You Won’t Believe This CRAZY Police Gun Use Situation [Video]


We live in a crazy, crazy world. People do things that are just insane, and law enforcement officers are the ones that often have to deal with those things. So, of course, police officers find themselves in some pretty hair raising scenarios.

Take a recent case that one police officer found himself in. Sure, stolen vehicles aren’t (unfortunately) uncommon in our day and age, and a vehicle chase to stop them isn’t too big of a surprise either.

But what the car thief did when confronted by the police officer? Makes me glad that I’m not in that line of work, let me tell you. Paul Sacca writes,


Intense bodycam video from Ohio shows the moment that a police officer was rammed by a car, flipped to the hood, and fired shots as the vehicle raced on a wild ride.

This isn’t a joke or satire piece. This really happened. You can watch the police cam video of the situation below.

Again, from Sacca:

The driver, Holly Graham, suffered a gunshot wound to both of her upper thighs and one to her lower torso.

According to the Columbus Dispatch, “As officers start to assess Graham’s injuries and apply tourniquets to each of her legs, Graham asks repeatedly for her water, which she says is in the center console of the car.”

Graham reportedly said, “If you’re trying to help me, water is the best for it.”

“I didn’t (expletive) mean to hit the mother (expletive),” Graham is heard saying, according to the outlet.

The 32-year-old allegedly said, “Does anybody have an (expletive) cigarette? For real, does anybody have a cigarette?”

In the video, Graham clearly appears to not be in the most calm, rational state of mind, whether she was in shock from what she had done and from being shot or whether there was some other issue affecting her mental state. It’s just a very fortunate thing that no one was killed.

And seeing things like this makes me appreciate what the many good law enforcement officers do when having to deal with criminals.
