A Budget 1911 With Premium Features?

Screen capture from YouTube video.

1911s. Many people love them. They swear by them. They insist that they’re what everyone needs to have.

And 1911s have a long and storied history and a lot of great features that come standard on the models from many manufacturers.

One drawback for many people, though, is that 1911s are often sold as collector guns, and they can often be pricey compared to many common subcompact models that are so popular today.


One manufacturer decided to build a 1911 with a budget price, but, then, they went a step further and put some features on them that are typically only seen in premium and custom build types of pistols. Paul Peterson writes,

The most obvious [premium feature on Taurus’s stock 1911 in .45 ACP] is the elongated, ambidextrous thumb safety. I’ve found it to be very positive, easy to use, and audible. Elongated and ambidextrous safeties are certainly common on higher-end 1911s, so this is a nice touch.

Peterson continues:

A high-ride beavertail grip safety is the next feature that sticks right out. The long horn of the beavertail feels great in my hand and makes hammer bite impossible. Just below that, the grip safety is raised at the base and makes it easier to use. I have definitely gone to pull the trigger on 1911s only to find my grip was not depressing the beavertail on traditional grip safeties. But not with the Taurus 1911.

Taurus uses forged alloy steel for the frame and slide, and the slide features a lowered and flared ejection port. I will ding Taurus for the finish. It looks sharp, but I have found spots of rust after range trips when I went to clean the gun the next day. It cleaned up nicely, and some oil usually keeps it away.

On the reliability, Peterson has this to say:

We put 550 rounds through this gun for testing, and most of that was 230-grain PMC Bronze. Over all that shooting, I had one failure in the gun. It was a failure to strip and chamber the last round due to premature slide lock. That could have been my fault for hand placement, so I’m still happy to give a thumbs up for reliability.

Peterson summarizes this way:

Is this the 1911 to rule all other 1911s? Nope. But given the price point, performance, and extra features, it should have some competitors considering what they can do to offer similar value. There is a lot to like about this gun, and I can certainly see it as a great first 1911 – for those not interested in starting with the classic GI model. 

It can perform on the range. It has that 1911 vibe and feel. So, if you have the 1911 itch but want something affordable and upgraded over the original, the Taurus 1911 is a solid place to start.

Now, again, this is a 1911. If you’re wanting a pocket pistol or a high(er) capacity subcompact like a Hellcat, this isn’t it.

Then, again, if you’re looking for a 1911, you’re looking for a 1911. You’re not looking for something smaller and more concealable (though, some people do carry 1911s as their everyday carrys).

So, if you’re in the market for a 1911 that doesn’t break the bank (you can often find them under $600, sometimes under $500 new), then, one of Taurus’s many 1911 models may be worth considering.



  1. I have a 5in Smith and a p14
    A colt 4.25 in colt 5in and a fnx tactical fitted with a can

  2. I like the 1911 style, like it in 9mm- stainless of I had my druthers-buy it on a heartbeat!!

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