It’s February and we have had 65 degree weather lately in Virginia …
I definitely have been missing the sun, so when it got to be warm enough to wear shorts I jumped at the chance.
Lately, I’ve gotten some great feedback from you all about summer concealed carry.
Here’s how I carry in warmer weather …
It’s Important To Realize, This Is How I Almost Always Dress When It’s Warm
I’m big on optimizing my work life because I work for myself and not producing is not an option …
One of the things that helps with that is reducing the amount of non important decisions that I have to make in the day. That’s because Decision fatigue is a real thing (it’s why Steve Jobs of Apple fame always wore the same thing).
So in the summer months I am almost always wearing a black T-shirt with some type of khaki shorts. Shoes or flip flops will complete the package depending on what I’m doing that day.
Just wanted to get that out of the way, in case someone thinks I “dressed up special” for these couple of photos.
My Every Day Carry (EDC) Is a Glock 19, Plus a Glock 17 Reload
Right now, I’ve settled on a Glock 19 (15+1 in the chamber) and a Glock 17 magazine for a reload (17 rounds) giving me a total of 33 rounds when I step out the house.
I’m testing a few things out, but I might add one more magazine/reload to the EDC in the future, but I’d be lying if I said I did that now every day.
Both the holster AND the magazine carrier are Inside-The-Waistband (IWB) and I’ll explain why I think that’s important in a moment.
Then there’s the other junk in my pockets, including the pocket knife and wallet, etc
When I first got started carrying concealed, I thought that I needed a REALLY tiny gun. But it’s just not true.
By the way I’m not the tallest guy, something like 5’5″ on a tall day and just a little heavier than 150lbs. So if I can conceal a Glock 19 size handgun, and I’m almost a midget, then you can too.
Anyways, here’s me looking really thrilled to take some pictures. I am in the middle of beating a throat infection and in need of some sunlight, so I’m not looking too great.
This is a side view of me. This is the strong side where the Glock 19 is positioned. Obviously it’s pretty hidden from this angle too …

One thing I like about Inside-The-Waistband (IWB) Carry …
… is that it gives you more flexibility in not flashing your concealed carry setup. I’m moving my arms around and I can reach up onto high shelves for instance and even if my hands are totally above my head you would have to look really hard to get a glimpse of any gun.
In fact, Todd Green and some guys started a different brand of shooting competition called “Kinda Sorta Tactical Game (KSTG)” and in their rulebook this is their definition of concealed:
“Concealment: A competitorâs equipment is considered completely concealed from view when the competitor can walk ten feet, arms stretched out to the side parallel with the ground, without his pistol, ammunition, or spare ammunition carriers being directly visible to the Range Officer. The concealment garment does not have to be closed or able to close so long as it can conceal the gun per these rules.”
Which I think is a pretty cool/smart way to check how concealed your daily garments are. After all, you WILL have to move your arms around and reach and bend down and do other stuff throughout your daily life so you might as well make sure you’re actually concealed before you leave the house.
And here’s the big reveal.
I’m not sure EXACTLY where my gear is located, but it’s slightly behind the hip at 3 and 9 o’ clock as you can see here:
Anyways, that’s how I carry concealed in the summer.
If I were carrying a second, backup gun (which I have done before) it is pocket carried in the right front pocket (I put my wallet and my pocket knife in my left pocket) because I’m right handed.
How about you? I’m curious … how many of you carry extra reloads, magazines, or even a second backup gun?
I also like the set up you have on .I also carry IWB . I carry a Hi-Point 45 And 2 9 round a offside Paddle holster .And I have never had any Problem with flashing . Thank you for helping people with your info.
About carrying at those positions,it looks like it would be very uncomfortable when you get into your car?
Where mine is, it’s not bad … especially with the FBI cant that puts the butt of the gun forward so it’s not wedged between your back and the seat.
Great article! I have a Glock 23 and an HK P2000 that I carry and I am glad to see how you carry your 19 with shorts/t-shirt. I will definitely try this out with my 23! I need to look at some holsters and get used to side/kidney iwb carry since most of the time I have been carrying my p2000 appendix iwb (which works great) but I have been wondering about carrying in shorts/t-shirt a lot… good stuff…
Well in open carry states this is not an issue any more. Until January 1, on the hot summer days in Texas I could carry, now I can an now worries printing my pistol. I thought Virginia is an open carry state, but I guess I was wrong.
