How To Get Quick In Finding Your Red Dot [Video]


If you’ve been using optics on your pistol for some time now, you may not remember the difficulties that you had (if you’re like most people) in getting used to using the dot and reticle.

It’s like anything else that is new to you and that you’re getting used to. When you get a new car, you have to adjust to the way that the brakes feel on the new vehicle and you have to adjust to the clutch on the new vehicle (if it’s a manual transmission). And it can sometimes be a big adjustment.

In the same way, going from using iron sights to an optic such as a red dot optic on your pistol has an adjustment period as you have to learn how to get on target with the new sighting system. It isn’t an automatic process that most people just naturally adjust to. Most folks have to learn the new way of getting on target.


The good news is that adjusting to using optics on your pistol is not a long drawn-out process for most people. Most people adjust relatively quickly, and once they do, most people’s targeting using optics is much better than using iron sights, allowing them to shoot much tighter groups.

And if you have to use your firearm in self-defense, maximum accuracy is something that you want to strive for so that you not only keep from unintentionally shooting someone other than the aggressor, but that you also make sure that (as much as you can) every shot has the best possible chance of stopping the threat so that you are able to be the one who goes home at the end of the day.

Still, even though the adjustment can be relatively quick, it can be useful to have some advice to help us move along that path more quickly, and Craig from Patriot Training Academy has some useful information about that in the video below.

Hopefully, you found Craig’s advice useful for finding your red dot quickly and are able to make your training time more effective with that information.

Remember, though, no matter what gun or gear you use, it won’t matter if you don’t have solid fundamentals. The best way to get and retain those skills is with dryfire. That’s why we have a FREE 30 day dryfire program that only takes 10-minutes per day here for you:



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