BREAKING: Federal Judge Gives A Break To Members Of 1 Organization


Millions of Americans have had their rights consistently and aggressively attacked by the Biden administration which is, possibly, the most anti-2A administration in U.S. history. With one ridiculous new ATF rule or another, with every administrative change, Biden has worked hard to make Americans defenseless.

But one Federal judge recently ruled in a way that gave relief to millions of gun owners in America. That is, if you’re a member of one specific organization. Jack Phillips writes,

A federal judge has blocked the ATF from enforcing its pistol brace rule for millions of members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) as the appeals process plays out.

It came after the NRA filed a lawsuit against the ATF, or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, arguing that the agency’s rule to reclassify the brace-equipped pistols as short-barreled rifles is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Sam Lindsay sided with the gun rights group, arguing that the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals already concluded that the ATF pistol-brace rule “fails the logical outgrowth test and violates” the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and is “unlawful” under the act.

That’s right. If you’re an NRA member who has a pistol brace, this ruling gives you a pass, at least for the moment, from the ATF’s attack on pistol brace owners.


That’s a good thing, of course, but, let’s be honest here, it isn’t enough. The ATF should never have even gotten involved in the whole pistol brace issue. They shouldn’t be regulating guns at all. In fact, to reference a T-shirt that I saw, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency (the “save a dog, abolish the ATF” shirt made me literally laugh out loud, too).

Look, the Second Amendment, when read in context of the Constitution, is absolute, meaning that there are no restrictions on it. The Federal government should be spending its time defending the American people from violations of their rights, not trying to violate those rights. End of discussion.



  1. We the people are the government…one needs to remember that. In order to inform the different depts of our government agencies that we the people put in place, we need to continue to inform these depts by saying “NO” this is not allowed and you will stop by order of “We The People”. The courts are no different…we put them in place to keep law and order…abuse of those powers as indicated under law…is against the law.
    So be involved in “We The People”, because it’s NOT going to change if you don’t get involved.

  2. Good approach…. those who want “world order” keep trying to make America all international slaves.
    World Order will be a disaster for the U.S….
    Freedom lost…..

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