You Won’t Believe This Hypocrisy: Anti-Gun Candidate Owns A Gun For Her Own Protection But Wants To Keep Them Out Of Your Hands


I think it’s fair to say that no one reading this site is likely to be a fan of California Senator and 2020 Democratic Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris simply for her anti-gun stance in politics. Suffice it to say that she doesn’t think that California’s (useless) gun control laws are bad, just that they haven’t gone far enough to steal Second Amendment rights from law abiding Americans.

Because of this rabidly hostile stance towards gun rights, it seems just a tad hypocritical that she owns a gun. And if that weren’t hypocritical enough, guess what her reason for carrying a firearm is. Yep: personal protection. Lionel Parrott writes,

Anti-gun Democrat and presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-California, says she owns a gun for personal protection.

Harris made the revelation to reporters after campaigning in Iowa, according to the Associated Press.

“I own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do: for personal safety,” said the senator. She said that Americans “are being offered a false choice, which suggests you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away.”

According to Harris, her career as a prosecutor made the gun purchase a necessity. Harris served as a district attorney, then California Attorney General before her election to the U.S. Senate in 2016.

It isn’t the first time Sen. Harris has appeared hypocritical when it comes to the issue of personal safety. The Gun Owners of California website reported that Harris had Los Angeles police officers fly to San Francisco to serve as her personal security detail during a gay pride parade she attended (the officers were obviously armed).

In fact, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers have served as security for Harris at a number of events.

So, in other words, like so many other hypocrites in Washington and anti-gunner politicians in general, what Harris is saying in so many words is that it’s okay for her to be protected by guns and gun ownership but not for the average everyday American.


Kamala Harris, just like all the other anti-gun politicians in this country, need to go. We don’t need their dangerous hypocrisy and attempts at stealing our Second Amendment rights.



  1. Bet this is the norm. They can have walls around their homes to protect their sorry but but Americans can’t have a wall to help protect them. These bastards/Bitches can own fire arms to protect their sorry butts but Americans can not. Sounds exactly what Hitler did in the beginning doesn’t it.
    For decades Socialist and now Muslims have Infiltrated this entire Nation. It is these days they choose to start tightening the reins.
    God bless this Nation and her allies as we are in for the fight of our lives. God Bless Trump give him continued wisdom and strength to forge on. May he surround himself with like minds and weed through the Judas of our time.
    MAGA 2020 and beyond!
    GKAGASA God Keep America Great and Strong Always!

  2. The royalty, socialists, and empowered elites always think they have more rights than ordinary citizens, because in their minds they are born into privilege or they have earned their status by being politically enlightened.
    This is what our Constitution was written to prevent.

  3. I can beat this. ‘b. feinstein’ owned/owns a handgun. YET! She wants all of America to, “Mr and Mrs America turn them(guns) in, ALL OF THEM.” Stated when the first ban on ar-15 was implemented.

  4. Does her permit have reciprocal agreement with the states she is in or going to be in, is she carrying on aircraft? How can she “ justify “her actions? The democratic eleatist God bless em.

  5. “You won’t believe this” – – – – -No, I believe it, from what I’ve heard about Kamala Harris, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a Thompson in the bathroom, an M-16 in the kitchen, an Uzi in the garage, and a box of grenades in her attic. It sure looks like she got her first gummint job on her back with Willie, and may have gotten her “promotions” the same way. (wouldn’t put it past her) So, yeah, I’m not one bit surprised

  6. “You won’t believe this” – – – – -No, I believe it, from what I’ve heard about Kamala Harris, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a Thompson in the bathroom, an M-16 in the kitchen, an Uzi in the garage, and a box of grenades in her attic. It sure looks like she got her first gummint job on her back with Willie, and may have gotten her “promotions” the same way. (wouldn’t put it past her) So, yeah, I’m not one bit surprised

  7. I am veteran of the Naval Amphibious Forces. Petty Officer Second Class. I carried an M1 Carbine because I was at the highest part of the the LCVP. (Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel) I am a still a certified firearms instructor. Now Camilla Harris says she can carry a hand gun but I can’t! Why is she better than I am. Answer up Camilla Harris!

  8. It has never been about safety. It’s all about control. I believe they embrace the inner city gun violence as it gives them a platform to stand on as they rail against ALL firearms. Never forget EVERY communist govt took away the citizens rights to own fire arms and the millions upon millions that were brutally murdered thereafter. A free man is one that is armed. Unarmed are merely slaves.

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