Anti-2A Group Head REVEALS Why We Cannot Give ANY Concessions [Video]


One of the biggest threats to our liberties as Americans isn’t what most people think. Yes, government overreach (which is at monumental levels, now) is a huge problem. Woke corporations trying to manipulate the culture and steal our liberties is another big issue. The ignorance of so many people about why they should care passionately about the Second Amendment whether or not they choose to own and carry a firearm is appalling.

But today we’re going to talk about what may be a bigger threat, in its own way, than any of those challenges by themselves. What is that threat?



Now, if you aren’t familiar with the term, incrementalism is, according to Merriam-Webster, “a policy or advocacy of a policy of political or social change by degrees GRADUALISM (the policy of approaching a desired end by gradual stages).”

Think of it like drops of water falling, over and over, over time, and hitting the exact same place on a rock. Over time, the rock is worn away by the repetition and small bits of water. In the same way, anti-2A activists have been using incrementalism to, over time, change the conversation about guns in America so that they can, eventually, get their way.

You can see a video from Langley Outdoor Academy talking about the soon-to-be former head of the Giffords gun control group below who confessed that that is their method.

So, the Biden administration is, frankly, in bed with Gabby Giffords’s gun control group. They talk weekly, And they are working consistently and steadily to steal our Second Amendment rights. They are taking every tiny step towards that goal that they can get and, then, pushing for the next.

And that’s why we can’t give them any ground. Because they won’t give us any concessions. They’ll just take any concession that we give them and use it to push their wrongheaded agenda forward.



  1. Incrementalism is also the “frog in the boiling water” analogy, put frog in boiling water and he’ll quickly jump out, put him in room temp water, then gradually (incrementally) raise the temp and he’ll stay in the pot and boil to death.

  2. Most of us are familiar with the cake analogy regarding gun rights. Here is my updated version; it’s like a pizza, not only are the gun grabbers taking slices of the pie but they are also snatching toppings off of the remaining slices. About all we have left are a couple of slices and the anchovies.

  3. They won’t go full bore because they would spark a civil war which is that last thing they want and they know they would loose big time. But with the way they’re destroying our country I don’t think that would be bad. It’s obvious the FBI or the DOJ isn’t doing anything about this treasonous resident in chief, so the hard part like always is left up to we the people.

  4. This is a Dangerous time for Americans. The Elites, the Left and the Marxist Democrats want to destroy our democracy and turn it into a Marxist dictatorship with them in power. They don’t give a damn about us. They attack our freedoms of Speech. Religion and especially our 2A rights because as every dictator knows you can’t control the population unless you disarm them. Biden and the rest of the Marxist Democrats should be arrested and tried for treason. The Department of Defense needs to honor their oath to protect and defend us against our enemies both foreign and domestic.

  5. Doc423 and GomenznSA your analogies are correct except that some of us do see what’s happening but too many people are stupid sheep that just follow the shepherd and any other fool that pretends to be a shepherd. Liberals adore the puppet masters blindly thinking they’ll be cared for and only the Republicans will be persecuted or as Hillary desires, reprogrammed.

    Don Miller and Preston, you are both spot on as well. Some people say they are hoping and preparing for a civil war or revolt to which they will respond by calling upon their weaponized agencies that are now well supplied with an excess amount of firearms and ammunition. They might also call the National Guard into action, but the risk for them is great. I doubt American soldiers or law enforcement would sell their souls and dignity to a bunch of lazy, thieving, self-entitled, traitorous politicians and to fire upon fellow Americans. And they all know we greatly outnumber them and we the people can bring everything to a complete halt just by not doing our jobs, not paying taxes or leaving our homes for a few days. Their money is a gift from the people. We chose to spend and if we stop, they go out of business real fast. They treat our taxes as free money to do with as they wish…. even to use it against us or for their own personal purposes.

    Let me share my belief that since our politicians have turned against us, everyone is watching and so I doubt that even the worse foreign powers will trust them or honor any agreements and will not hesitate to backstab them or each other to have control and ownership of the United States. They will backstab each other just to rise slightly above each other. You think AOC will be given the same status as Schummer? Hillary will destroy anyone between her and being number one in control. The world will watch and wait and strike in our greatest moment of weakness. And even the Bidens, the Clintons, the Obamas and rich scum like Bill Gates and George Soros will all be prisoners, slaves or subjects of another country.

    This a very dangerous game the politicians are playing and despite the amount of suffering we may experience, those who work to ruin us will be surrounded by their victims who will hate them and seek to imprison or execute them on sight. Traitors cannot live or survive among those they have betrayed. And once we have nothing to gain or lose all we have is our desire to survive and live free. Most Americans would rather live in a log cabin like the pioneers than have a tracking device shoved up their butt and told to eat bugs or how much soda they can drink or have their earnings taxed or withheld by elite fascists.

  6. I would never use a gun butt to pound a tack. I believe in the Second Amendment as written in the Constitution. People must take the primary responsibility for the safety of themselves and their families.

  7. Our rights come from God,not government, read what Jesus said in Luke 22:36 and read Psalm 23 the rod there is a weapon to kill wolfs. The 2-Amendment is a guarantee “Shall not be Infringed” but snakes seem to never see that part of it.
    This is what is going on in America now It’s a Spiritual war we are in, and has been for sometime now, the only way to fight it is with PRAYER and returning to our savior Jesus Christ !
    Repent means to ( Change the way your thinking ) From not believing to believing so get to praying every day and night !

  8. Surely by now everyone understands that it’s the DC Cartel (Barry&Mikey/GeorgiePorgie/Slick Willie& Old Skank Butt/McConnel/Schumer/UN/WEF/London/Etc.. who are running the ShitShow here and using SloJo as the Cardboard Cutout in Our White House. All is not lost though when one takes into account all the losses they’ve suffered in bith the Circuit Courts and the Extreme Court as well. See whilst they’re playing the incrementalism game, we are going straIght at them. We can Never let up and must make it clear to every single Public Servant in office and running for office that the 2A is Number 1 because it’s the guarantee on keeping Every Single Right we have. Ending so called “Qualified Immunity” for LEO in every form MUST be number 2 as the Bad Ones are the Minions who do the Dirty Work for the DC Cartel at ever Level. Stay vigilant and Work Hard.

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