FINALLY: Republicans Take Aim At Nearly Century Old Gun Law


Republican politicians in the U.S. can be a difficult bunch to nail down. Some of them are clearly serious about advocating for the issues and policy positions that their constituents want: gun rights, liberty, freedom from oppressive government and from leftist agendas being forced on them.

Other Republicans, though, talk during election season as if they care about those issues and, then, once in office, vote as if they are centrist Democrats.

It’s been infuriating to see over the years.


But, on occasion, Republicans do still try to do the right thing in Congress, and if a recent bill gets to a vote, this will be one of those occasions. Bill Pan writes,

Some Republican members of Congress have launched a legislative effort to repeal a federal tax on certain firearms that has been in place for almost a century.

The tax was first imposed in 1934 as the central piece of the National Firearms Act (NFA), an attempt by Congress to limit the availability of machine guns, short-barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, silencers and suppressors, and other weapons and accessories that were widely used within criminal organizations during Prohibition.

In addition to background checks and registration, Americans must pay a $200 tax each time they transfer an NFA-regulated item. Further, manufacturers and importers are taxed $1,000 each year and dealers are taxed $500 in order to do business with NFA-regulated weapons.

A bill introduced Wednesday would abolish the $200 federal tax on gun buyers. Its leading sponsor, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), said law-abiding citizens should not be subject to unnecessary taxes to exercise their constitutional right to arm themselves.

Now, I’ll be the first to say that this isn’t enough, by far, in removing Federal gun control laws. But it is a start and a welcome effort to move things in the right direction.

So, I’ll take this for what it is: If passed, it’s an incremental move in the direction that I want (which is absolutely no gun control). I can work with that. After all, incremental changes are exactly how leftists have been able to get gun control implemented in some many places.

I’ll take incremental moves in the right direction, any day of the week, over no moves at all.



  1. All IS being REVEALED! All governmental alphabet soup agencies need to be Abolished. No Reformation. President Trump 2024! Americans First 2024! MAGA and more 2024!

  2. “no moves at all” – or even worse, out and out collaboration with the anti gun crowd, like the so called ‘bi-partisan safer communities’ debacle. If corny hadn’t allowed himself to be the poster child for cooperation with them it is highly unlikely that slow joe would have pushed the bats to create anti 2A rules creating a whole new class of ‘dealers’. Prove me wrong.

  3. First of all in 1934 they know that banning certain guns would be un-Constitutional so they decided that a tax of $200 ( which would be close to $4,000 today ) would be as effective as a ban …

  4. The NFA is illegal and unconstitutional because it is REPUGNANT to our 2A rights and it MUST BE eliminated PERIOD!, end of comment.

  5. When Trump is elected, he will clean house of the Deep State scum that have been screwing up this country to enrich themselves. After living conditions improve greatly for the “forgotten citizens”, the vast majority of people will realize that the Democrats should NEVER AGAIN be in charge of this country! The STARK differences between Trump’s Make America Great Again, and Biden’s hate America first, put us last administrations should have no one hoping for Democrats, ever! Hopefully, they and the Leftists wiil die on the vine, so to speak, and will end up on the “Ash Heap of History”. Maybe they will take some self-serving RINOs with them, and we can get back our government “of, by, and for” the people!

  6. Without the 2nd Amendment we can not defend the other amendments to the constitution. This is why it is the 2nd Amendment and not the 8th 9th or 10th. A free people need to not fear government but government should fear a free people. Look at what happened in England, Australia and other non gun countries stripped of their rights to own and bear arms. They are now part of the oppressed. Government can rule them with an iron hand and there is nothing they can do about it. It has nothing to do with the right to hunt, to shoot for sport or for that matter to defend yourself. It has to do with defending yourself from your own government when it gets so big that laws go out the window and instead of Positive Law you now have Public Policy. We are not a Banana Republic but what people don’t understand is that we our government is not a Democracy either. We are a Republic of Laws. Not mob rule like in a Democracy. So many don’t get that concept. Veterans in the past and soldiers who have donned the uniform have died and shed their blood so you as a free people can stay free. Yet so many liberals and Progressives the Woke crowd want to fuck it up for everyone. It has been mentioned how many tragic deaths are had each year by accident or intent but what you are not hearing is how many felonies rapes murders home invasions and aggravated assaults are thwarted by legal guns and legal gun owners. The only way to stop an active shooter is with a gun. A knife is not going to get the job done. There should never be a gun free zone. Unless they are giving out free guns. This gives the active shooter a play ground to shoot fish in a barrel with no recourse. It is a duty to arm yourself to protect and defend yourself and your family and neighbors from gun violence. Owning a gun is not a privilege and should never be able to be converted into a crime in the defense of ones home and or person. I am Daniel-M: Furesz USAF Retired 100% Service Connected Disabled American Vietnam Combat War Veteran Private Attorney General & Secured Party Creditor.

  7. All it takes to stop all these unconstitutional gun laws is for our local law Enforcers to just stop enforcing all these “LAWS” which are against the Constitution and our GOD given rights. AND for the local law enforcers to just “Honor there OATH of office” ! Who do they really work for anyway, is it not We the People or the new one world government ? They need to read long time, Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p.442 and 16 Am Jur 2d.section 177 late 2d.256 and Miranda vs.Arizona, 384. US 436 p.491 or maybe this one since 1803, Marbury vs.Madison, 5 US ( 2 Cranch 137, 174, 176 (1803) Check them out 🙂 They might also read what God said about those type of actions in Isaiah 10:1,2 &
    Luke 22:36 🙂

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