“Brand New” Dry Fire Technique Can Double Your Speed & Accuracy in 6 Days!


I just discovered an incredible “new” dry fire technique that I’m sure will — at least — double my speed and accuracy in about a week or less …

Let me backup one moment, and make the qualification that this discovery is “new to me” …

… Meaning maybe a lot of elite shooters are already out there doing this, but I didn’t know about it.


And I’m guessing you don’t either.

In any case, here’s the simple, yet cool technique that I think is going to double your speed and accuracy …

We’ve Talked About How Important Your Shooting Grip Is …

When it comes to shooting, your shooting grip is extremely important.

Everything from your accuracy to your ability to manage recoil is determined by how well you can grip the gun.

Heck, you can even induce malfunctions in your gun if you do things like let your thumbs ride along the slide with a semi-auto. Or you could seriously hurt your thumbs with the wrong grip shooting a revolver.

Either way, your grip is extremely important to shooting well.

We also know that dry fire, practicing without any ammo, is a good way to practice your shooting skills (including your grip).

The Super Duper “New” Dry Fire Technique I Just Discovered

Watch the short video below by SFC Keith Sanderson — an olympic shooter — and listen to the two things he does.

One is dry fire and the other is static holding drills:

Now maybe I’m the only one who has never heard about this, but the idea of holding drills is completely new to me.

And given how much we’ve talked about how important it is to grip TIGHTLY and maintain a CONSISTENT grip while pistol shooting–I can see the immediate benefit that these holding drills will bring to the table for increasing speed and accuracy.

What’s interesting is that Mr. Sanderson prescribes these holding drills even BEFORE prescribing dry fire — calling it the building phase.

Each holding drill you should be gripping as hard as possible, and maintaining as good a stance as possible — for the entire drill. He says if you’re not sweating you’re not trying hard enough.

He prescribes 6-8 holding drills per day, for 5-6 days in a row. For the holding drill, you do one full minute on, then two minutes rest. Repeat 7 more times.

So that’s 1 minute work, with 2 minutes rest. Repeat 7 times for 8 total sets per workout. Do it for 5-6 days in a row.

Total Time Investment: 24 minutes a day for 6 days to make you a much better shooter!

He then says at the end of that 6 days of training, you’ll be able to grip the gun as hard as possible without shaking — which of course is a huge benefit to shooting accurately.

This will work for both pistol and carbine training.

Remember, No Ammo Is No Excuse. Dry Fire!

What’s amazing is if you listen to the last part of the video, Mr. Sanderson says that between the 2008 Olympics and two world cups, into 2009 (a six month period) — even though he had access to unlimited range time and ammo and guns — he only fired less than 500 rounds of live fire.

The rest of the time he trained, for hours each day, doing dry fire.

He credits this to making him the #1 shooter in the world at the end of that period of time.

Elsewhere in the video he says that he does 100 “rounds” of dry fire for every live fire round.

This next week, go ahead and try out this static hold dry fire routine and let me know how it improves your abilities the next time you go to the range!

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Caleb Lee is the #1 best-selling author of "Concealed Carry 101" and founder of PreparedGunOwners.com. He is a civilian (no law enforcement or military experience) who shares information about self-defense and becoming more self-reliant. He's a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo, NRA Certified Basic Pistol & Personal Protection Inside The Home Instructor, Concealed Carry Academy Instructor certified & also a graduate of the Rangermaster firearms instructor course. He's also the author of numerous online courses including the UndergroundAssaultRifle.com course.


  1. Least you could do is pay proper respect to the military service member whose skill tip you are passing along.

    Mr is short for Mister which is proper term for civilian.

    Member of armed forces deserves to be addresses as/identified as his/her proper rank. If you don’t know what is proper form of address, learn it.
    Exact same set of rules for Marine Corps except for the addition of Lance Corporal and Corporal to enlisted.
    Reasonably confident a web search could find similar *rules for proper address* pertaining to Navy and Air Force officers warrant officers and enlisted ranks.

  2. Too much talk & no action. This guy needs to be able to demonstrate what he’s talking about. He put me to sleep.

    • I guess look for videos of him in Olympics and other world championships for shooting if you want to see him in “action”

  3. It is not enough to simply buy a gun and figure you’re good to go. Beside range time I’m a strong proponent of dry fire practices.

    I met Rob Latham AND Brian Enos years ago at THE MASTERS competitions in Barry, IL.

    After seeing a new world record set that day, my one question to them was, how the hell they both could be SO ACCURATE AND SO FAST at the same time?

    This was the first time I was introduced to dry fire drills. They both stated it was THE ONE biggest secret in their ” arsenal ” and at that time was when the light bulb in my brain lit up.

    Not only did it save money, it made sense. By practicing, not only did you NOT need a range, by doing this daily and tweaking your grip, hold etc. It becomes engrained in your subconscious and its not another thing to think about when drawing your gun be it at the range, hunting, or God forbid a life threatening self defense situation. It gives you less clutter in your mind and the fraction of microseconds between the opportunity of living, or just being DEAD. Great article guys, maybe this will save some lives of us ” average ” Joes

  4. Thank you. This was highly instructional. I have dry fired for much of the past 20 years and credit that to my accuracy. This guy’s comments will only improve on what I already know. Especially the static hold. Wow! So simple yet incredibly effective. This can be a game changer for those who are already accurate and a life saver for those who may be having difficulty… Reblogged

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