Gun Control ZEALOTS Defy SCOTUS To Make Victims Less Safe


Sometimes I think that people on the anti-2A side of the political aisle must be living in an Alice in Wonderland world. After all, they clearly think that up is down, down is up, and everything is backwards.

Take any policy position that those on that side of the political spectrum take, and you’ll find this to be the case (unless they’re trying to sound more centrist or, even, conservative during an election year in order to win an election).

Since we’re a site that focuses on guns, take gun control (please, take it. We don’t want it). Statistics when taken in context clearly show over and over and over again that implementing gun control doesn’t make a place safer (ever), and most of the time, it actually makes the place more dangerous (because only criminals and the government have guns, then).


But anti-2A zealots keep pushing for gun control, and, in fact, some of them have been defying recent Supreme Court decisions to try to implement gun control (which, then, makes the people living in those areas less safe). Michael Clements writes,

Since the [Bruen] ruling, many past decisions, such as licensing procedures and prohibitions on carrying firearms, have been thrown out.

This new test has gun safety advocates resurrecting waiting periods for gun purchases, which largely died out after the National Instant Criminal Background Check System was put in place as a means of reducing deaths involving guns.

Currently, 10 states—Hawaii, California, Washington, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Florida, Illinois, and Maine—and the District of Columbia require waiting periods for firearms purchases.

What makes this even more insane is that in Colorado a judge ruled that waiting periods don’t infringe on the Second Amendment because, apparently, the Second Amendment doesn’t mention when you’re allowed to have a gun, just that you can.

Implementing waiting periods, though, is clearly an infringement of the Second Amendment because preventing someone from legally purchasing a firearm when they need it prevents the would-be purchaser from being able to exercise those Second Amendment rights.

And putting waiting periods in place prevents people in danger from being able to get a way to defend themselves.

These waiting periods are simply another way for anti-2A zealots to make the world a more dangerous place. Much more dangerous.



  1. Yeah, Maine has been over run with carpetbagging leftists, so now our whole state government is controlled by leftists and trying to turn Maine into an Eastern California! Importing illegals by the thousands, destroying the economy, over taxing the working class, blanketing thousands of acres with tax payer bought solar panel, you name it these scum are trying to do it!

  2. I bought my first shotgun about 20 years ago. I live in IL. The guy at the store told me to come back in three days to pick up what I had purchased that day. I had never heard of a waiting period. I asked the dude who sold me the gun a hypothetical: “If a convict who has threatened me, and I then hear he has been released from prison today, what am I supposed to do?” The answer? “You’ll have to hide.” WTF!?

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