Are you missing one of these 3 critical accessories for your rifle? (Checklist Inside)


If you would like to know the 3 accessories that practically EVERY special ops soldier agrees you need on your fighting rifle, then this article will tell you.

The truth is, the AR and AK platform have been around so long there are practically hundreds (if not thousands) of accessories for them — and if you don’t know what you need — then you will probably end up buying a lot of junk.

Don’t waste your money, find out the essentials here in today’s article.


The fact is, I just got back from 3-days of intense instructor training with my good friend and ex-CIA officer Jason Hanson.

One whole day was dedicated to teaching the defensive rifle training and Jason said the same thing that I’ve heard over and over from tons of guys with experience in the field (especially special ops guys) …

Why Is It So Important To Get The Right Gear?

First, the modern fighting rifle is an intermediate cartridge platform such as the AR-15 or Ak-47 (or even AK-74) — we can discuss what makes these “intermediate” later. But this is and has been the modern fighting rifle for some time now.

Second, because WEIGHT is such an important concept in battle — and it sucks to carry a heavy gun all over the battlefield — care should be taken to choose only the essentials for your fighting rifle.

Lastly, the popularity of 3-Gun and other competitive shooting over the last decade with AR-15 and AK pattern rifles has bled over into the special operations community as what works for fast and accurate hits in modern competitions crosses over (at least somewhat) onto the battlefield.

The Only 3 Things any Fighting Rifle Needs …

Without further foreplay, they are …

1. Sling — every fighting rifle needs a sling. Not only to make your rifle easier to carry, but also so you can transition to the sidearm if your primary weapon (the rifle) fails, while still retaining your rifle. While I’ve recommended 3-point in the past, I’ve learned it’s better to stick with 1 or 2 points slings depending on your preference.

2. Optics/Sights — If you don’t have backup iron sights on your rifle now, get them (BUIS). I have the Magpul flip up sights. If you are running an optic, you still need them in case the optic fails. I ran iron sights at this instructor training, but learned a lot about what type of optic I need to get for this rifle to fit my needs, in my part of the country (and I’ll be buying an optic soon for my primary fighting rifle).

3. Weapon Mounted Light — A white light, mounted to your rifle is a necessity nowadays. You need two hands to run your rifle well, and that means you should mount a white-light to your rifle because you don’t have three hands.

That’s It?

Seriously. That’s it.

Most guys with experience want their rifles as light and close to “Stock” as possible.

This limited choice of accessories also makes it easy to get more rifles (yay!) and outfit each one so it’s ready for the fight.

Now, within those choices you could setup your rifles different ways of course …

For example, a shorter barrel AR-15 might have a 1 point sling, an Eotech red dot, with a surefire light for close quarters room clearing … and someone in the open areas of Utah might have a 16″ barrel (for long distance ballistics), with a 1-6 adjustable scope (for reaching out and touching stuff) and a 2 point sling (for long hikes in the mountains).

From these 3 principles you can setup your rifles to fit your tactical and environmental needs.




  1. I agree with two of your three essential accessories but not the mounted light! For years, we had all sorts of “cool guy” stuff on our Battle Rifles, but always ended up removing all the crap! I do not use an Intermediate rifle, instead I believe very strongly in a full size Rifle, full length! My one and only “go to” is an FN/FAL! A sling is a absolute must and for longer shooting, a ACOG with iron front sight and modded receiver for A-2 rear sight! THE reasons for this particular rifle are many, but the point is versatility in all situations! Is it the perfect rifle? yes, and no! I dislike the AR and the AK for the very reasons of lightness and small cartage! Many ask why not an M-14 or other type of true battle rifle, the answer is configurability! I can set up or change the FAL quickly and reliably to suit changing needs! A Rifle mounted light has always been, and will always be a bad idea! Besides battery life ( fresh batteries handy?) you are adding snag and complexity to the gun as well as changing its balance! Worse, you end up almost always giving away your position or presence in almost every single situation! A true, full size battle rifle should always be the one and only rifle in your hands when S.H.T.F. any of them can and will make a serious difference over any other type! For the people who want a small size rifle, an AR or AK will work, but you really loose versatility! A pistol caliber carbine would be a much better choice (think lever gun)! A person really needs to take a long hard look at the expected and unexpected situations closely, can these small caliber rifles really do the job? Can an AR or AK stop a full size pickup truck? what about a person wearing body armor? Can you reach out at a safe distance and engage targets before they become a serious threat? I think we spend way too much time thinking about this, and not enough time studding history, especially in respect to our battle rifles! The old M-1 Garande was about as good as they get, the M-14 was an improvment that really did improve on perfection, the M-16 and its type gave us a new set of problems not unlike the M-1 carbine! I think you can plainly see my points here! Good ideas, but in practice not so good! By the way, I made a living with a rifle for 22 years and i can tell you this; every single time I had to use my M-4 or its varients, I was always wanting/needing more gun then I had! Especially when we made the switch to “green tip” ammo! Just my two cents!