No it is open carry here in VA … but the operative word in “concealed” carry is “concealed” so I want to keep it that way. I’ve posted other articles about my thoughts on concealed VS open carry.
Great article! I usually carry an HK P2000 iwb appendix but I have a Glock 23 and I am glad to see how you carry your 19 with just shorts/t-shirt! I will definitely adapt so I can carry my 23 a bit more – love both pistols. I also carry an extra mag with a custom kydex mag holder opposite side of my pistol
I too carry a Glock 19 IWB using an Alien Gear holster at 3 o’clock position, plus a back up Ruger LC9 appendix IWB with the simple replacement clip, rather than a holster. Very comfortable. However, I just can’t bring myself to carry that LC9 with a round chambered. One extra Glock mag in my front pocket, but none for the Ruger. Carry on!
That sounds sufficient!
I just use a fanny pack over my shoulder for a 92FS Beretta.
Over the shoulder? Seems like it would be comfortable … I’m just a minimalist type of guy. I hate even carrying my keys.
Sneaky Pete holster, looks like a large cell phone or PDA case. I have one for a Glock 19 and one that I can carry a Glock 26 or 30 in. Just depends on how I feel that day.
They make those big enough for Glock 19 size? wow. Didn’t know that.
Yeah, I used to have one for my G23. Whenever anyone asked to see what was inside the case I would simply tell them that it was part of my ostomy device/set up. I think that I only ever had one person want to see what was there after telling them that.
HAHA that’s perfect!
I have a kel-Tec P11 9mm 10 shot mag and always 1 chambered, with Black Talons, or Federal Hydra shocks. I carry it in my back pocket because it’s convenient, no holster to slip around, ya it might take a little more time to pull the gun out in an instant but I try NOT to get myself in this position. I live in a smaller town in S.W.Washington St. the crime is all most all drug related and alot of it. I have found my self packing more often now. I have had trouble finding the right holster to carry the Kel-Tec as it is small in stature compared to my clunky old( now deceased Ruger P-85), but by far a better, more accurate shooter! I would like a holster for some clothing I wear but the prices are way more that I think are worthy, any suggestions?
Skibdo, first, the price of a good holster is worth it.
Second, I’d definitely recommend a holster if you’re pocket carrying. Something kydex most likely to cover the trigger guard.
At the very least google something like a “trigger guard holster keltec p11” to get what you need yet save some money. Pretty sure you could figure a way to use something like that.
In all my years of law enforcement 99% of all gun “accidents” are caused by some moron not using a FORM FITTED holster or wrongly using a holster. EVERY incident has been either wrongly drawing or wrongly holstering a gun OR doing the unthinkable and not using one at all. Do a bit of searching and see how many “accidents” happen when a trigger is snagged by sitting down or someone reaching into a pocket and grabbing a trigger or keys wedged against the trigger or trying to snap the seatbelt and catching the trigger as the belt slides past the pocket. There is NO excuse for not using a holster even if that means a Folded leather pocket holster without a clip (DeSantis style). Even a McHolster trigger holster is better then no holster. There has to be SOMETHING to prevent a trigger snag
Just remember EVERY bullet has a lawyer connected to it so when you get a accidental discharge the question will be will the lawyer be the local prosecutor or your buddy’s civil lawyer but trust me every bullet has a lawyer attached to it.
Dr D
I use a sneaky pete. or inside holster in the back. T-shirt over.
Lot of Sneaky Pete lovers here!
Try doing a quick direction change and launching into a sprint to cover with flip flops on……..not good!!
While you’re ULTIMATELY right — I’ve worn flip flops for most of my teen/adult life and because of that I’ve done a LOT of running, etc in them just out of necessity.
I carry same gun/magazine, OWB. Use a Glock sport holster (properly cut up) almost vertical, Glock mag pouch, for G17 mag, an other one, hot water stretched, for flashlight.
511 pants (or similar) and suspenders. Lots of weight in those pants!
Any gun/spare mag is inadequate, if not 16 up, a must, 17 rounds for spare, or malfunction also smart.
