Former NYPD Cop Sues NJ Officials Over Red Flag Laws


Gun control zealots know no bounds when it comes to who they think should be kept from having firearms. Unless you are a law enforcement agent working to enforce gun control laws, anti-gunners think that you shouldn’t have a gun, regardless of how qualified you are.

But more and more people are getting sick of this nonsense and are fighting back (in peaceful ways). For example, a former New York Police Department sergeant has decided that it’s time to take the legal fight against red flag laws to the anti-gun politicians and bureaucrats who are seeking to deprive Americans of their Second Amendment rights (hat tip to here for the lead). A press release, presumably by this police officer, was published on the WFMJ website. From the press release:

A former New York police department sergeant has filed a $10 billion federal civil rights lawsuit against a list of law enforcement and court officials in New Jersey (MARCHISOTTO v. MALIK et al (3:20-cv-20426), New Jersey District Court).

The case is not about the money, he said, but justice. In the court filing, he says, “I would gladly donate every penny to a charity. But it’s time to send a message to the New Jersey Courts run by clown judges, who believe they are above the law.”

John Marchisotto says his civil rights were violated when officers came into his home to take away his guns. The invasion and everything that happened after that are retaliation for Mr. Marchisotto filing another federal lawsuit against many of the people named in this case.

The complaint filed in the US District Court in New Jersey says in part, “Middlesex County Sheriff’s Police Officers … New Jersey State Police along with dozens of heavily armed police personnel, entered my home displaying their high-powered military-style long guns drawn, terrorizing my family. They came to my home to execute a false TERPO [red flag law] petition to seize my licensed firearms. However, their basis of the TERPO search warrant was a complete sham to punish me for the Federal Lawsuit I filed against the State of New Jersey, Middlesex County, the judicial and non-judicial defendants. They knew I was a retired NYPD police sergeant and out of retaliation, they came after my guns.”

Marchisotto says that New Jersey law enforcement and judges intentionally violated his First, Second, Fourth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, and he has requested a trial by jury.


No doubt, Marchisotto has some guts (maybe that’s a pre-qualification for being a New York City cop), and we hope that he gets his fair day in court and the gun grabbers in New Jersey governments get taken down a notch in this court case.



  1. All I have to say is I wish us American Indians as we are called had the guns and diseases there would be no communism in this country

  2. Lets take. A. Clue from former New Jersey police Sargent Marchisotto’s play Book and all Gun owners Start fileing. Billion dollar lawsuits against every politician, police, Judges,that signs on to increase laws that are geared to take /seize your guns, and make laws that will accomplish their secret agendas, Thats the only way to STOP THEM!!!

  3. Retired LAPD motor cop MX5. California won’t issue me a CCW as I moved out of State. Colorado. Colorado won’t honor out of State CCW like Arizona which I have a current CCW honored in 26 Other States. California and Colorado Democratic anti 2nd Amendment idiots. Colorado maybe my house, but Arizona/Nevada is my home.

    • I know it’s a pain, but get your non-resident Utah and you’re set. It shouldn’t be this way, it should be just like our drivers license, recognized state to state

  4. Without people like this gentleman, what else can people do ? All of our rights are being destroyed !!! They should not be able to do this to “we the people “. oh, I forgot, we the “forgotten ” people. Sad days ahead.

  5. We need to take heed to what this retired police officer is doing and we need to do the exactly the same thing to every democratic congressman and senator. They don’t have to be up front about how they feel about guns just bet they will vote to take them away from you. The only thing they hate is loosing money and that seems to be the only way to stop their way of thinking. We need to band together and also file class action law suits against Google,Facebook, YouTube and Bill Gates. They are all billionaires and it might take a few dollars out of our pockets but in the long run they will have less and they will know how we feel about them. The only way to keep our guns is to stop the people with the money that run this country in the back ground and use the puppets in the Democrat Party and the turn coat Republicans.

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