The Future Of Trial Defense For Gun Cases?


Technology is a truly amazing thing. Technological advancements have created some of the greatest benefits in our lifetimes that we get to enjoy on a daily basis. Think air conditioning, indoor plumbing, or double-stack magazines in a micro compact pistol. Simply amazing.

Even with those technological advancements, new things come along or already existing technologies begin to be used in ways that are unexpected which can surprise us.

In today’s story, we’re talking about a ground breaking use of technology for the purpose of trying to simulate for a judge what the defendant experienced in a self-defense case in Florida, and it could be interesting to see how this could impact the outcome of this case. Brian Armstrong writes,


In a groundbreaking development during a stand-your-ground hearing, Broward County Judge Andrew Siegel donned a virtual reality headset for a first-of-its-kind experience in a Florida courtroom. This historic use of technology was aimed at better understanding the testimony of a defense expert in the trial of Miguel Albisu, who owns a wedding venue in Southwest Ranches.

Albisu faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly brandishing a firearm at wedding guests in 2023. According to defense expert Bill Engler, “This is when he pulls the gun out, when he is backed up against the bar,” highlighting the moment Albisu felt compelled to act.

Albisu’s defense is based on self-defense.

Obviously, since the case is currently ongoing, it’s impossible to know how this will affect this particular case.

However, it seems pretty likely that this kind of technology will be used often in the future in an effort to gain sympathy from juries as the experience of the defendant is replicated for them. Of course, a sympathetic jury is more likely to rule in your favor, which anyone involved in a court case wants.

Whatever happens in this case, it is a historic situation, and it will be interesting to see what happens in the future with how this technology is used.



  1. Yeah, that’s interesting but until we get these lowlife leftists out of our courtrooms and law enforcement positions I doubt it will help. They have to go. Unless they firmly defend the Constitution they can’t be there.


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