NYC Is In Hot Water Over Gun Rights


When it comes to the Second Amendment, I can’t help but think that New York’s government is, to use the phrase of a woman that I worked with some years ago, “special.”

It took me a year or two to realize that when she asked if someone was “special,” what she was really asking is if that person was mentally challenged (handicapped).

I’m not kidding in the least. That’s really what she meant.


Now, my purpose in telling that story isn’t to make fun of anyone dealing with mental difficulties. Not in the least.

My point is that New York’s gun laws really are just, to put it politely, unintelligent.

Or to put it bluntly: stupid.

And New York City has bought into that nonsense, too.

That’s why they’ll be in court about it very soon. Luke McCoy writes,

Nine New York City residents who applied for concealed carry licenses have filed a federal lawsuit against the City of New York, accusing the city of unconstitutional delays in processing their applications. The case, Milani et al. v. New York City, was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and directly challenges the New York Police Department’s License Division over excessive, unreasonable, and unjustifiable processing times that plaintiffs say violate their Second Amendment rights.

Let’s be honest: delaying issuing a carry license is just another way of trying to prevent someone from being able to exercise their Second Amendment rights, so, this lawsuit makes perfect sense.

And, judging from how the Supreme Court has been ruling on gun issues over the last few years, it seems likely that New York City’s policy will have to change to enable people to exercise their rights there without harassment from leftist politicians and from bureaucrats.

The saddest part about this lawsuit is that anyone had to file it in the first place. Hopefully, though, this will be the last time, and New York’s politicians and bureaucrats can get their heads on straight about the Second Amendment.

It would only be right.



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