the things that she says are simply cringeworthy. And that’s not even mentioning the stuff that she says that is completely off message from her voter base.

Harris even managed to crash while being interviewed by Oprah. Oprah!


It’s just crazy to see.

And as for that Oprah incident, if you want to hear about Harris’s hypocrisy being on full display, Jack Phillips has the details for you:

Winfrey asked the Democratic presidential candidate about comments she made about being a gun owner at her debate with former President Donald Trump earlier this month.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” Harris said in the exchange with Winfrey. After laughing, she added, “I probably shouldn’t have said that, but my staff will deal with that later.”

Previously, Harris has highlighted that she owns a firearm for personal safety purposes, but that she supports bans on what she has said are “assault weapons,” referring to certain types of semi-automatic rifles.

Those types of firearms, she told Winfrey, were “literally designed to be a tool of war” and “has no place on the streets of a civil society.”

It seems pretty convenient for Harris to skip over the fact that supposed “assault weapons” (which isn’t a real category of firearms) are rarely used in gun violence, including mass shootings (pistols are, overwhelmingly, the weapon of choice for mass shootings).

So, she owns a gun and says that she’ll use one to protect herself, but she’ll prosecute people for protecting themselves and wants to disarm people.

Does anyone really want this kind of two-faced person as their candidate of choice? Not if they’re thinking clearly, they don’t.



  1. The libTURD demoCRAPS Are in favor of Post Birth Abortion so let’s start with harris. It’s never too late to make-up for a mistake her mother made

  2. I cannot why anyone with a functioning brain would for this woman. She literally has no idea of things she weighs in on. Weapons would be Class A: Assault weapons (rifles) that our military use have multiple settings including automatic. To have a fully automatic rifle (an “assault” rifle) you need a special federal license, that includes an extensive background check. That is not to say that a semi-automatic rifle can’t resemble an assault (full auto) rifle but its ability to fire automatically doesn’t exist without modification (and makes the owner susceptible to arrest.

    As usual, Kamala should keep her mouth shut unless she knows what she’s talking about.


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