The time that a burst of 6 to 9 shots, is needed, in the first couple of seconds in a gun fight, you need them in you pistol. That is why savvy carriers opt for the Glock 19.
Nice. I’ve heard good things about those Glock sport holsters — that they’re good for the money.
sounds like a great commercial for a sneaky pete. i use one for my kimber 9mm
Right? Every other comment …
I carry a P89 or 92F, have a hard time hiding the butt even IWB and it not protruding thru shirt even if carrying in small of back, what is the secret to keep butt from showing?
What brand is that holster and mag carrier?
Wally the butt is always the hardest thing to hide. Two things:
– FBI cant holster, not straight drop that angles the butt up your body
– find the right position/angle on your body either before or behind or on the hip have to do a lot of playing with it in a mirror in the house. But yes the butt is the hard part to hide.
Would love to know brand of IWB Hoster & mag pouch in photos
Never mind sould have read full commets, but thanks anyway
I carry a Springfield xdm compact 9mm in a Sticky Holster, because I have to carry iwb crossdraw, and I couldn’t find a holster that works comfortably. I also carry a Springfield xd mod 2n 45 the same way. I usually don’t carry extra ammo. http://www.stickyholsters.Com. check out their website. They have holsters for most handguns on the market.
since I am also right handed, I have for 30+ years carried my B/U Gun in my left pocket in case my right hand is incapacitated, Don’t put all your eggs in one Basket…
Yeah I have considered that too …
I carry a Sig P239 in a CrossBreed SuperTuck IWB with two spare mags in my opposite pocket.
What is the mag carrier which you show in your gear picture?
I used to use that same holster, switched to this JM Custom Kydex IWB holster.
I carry the same way you do with the same gun only a different holster. I carry a G-19 with a replaced REAR sight from laserTech and I use a Galco leather IWB I also wear it at 3:30. For me after my years in LE I really don’t need more then 16 rounds if it is deeper doo doo then that I am finished anyway as my body won’t endure much more then that :). I dumped the night sights and the tritium and the rail mounted crap and go for simplicity as you suggested. Having to make decisions is brain consuming and in the heat of Adrenaline there simply is no room for decisions to be made other then up down right or left. If I can’t see the sights I can’t see the target and the backstop so I am in a no shoot situation based on Rule #4 anyway. Great article and as always thanks
Dr D
Love your articles. But as a woman, I find it a challenge to carry my 9mm without looking like a bag-lady. Any advice? Right now I carry a purse, but the weight of the gun in my purse is causing shoulder pain. I also have a fanny-pack that I can wear, but I find I’m always adjusting it.
I answered your other comment but also check this girl out to see how she does it
Just curious what holster & mag carrier you are using.
I believe right now it’s a JM Custom Kydex IWB 2.0 with a 20 degree FBI cant and an IWB mag carrier by the same guy.
I love your articles. Thanks for sharing. But as a woman, I need some advice on how to carry a 9mm Shield without looking like a bag-lady. Right now, I either carry in a purse or fanny-pack. The purse is heavy and, with the fanny-pack, I find myself always adjusting it and I can’t drive with it on. Any suggestions?
Ann, depending on your how your hips curve — because all women are different — you can carry like me behind the hip or maybe further back near your back pocket. Get someone that conceal carries all day to help you fashion show it up, try different suggestions/places and give it a go. Also check out this girl’s instagram
I run an FNS 9 in an Alien Gear 3.0. The grip is a little long (.55 inches longer than that of a 19/23) so I have it over my back right pocket. I also carry a spare mag in a Safariland 123 carrier. Gun is 17 + 1 and the mag gives me another 17 for 35 total rounds.
Nice. Yeah I USED to carry REALLY far back, almost over my back right pocket too … but I kept playing with moving the gun forward and more forward till now where it’s just behind the belt loop. Still conceals. It’s the grip though you’re right that you have to work at concealing.
A Gerber multi tool sheath conceals a Glock 19 magazine in plain sight
I know this is an old thread but this is the exact way i carry a spare mag if i choose not to go iwb
I carry a G-19 in a Blade-tech IWB with an extra magazine concealed in a Gerber multi tool sheath
Nice, does the Gerber multi tool sheath show? Kind of like the sneaky pete idea of having something on your belt that people can see but it’s ok because it’s hiding stuff
I carry a browning 9mm hi-power owb fitted with a argentine 4″ barrel and detective size slide and the cylinder-slide sfs safety fitted, loaded with a ramline 15 rd clip and carry either another 15 rd ramline or a 17 rd argentine military magazine for a reload, sometimes both
Very SAS of you!
