FL Sheriff Gives BRILLIANT Response To Self-Defense Shooting


One of the things that seems the absolute craziest to come out of the leftist political activism over the last few years are their efforts to disarm and make defenseless everyday Americans. Whether it is defunding the police or pushing for more gun control, the left pushes policies that have the effect of making Americans less safe.

it’s appalling.

Fortunately, those ideas haven’t taken over in every part of the U.S., and one of the states that has rejected those kinds of silly ideas (at least in much of the state) is Florida. If you haven’t seen some of the press conferences given by sheriffs in Florida, it will warm you heart when you see one.


And as you read on today, you’ll understand why. Dave Urbanski writes,

A Florida man opened fire Thursday night when a pair of masked crooks broke into his home; the homeowner fatally shot one of them, WTVT-TV reported.

Obviously, it’s tragic that a person died. In this case, though, the person who died was (allegedly) doing illegal things (like breaking and entering) that, in many areas, would be considered criminally aggressive.

It’s the sheriff’s commentary on the situation that takes the cake, though. Urbanski continues,

“This is the state of Florida,” [Sheriff Rick] Wells said, according to WTVT. “If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot.”

Maybe it’s just me, but there seems to be a notable lack of sympathy in Sheriff Wells’s commentary on the incident.

And, frankly, as it sounds like the person who died was clearly in the wrong and was endangering law abiding citizens with their actions, Wells’s comment is the perfect reply. No sympathy for criminals, and a sheriff’s department that actually focuses on serving and protecting the people in their community.

Certain left-leaning cities could use to learn both of those concepts.

Because in a sane world and in a sane society, criminals should fear the law abiding and not vice versa.



  1. Good advice by the sheriff but I doubt the criminals will heed it.
    IIRC in other articles/commentaries about this incident the deceased and his partner both had lengthy criminal records. Now the county is stuck with the ‘survivors’ medical and housing for who knows how long.

  2. I don’t get the sympathy for criminals! And those that have this mental problem would quickly lose it when they are the victim! And those in office trying to disarm Americans should be kicked out of office the day they try as their oath of office is worthless! As I notice not one government official has got rid of their armed protection they demand the people pay for! (NOT ONE OF THEM!!!) Is there a reason these Democrats can’t dial 911 like they tell our kids to do? Why aren’t they using their gun free zone sign to protect them like they do for our kids? Democrats want to disarm America WHY? They are the threat from within that will destroy America! Maybe we need to deport Democrats to a gun free country! As they don’t deserve America

  3. I absolutely concur with the Sheriffs comment, and I would suggest that it should be true for anyone having to protect their property and belongings from thieves and violent thugs!

  4. FINALLY, a Sheriff with Common Sense!
    There is nothing more infuriating than a DA taking the side of the law breaker. I remember when “pelosi” found illegals on her lawn. “”” NOT IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!””” was her response. ALL the DEMON RATS deserve to be robbed, accidents, arsonisted, and everything they wished the Conservatives to be victims of by defunding the police, being soft on crimes, and let go without bond.

  5. Oh, I have sympathy for criminals. That’s why I keep my doors locked, for their protection. If you don’t enter my home uninvited, you won’t die!


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