Could We REALLY See Nationwide Carry Reciprocity?


Want to really make America great again? Do you really want to see our country return to the principles that it was founded on that made our country the envy of the world? Do you really want a return to true freedom, including a return to the First Amendment’s protection of your right to say things that the political left doesn’t like without legal repercussions from bureaucrats siding with leftists?

Then, you could do much worse than starting with what we’re talking about today. In fact, you may not actually be able to achieve all of those things without starting with at least what we’re talking with today.

And what is that? Nothing short of nationwide gun permit reciprocity.


Now, to step back a bit, Donald Trump said something about implementing nationwide carry permit reciprocity so that your gun permit in your state would allow you to carry your firearm in New York, Michigan, Illinois, and California (among others) to thumb your nose at the crazy governors that they have in those states.

It would be a beautiful thing, and you and I both know that, if implemented, one of the first things that many people will do is to intentionally visit anti-2A states while carrying their firearm just because they can. And because the state won’t be able to stop them.

But that begs the question of whether nationwide carry permit reciprocity will actually be permitted. After all, Trump said that in 2023, not on the campaign trail in 2024.

And Colion Noir talks about that and whether nationwide reciprocity could actually happen. You can watch that video below.

At the time of this writing, Trump hasn’t implemented nationwide reciprocity. Then again, at the time of this writing, he still has another couple of months before being sworn into office.

But it looks like nationwide reciprocity has a very real chance of being passed and put into place in our country.

And, in my opinion, it can’t happen soon enough.
