1 State Having To Deal With UGLY FALLOUT Of Gun Policies


One of the most frustrating things about dealing with people in the world today (which has probably always been a problem) is that there are so many people who are utterly convinced that their position on an issue is right regardless of how clear logic shows them to be wrong or how many times history has shown that this person’s position on an issue doesn’t get them the outcome that they claim that they want.

There are any number of issues that this is true about, and, yet, you continue to see people spouting off stuff with absolute conviction when it’s clear (to anyone who actually knows the subject) that the position will have the exact opposite effect than the stated intended effect.

Since we’re on a site about firearms, we’ll stick to that issue here, and today’s story is a slap in the face to all of those people who think that gun control is a good idea. And, sadly, normal everyday people are having to deal with the fallout of those wrong ideas. Patricia Tolson writes,


The number of homicides in Washington state has skyrocketed recently, data show, which a Second Amendment advocate attributes to the enacting of a couple of gun control measures.

According to a report released July 10 […], the rate of murders, violence, and property crimes rose across Washington state in 2022, while the number of law enforcement officers available to respond and protect citizens decreased.

Specifically, the report revealed that there were 394 murders in 2022, an increase of 16.6 percent over 2021 and the highest number of murders since the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs (WASPC) began recording this data in 1980. Homicides increased by 96 percent since 2019 and violent crimes increased by 8.9 percent.

A 96% increase in homicides? Yes.

Yet, the clowns who keep pushing for more gun control keep telling people that they want it in order to save lives.

The question that people need to be asking is, “How many more people need to die each year with gun control than would have died without it before we realize that gun control is a horrible idea?”

Apparently, in the State of Washington, double the number of people, at least, are having to die, and, yet, you can bet that those anti-2A zealots still keep pushing for that failed idea.

At some point, maybe we should ask if gun control advocates are actually trying for depopulation and not for saving lives.



  1. Of course, the gun control freaks are all for depopulation! It’s been ingrained into the collective consciousness for the last thirty or forty years! Remember, back in the early ’70s, when the “government” was trying to ban guns? The big pushback from the public was “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”! It still applies today, even more so since the regime wants the public to believe that letting violent criminals back onto the street is making us safer! If the regime succeeds in their push to outlaw guns, I will be an outlaw!

    • I remember in the 50’s high school kids had them in their pickups and you could go to a hardware store and buy one NO PAPERWORK AND NO CHECKS ( other than proof of age ) and walk out …
      Where was the crime then ???

      • Yup I’m another Robert also, and yes I to remember when we were free as a nation and could just go in and buy a gun or ammo as needed, sad many liberal people need to learn the hard way, and common sense is also getting hard to find.Only thinking people will survive !

  2. They wanted progressive socialism and they got it. The people of Washington state are getting exactly what they voted for. Do us all a favor and stay in your state, don’t come to ours and screw it up like you did your state.

  3. These gun nuts pushing anti 2A legislation need to be institutionalized. A normal person with good morals and common sense can’t win and argument with a demented anti gunner. It’s impossible to
    reason with an unreasonable Idiot.

  4. I live in Washington State. The new gun laws have just crippled gun owners and dealers. We want to protect ourselves in southeast Washington but cannot purchase semi auto anything…..even shotguns. We cannot buy parts to upgrade existing guns we own. Now that Oregon’s draconian gun laws have been upheld by a liberal federal judge we expect their restrictions to migrate further north. The west coast states are in a competition to see who can put law abiding citizens in jail first. Most local Sheriffs will not enforce these unconstitutional laws and restrictions. Our high courts in Washington are left leaning socialists. State Supreme Court justices run unopposed each election. Governor races are decided by the courts. The state is run by 3 counties in the Seattle Tacoma Olympia areas. We fight back with what we have. The 9th Circuit is next and they are no ones friend. We keep suing the state. Wish us luck.

  5. Defying the recent SCOTUS rulings on the 2A seems to be the latest rage in left wing states. These people aren’t stupid they can read, yet fully understand that it can take several years for an appeal process to materialize. If the ruling goes against them, they just pass another unconstitutional law similar to the last failed one, and on and on until Judges friendly to them get appointed. Our system is corrupt and broken and no law should be obeyed we don’t believe in. I think our Founding Fathers would agree.

  6. Every lamp-post on Pennsylvania Avenue should be decorated with an anti-gun politician.

  7. Many strong leaders agree with Biden Obama Clinton Schumer Feinstein and the rest. They would be Stalin Mao Hitler Mussolini to name a few. European royalty outlawed swords for peasants. It is easier to rule over disarmed people.
    Just make it illegal to kill people since politicians pretend to believe a law would work. Oh wait they already did that.

    There is a big difference between will and shall in a legal document. So yes Feeble Joe the 2nd amendment is absolute. Any rule law regulation or ordinance by any city county or state or the federal governments is an unconstitutional infringement.
    And Feeble Joe where do you think the Continental Army got much of the artillery used against the British?

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