Yes, Even In Anti-2A HELL HOLES, This Can Happen


One of the craziest things in areas run by anti-2A politicians is how they treat law-abiding people. If you obey the law, they allow (even encourage) criminals to run over you and your rights. And they often will punish you if you try to keep a criminal from killing you.

Occasionally, though, rationality and reasonableness raise their head, and a person can get some justice from that same anti-2A government.

It’s unexpected, but it’s a welcome thing when it happens. Like in the situation that we’re talking about today. Tim Hecke writes,


Prosecutors have rejected Chicago police efforts to file felony charges in connection with a fatal shooting in Little Village, concluding the shooter acted in self-defense.

I know, I had difficulty believing that a shooting was ruled a self-defense incident in Chicago. Hecke continues:

Chicago police arrested a man in connection with the shooting shortly after it occurred, according to CPD records. He was released from custody about 46 hours later after an attorney in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office felony review unit denied criminal charges, a CPD report states.

A source familiar with the investigation said prosecutors concluded that the shooter, who reportedly had a concealed carry license, acted in self-defense when he shot Ramos.

I was glad that I was sitting down when I came across this story. I almost couldn’t believe it. Just the idea that justice for a legal gun owner could be had in Chicago, of all places, was hard to swallow.

But, apparently, justice can even happen there.

I just wouldn’t bet on it unless you have no other choice.

And if you can, you probably want to move some place where the government isn’t out to get you for exercising your Constitutional rights.

Whether you can or can’t move out of an anti-2A area, be sure to always carry your firearm (if you legally can), and train for proficiency so that you can protect your life and the lives of your loved ones.



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