    • Dammit Rand you’re confusing the hell out of me. I’m not mad or anything but just having to reevaluate things more often than I thought I would. I’m trying to see what rifle I can turn into the sort of all around tactical setup. I figured the AR-15 was where to start, but now I may have to rethink that. I don’t always take what people say as the gospel, but when they talk about years of experience I may listen just a bit more. There are also no other comments here but yours which isn’t helping me any. Dammit Rand. How about expanding a bit on your experience if possible. It might help a little.

    • The K.I.S.S. principle applies. As humans, we tend to do and then over-do. While I do agree with a sling and a good optic (paired with a good set of back up sights), I also disagree with the mounted light.

      Pistol caliber carbine, especially one that is matched to a PDA (Personal Defense Assistant) is a good combination if thought out. I disagree with a lever gun; however, for a number of reasons. My Beretta CX4 Storm and the Beretta 92FS is a hard combination to beat. The Beretta CX4 Storm wears a good optic (as good as my finances allow) and has an excellent set of sights. I have experienced no problems with these firearms at all; they shoot exceptionally well and use the same 9mm 15-round magazines with no failures to date.

      It took me a long time (and at some expense) to finally settle on QD optics (red dot and scope) and BUIS for my Windham Weaponry “SRC” MSR; A light was not even considered. The Windham sports a 2-point sling (my preference) and the 6-position stock has been changed to a standard A2 fixed stock (also my preference). This setup serves me well for my purposes.

      Regardless of the weapon platform, keeping things simple is a key.

  2. Some one stole our guns about 3 yrs ago.We haven’t had the money to replace them.I really don’t know what would happen to us without protection.I really worry about that all the time.I have a hard time of worrying about it.No way to help find find food or protect our selfs.But you are right.I enjoy reading what you put out.People need to listen.I an freezdryig foods an canning food in jars.we have agarden every year.I just hope i can help some one who is in need.I like to think we all can work together.I love your artickiles on how to use your guns an what you need.You are very knogable about all the things you need for your gun an what gun to use.We have been out because i hab a 38 special an my husband had a pistal to.They cleaned us ous.We have nothing now.Thank you for sharing.

    • Not the prettiest weapons but Hi-Point makes some excellent equipment and the prices are great. Not to mention the lifetime warrantee. I have a Hi-point 995 (9mm carbine) and it is accurate and great. Even my nieces enjoy it.

      • I must agree with George on the Hi-Point, and I am already sick of the POTA cracks. I have a 4095ts carbine, and will be taking delivery of my .40 S&W pistol as soon as the Fumbling Bunch of Idiots releases the delay on my order. I have probably had more background checks run on me than most military security clearance applicants, from being a cab driver in Indianapolis, to CCW permit and license in Arizona and Washington, deputy sheriff and corporal, EMT and prison officer in Arizona. I have bought and sold guns for thirty years, with never even a hiccup, and suddenly, the FBI is dealing my gun purchases for no apparent reason. The sales person at Cabela’s had my Driver’s License and Concealed Pistol License after I filled out all the paperwork. It was not that long ago, if you had a CCW permit or license, you paid for your gun and carried it home the same day. Now the Fumbling Bunch of Idiots has used a back door method to sneak the waiting period back into effect. When thet finally release this stupid delay, I will have to drive from Centralia, WA to Olympia, WA to pick up my new gun. I feel the FBI should have to reimburse me for the gas for two trips to Olympia.
        My Hi-Point carbine, in addition to a camo paint job that is still drying, has a single point sling and a reflex red/green sight. I do not agree with a white light on a gun. 1. You give your position away with a light or laser, and 2. the chances of a negligent discharge when you unexpectedly suddenly have someone in your light beam. How do you say oops to surviving family members?

  3. Hey Caleb, wish we could meet, well maybe in another life.It is always good to here from you.They say that the day we stop learning is the day we die.Keep it coming.Check out on you tube. The Tools of Global Population Reduction by Dr. Russell Blaylock .Spread it around.

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