Harris’s VP Pick BETRAYS His Military Background With This Statement


Can we just say it? Kamala Harris’s VP pick, Tim Walz, is as big a disappointment as Harris herself is.

Which is a pretty extraordinary statement if you know how terrible Harris has been on every issue.

Since we’re talking about firearms here, though, we’ll stick with focusing on how bad Walz is on that subject, despite his claims to the contrary.


Now, if you haven’t been keeping up with the 2024 Presidential campaigns from both parties, then, you may not know that Walz has been trying to play up his time in the National Guard, and, to be fair, he served in the guard for over 20 years. Nothing wrong there.

But when you get into the details about what he says about that time and what the truth is about that time, that’s when it gets… complicated.

For example, Walz likes to say that he knows about firearms because of his time in the National Guard. But, then, he says that everyday citizens like you and me shouldn’t have “weapons of war” like an AR-15. The very fact that he calls an AR-15 a weapon of war shows how little that he actually knows about guns. Or it shows how little that he cares about the Constitution and the truth.

Julio Rosas writes,

Aside from putting in his retirement paperwork after it became clear his unit was going to be deployed to Iraq, Walz has also suggested in some of his remarks that he was in combat, even though he was not, and said he retired as a command sergeant major when, in reality, he retired as a master sergeant.

The Minnesota National Guard explained “because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy,” Walz was unable to retain the higher rank when he retired.

On the Harris’ campaign website page that introduced Walz as her running mate, the post repeated the false rank he retired as: “The son of an Army veteran and a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Army National Guard himself.” The Harris campaign has since corrected the sentence to have his true rank.

In a video promoted by the Harris campaign, Walz previously told a crowd while advocating for gun control that “we can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war.”

Sounds impressive, right? One problem, though: Walz never carried a weapon in war.

Not once.

And FactCheck.org confirms that Walz never carried a weapon in war when they were reviewing Trump V.P. pick J.D. Vance’s comments about Walz on this issue.

So, what weapons is he talking about? His car keys while he was deployed in Italy? Pretty dangerous there sipping lattes and viewing art, I’m sure.

Frankly, it sounds like Kamala Harris has taken as her running mate someone who, like her current/previous boss (depending on your point of view), Joe Biden, has difficulty telling the truth.

And, then, is trying to take our Second Amendment rights with those “untruths.”

How pathetic.

The American people should not buy into the Tim Walz gun control hype. It’s all bluster and nonsense.



  1. There is no question that Governor Walz has exaggerated his military experiences to an extent very likely in an attempt to distance himself from his record with respect to gun control among other things, but he did serve honorably for many years in the National Guard and he did attain the rank of Master Chief for a time although failing to complete the requirements to permanently hold that rank. Those discrepancies should be pointed out, but it should also be acknowledged in the same breath that he did spend a lot of years in the Guard and he did deploy to overseas locations, (not hostile, but overseas), and to disparage that service is in part disingenuous although not completely so. He is a socialist and a potential totalitarian and that should very clearly be articulated by anyone that wishes to talk about him and his intent for the United States. His running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris is even worse and comes from a family that is clearly Marxist, (her father is a Marxist professor with whom she is very close). That should be worrisome for every American that has any idea what the Constitutional Republic that we are living in stands for and what that idea of a Republic actually means. They do intend to subjugate you all folks… And those that support them are fools beyond belief if they think they are going to be exempt from their totalitarian despotism.

    • Bullshit. He lied about his service. I did my time in SE Asia with draftees who didn’t want to be there, but still stood tall and went when the time came. I later spent a decade in the National Guard as a grunt. By the time I got out they had basically run out anybody that had served in combat to promote lackluster intellects who could dress up, play soldier, kiss ass and give each other medals. That’s Tim Walz. I saw many highly motivated young soldiers gradually get sick and disgusted with dealing like posers like Tim Walz and leave the National Guard.

      When his country called Tim Walz did not hesitate. He ran like a yellow bellied coward. Because that’s all the SOB is. He’s a self aggrandizing bully and a yellow bellied coward who hates America. He’s a bum.

      I know there are plenty of great soldiers in the National Guard these days. It is not what it used to be. However I put too many good men in body bags to give that SOB Tim Walz a free pass.

  2. The democrat party is and has been the real Nazi’s of our day, that’s why all these unconstitutional gun laws are pushed in places like California and New York. If Police just honored their Oath of Office, and not arrest a citizen for carrying a weapon to defend themself, we would be a lot free and Liberty would be the people once again. Lookup” Bill of Rights day”and do some research It was on Dec / 15 /1791 and get some info on your rights ! and remember history Hitlers national socialist workers party “Nazi’s” is the ones who disarmed their own people, by the way the 1968 gun control act is almost word for word, from Hitlers gun control agenda !

  3. MESSAGE FOR TAMPON TIM: Hey Tim, you are a phoney, a fake and a coward. Come on down and try to take my AR.

    The Minnesota National Guard should express their apologies for ever having you in their ranks.

  4. Well, Dick Chene, I mean, Dick Walz ? I mean TIM WALZ 🤔😅 Is a carbon copy of Kamala ! I think that is why she chose him ? Both only know how to lie ! Both are bad for America 🇺🇸 and our Constitution !!! President Trump has got to pull-off a win or This country is doomed ! I fear all he’ll will break lose if we need to get our country back ? Yes, I am scared of the future ! M.A.G.A. TRUMP 2024

  5. Waltz aka Old Yellow Stain is a disgrace to America and himself. Runs out on his military company when it’s time to be deployed.
    This person is never going to be VP of the USA he’s a lying fraud just like Harris is. We need another dead puppet in the White House when the turned this country into a sh-t hole. 15 million illegals on vetted allowed by Harris and funded with our taxpayers money free housing,food,clothing medical benefits medicine plus they get prepaid debt cards and at least &1500.00 per month tax free. Major corporations are closing thousands of stores because of their corrupt economy. Restaurants are going out of business because they are clueless on how to lead the country. This has never happened with Trump the economy was growing and people had money to spend. Voting for Harris is a death sentence for America wake up America before it’s to late.
    Vote Trump and be on the winning end to have greatness again

  6. The definition of an assault weapon is one with a pistol grip..Don’t put one on your black powder weapon?

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