Roofing Company With A 2A Marketing Campaign? Yes, And It’s The BEST You’ll Ever See


I can’t say that I’ve ever said to myself, “Hey, I want to buy a new roof!” (More like, “Oh, no, we finally have to replace the roof.”) But a roofing company released a new marketing campaign just in time for Thanksgiving that has me kind of wishing that I needed to get a new roof for my house.

Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s a crazy offer. A crazy offer that makes a gun enthusiast like you and me sit up and consider if I can justify to my wife getting a new roof even though we just replaced ours three years ago.

So, what makes this campaign so special? Great question. Andrew Chapados writes,


Florida roofing company has offered a free turkey along with an AR-15 rifle with the purchase of a new roof, which it hopes will bring in added business in the winter months.

Roof EZ president Jason Polly said that the company’s “Roof and Gobble” promotion will hopefully bring families together over a theme of protecting their home.

“The turkey will get you all sitting at the table so you can spend time together. The roof will protect your home, and the AR-15 will protect your family,” Polly told NBC2 News in an interview.

After just two days of the promotion, the company had sold eight roofs and received another 50 inquiries about the offer, NBC News reported. Typically, the Cape Coral, Florida, company sells approximately 30-50 roofs per month, while the goal with the promotion is to increase that number to 60-100.

Now, before anyone freaks out, the firearm has to be picked up at a gun store, and a person has to go through the normal checks that you would have to go through to buy a gun at a gun store any day of the week.

But I have to say, I’m kind of wanting a new roof now. Of course, that’s just code, in this case, for saying that I want that new AR-15.

But who doesn’t, right?



  1. I hate 2B caged like an animal!! You don’t bother me, you get to live another day, yes, no?

  2. “Lets Go Brandon” is already on bumper stickers. “I want a new roof”, should be on bumper stickers too now!

  3. Now, THAT IS FUNNY!!! I am in MT, but would hire THAT roofing company in a minute!!…..and put them up in a great local Hotel/Motel for the duration!!

    “Get a new roof, get a new AR !” Love it!!!!!!

  4. C’mon U.S.A. we need more Businesses like this. We, also need Ammunition to go along with the firearms.

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