Inside waistband appendix carry sheild .40 in blackhawk holster with 2-7 round mags one on left side, inside waist one in front left pocket. Yes keep one in chamber. Not likely to have time to rack one in a bad situation. Also wear shorts and t-shirts often. Been carrying like that for years.
nice! I’m seeing a lot of appendix carry …
I carry a Springfield ultra compact .45 at the 9:00 position, and two spare mags on the opposite side, I have many friends that are LEO’s. And for the longest time, I wouldn’t tell them what side I carried, finally one day one LEO friend of mine said he doubted that I really carried, so I finally revealed my EDC, never worry about printing, cause, if you do it right, there shouldn’t be any printing
When I carry (have for over forty years), i usually carry two .25 automatics, plus a switchblade( legal in Nevada!). The .25s are easy to carry in any weather, and I have learned how to fire both at the same time.
The knife is for when one gun runs out of ammo. I have also carried the Browning High Power, with one reload.
Even on a crowded bus in Chicago, no one detected it. I have stopped crimes with it, putting it up a would-be killer’s nose in Las Vegas, for example. I have saved two lives when I lived near Chicago, and worked there.
I carry a Springfield 1911 .45acp ultra compact, with two spare mags on weak side, the holster is a alien gear tuck 2.0, never a issue with printing whether wearing jeans or shorts
Sorry for the second post, didn’t see my first, and thought it wasn’t posted
My EDC is a Ruger p345 & I carry it in an IWB holster of my own design along w/ a spare mag. I carry it at about the 3;30- 4;00 position. Not even the clerk @ the gun store could tell I was carrying until I showed him.
I carry a S&W shield in 40. Purchased an extra 7 round mag so have one 7 round in the gun and carry the other 7 round mag iwb in a Sneaky Pete mag carrier. Always keep one in the chamber so this gives me 15 rounds. For the gun I use either a “Betty” kydex iwb holster ( it is molded to the gun ), or I too like the Sneaky Pete holster. Had my local pharmacy save me one of those displays they have for the med alert things. Put one on the outside of the Sneaky Pete holster and everyone thinks I just have some sort of medical bag on me. Good idea one of the posts had to say its for ostomy supplies if anyone asks.
LOVE this Caleb & thanks. I just have one question. Do you purchase your shorts/pants with the waistband one size larger than you’d usually buy if you weren’t carrying? I ask b/c I’m female & it’s an issue. As I commented before in the summer here in AL, I usually opt to exercise my open carry right but, frankly, I’d prefer to keep my “business” to myself even in the summer. Also, do you upsize the tshirt as well? I’m a big fan of camisole tops in the summer which are very form fitting but I can see myself embracing a wardrobe shift if it’ll get me concealed again.
Appreciate any further advice you have to give.
YES! Thanks for reminding me. Especially because I carry BOTH the holster and the mag holster IWB — I am a size 30 waist give or take but buy jeans in 33 or 34.
The T-shirts not so much, but I just try not to where super tight/clingy fitting ones.
Hope that helps!
I carry mostly IWB and find that many models of handguns will fit in just a few good holsters. Galco N3 bought for Glock 36 works for Glock 43, Walther P99, Walther PPS, Glock 19, S&W Shield. A holster bought from Galco OWB HK UPS 45 works very well for many full sized pistols. One reall needs to make certain the trigger guard is covered and the gun does not snag on the draw. Like many I have 2 boxes of holsters to try when I buy a new gun before I invest in one more holster.
I carry a Glock model 21 semi auto 45 cal. And I also carry a twin pouch on one side and a single on the other. I wear a dark color t shirt with jeans in the summer and I do just fine, but most people who know me know that I always carry. In the State that I live, the law says for conceal carry the weapon must be cover. Which it is, you may see the out line or the bulk look but I am with in the law and I don’t care. I am within the the State law.
Great picture and looks like a perfect set up. Great post!
I love the content on your site. Cheers!
Especially useful, look forward to returning.
Wonderful internet site you’ve in here.
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