How To Draw From a Concealed Carry Purse (and #1 Mistake!)


The fact is that if you’re a female, carrying a gun in your purse is NOT the best solution.

For a multitude of reasons, it’s much better to always have your gun on your person instead of choosing an “off body” carry method (which is what carrying in a purse is).

You have better retention, control, and faster access to the gun if it’s on your person.


That said, I’ve never worn a dress and I know that some women feel they must carry off body in a purse. So be it, because having a gun is better than not having a gun.

Make sure if you’re carrying off body you never, EVER make the #1 mistake I’m about to show you …

#1 Mistake With “Off Body” Carry

The number one mistake with “off body” carry is not using a holster that covers the trigger guard completely.

Maybe that doesn’t make sense and you think that you don’t need a holster because the holster is what holds a gun on your body. You’re wrong.

No matter HOW you carry a firearm, in all cases, you want a way to cover the trigger. Period.

With most modern semi-automatic firearms — in fact the most popular firearms in America today for concealed carry, such as Glocks, Smith & Wesson M&P’s, Springfield XD’s, many rugers, etc — there are no external safeties.

The only “safety” on these firearms is making sure the trigger is never pressed.

Therefore, it’s imperitive that you find a holster that fits inside the purse that covers the trigger guard. If you carry in your pocket, pants, elsewhere on the body, off body in a bag, purse, etc — find a way to make sure the trigger is covered so that it can’t accidentally be fired.

It’s super easy for all the “junk” that ends up at the bottom of a woman’s purse to find its way into the trigger guard. Then a twist turn or jostle fires the gun.

Here’s just one story of a lady in a Target store that was putting stuff in her purse after checking out and discharged her firearm. Find a holster that covers the trigger no matter how you carry.

How to Draw From Purse Carry

That said, and as long as you understand that “Purse carry is the worst carry”, here is how to draw from purse carry:

What about selecting a purse?

This video from the fine ladys at The Well Armed Woman seems to be pretty informative:

Likewise, LuckyGunner has a couple great articles on purse carry:

Purse Carry is The Worse Carry (pt 1)
Shooting Through Purses (pt 2)

If you or someone you love is going to purse carry, please read up on the pros/cons and risks/benefits and make an informed decision while doing your best to mitigate the risks as best as humanly possible.

What do you think? Do you or anyone you know carry using purse carry?

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Caleb Lee is the #1 best-selling author of "Concealed Carry 101" and founder of He is a civilian (no law enforcement or military experience) who shares information about self-defense and becoming more self-reliant. He's a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo, NRA Certified Basic Pistol & Personal Protection Inside The Home Instructor, Concealed Carry Academy Instructor certified & also a graduate of the Rangermaster firearms instructor course. He's also the author of numerous online courses including the course.