A Cross Between Being A Cowboy And Dirty Harry?

Screen capture from YouTube video.

When I was a kid, like many little boys in the 1970s and earlier, I would watch The Lone Ranger every time that it came on TV. I couldn’t get enough of the idea of being the good guy cowboy against the bad guy bandits (maybe that’s where I originally picked up the “good guy with a gun” idea for my thinking).

As I got older, though, for better or for worse, I started to be interested in the flawed hero, often the rough-around-the-edges good guy, so, of course, Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry character. I’m sure that you remember that Dirty Harry wouldn’t take nonsense from anyone, could be harsh and hard-nosed, but was the good guy, nevertheless.

So, what do the Lone Ranger and Dirty Harry have in common (besides being the good guys in those stories, obviously)?


Guns. And, specifically, revolvers.

But these two didn’t use the same revolvers, obviously. The Lone Ranger had a more “normal” sized revolver which almost certainly used the smaller ammunition available in the 1800s. Dirty Harry’s gun? It was big and intimidating and didn’t use tiny ammunition.

But what if there was a way to have a gun that would have made both of your childhood’s heroes happy? That’s exactly what Ruger looks like they were trying to do with their Super Blackhawk Bisley, in .44 Magnum. Richard A. Mann writes,

This is a beautiful revolver. The brushed stainless finish contrasts nicely with the dark laminated wood stocks. And while I’ve never really liked the Bisley grip, it seems to fit this revolver—both esthetically and ergonomically—perfectly. More importantly, with the Bisley grip it seems to balance in hand better than a Super Blackhawk with the standard grip.

Also, the Bisley grip is known for being much more comfortable on a revolver that has stiff recoil—but more on that in a moment. The revolver’s 4.625-inch barrel keeps it compact and not too heavy. It’s only slightly heavier than a 5-inch 1911. The shorter barrel also makes it easier to wear in a hip holster. The adjustable rear sight and black, ramped front are standard for a Ruger Blackhawk, and the trigger was light to the touch and exceptionally crisp.

So, you may be asking, “Sure, this looks like something that the Lone Ranger would like. It’s a revolver with a Bisley handle, after all. What would make Dirty Harry like it, other than it’s a smaller revolver than he had?”

It’s a fair question, and Mann gives the answer:

This isn’t a revolver designed for house clearing or another application like mass zombie eradication, where you’ll need to shoot a lot a reload in a hurry. If a couple shots from this thing does not solve the problem, your problem is unimaginably bad or you just can’t shoot.

In other words, .44 Magnum in this revolver has the kind of stopping power that Dirty Harry would appreciate.

You can see that pistol in action in the video below.

This is a serious revolver for someone who wants a revolver that can take down a bear (or something similar).

So, if that’s you, then this revolver may be one to consider.



  1. The Ruger is nice, but it doesn’t replace Dirty Harry’s original 44 Magnum, the Smith & Wesson Model 29.

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