PROOF That ‘Toughest Firearm Laws In The World’ Fail


It’s utterly fascinating to me that people believe (and continue to believe, even after seeing with their own eyes) foolish things.

Now, I’m not talking about the types of things that people speculate about that can’t be (or, at least, haven’t been) proven. If you believe in Sasquatch, for example, I’m not aware of any scientific evidence for his existence, but I can’t say definitively that Sasquatch doesn’t exist. I’m not inclined to think that he’s out there, but I’m not going to fight with anyone about it. And it certainly doesn’t hurt me if anyone disagrees with me about that.

Gun control, though, that’s a completely different issue. The statistics are out there, and when looked at in context, the detrimental affects of gun control are clear: Gun control doesn’t decrease crime, and, in fact, in most cases actually increases crime, especially violent crime.


So, yes, gun control affects me and everyone else, and not in a good way.

But if you’re a doubting Thomas who just desperately wants to believe that gun control can actually decrease crime and that it prevents criminals from getting guns, then, you need to know about a recent gathering in Australia (the poster child for gun control) that destroys the idea that gun control prevents people who are willing to break the law from having guns. Monica O’Shea writes,

Privately-made guns are the “most significant growing threat” to public safety in Australia, according to police.

Police from across the nation met this week in Melbourne in a bid to tackle the increase in homemade firearms on Australian streets.

A nationwide police operation known as Operation Athena is working to stop the trafficking and use of illegal firearms.

Operation Athena Chair Detective Superintendent John Watson said these firearms pose a “real and imminent danger to the public.”

But wait. I thought that the Australian gun ban had stopped gun “trafficking and use use of illegal firearms.” Is there something that I’m missing here? O’Shea continues:

“Australia has the toughest firearm laws in the world, that’s a fact. What these criminals are attempting to do is skirt around these laws and put the public in danger,” he said.

Watson, who is also the commander of the New South Wales (NSW) Police Drug and Firearms Squad, said these firearms had infiltrated the streets, homes, and communities across Australia.

Ah, that’s what I was missing. What I was missing is that the Australian gun ban didn’t work, and criminals could still get their hands on firearms.

Who would have thought that could happen?

Oh, yes, I remember now. We thought, no, we knew that this is exactly what would happen.


Because that’s the way that it always happens where gun control is implemented. When that happens, only the government and the criminals (some would argue that those are the same group) have firearms, and the law-abiding are the ones who lose.

So, the next time you hear that old, tired nonsense about gun control and gun bans working, especially if they mention Australia, just let them know about this law enforcement gathering there that happened precisely because gun control doesn’t work.



  1. One of the major problems with gun control is those in charge feel those laws are not for them! Do you ever see government getting rid of their armed protection? NOPE! Just ours. Is there some reason they cannot call 911 like they tell our kids to do? Why are they not using their GUN FREE ZONE SIGN TO PROTECT THEM???? Just like they do for our kids. Then these hypocrites claim NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!!! Well the proof is they are! we never see those in government ever following the law. And if they are caught. They have a government judge ready to give them a pass! Like the Democrat that pulled the fire alarm in DC! When we have the Jan 6 people still sitting in jail for doing what the Democrat did! (STOPING CONGRESS!) Why is he not in jail? Really tired of laws the government refuses to follow! FOR ANY REASON!

  2. I’ve been saying this for DECADES! How can you believe that banning something will “Magically” make it disappear? Think about it. Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, Ecstasy and many other narcotics are illegal. Are they unobtainable? NO!! Outlaw an item, and you create a “Black Market” for it!!

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