This State May Nullify All Federal Gun Control Laws


If you watch the news at all, the assault on gun rights in America by anti-gunners is reaching a fever pitch with screeches that can almost make your hair curl. Sadly, some states have bought into gun control nonsense hook, line, and sinker and have gone off of the deep end.

Fortunately, though, legislators and other government officials in some states still have their heads screwed on straight and are seeking to do the right thing for Americans and gun owners in particular. One state with some of those folks who think straight is Missouri.

Jordan Michaels gives us details about proposed legislation in Missouri to nullify all Federal gun control laws (hat tip to here for the lead). Yes, all of them. Michaels writes,


The Show Me State has made headlines in recent years for its aggressive support of Second Amendment rights, but the legislature is now considering the ultimate protection: nullification. The Missouri legislature has reintroduced a bill that would nullify all federal gun control laws within the state and bars state agencies from employing any federal law enforcement official who tries to enforce said laws.

The Missouri House and Senate passed a similar piece of legislation in 2014, but then-Democratic Gov. Jeremiah Wilson “Jay” Nixon vetoed it. Now that a Republican holds the governor’s mansion in Jefferson City, Missouri may well become the first state to bar enforcement of laws that restrict its citizens’ gun rights.
According to the Second Amendment Preservation Act, “All federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, court orders, rules, and regulations, whether past, present, or future, which infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States I and Section of the Missouri Constitution shall be invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, shall be specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.”

The bill’s authors point out that even though the state governments granted supremacy to the Constitution, respect for the federal government does not require “unlimited submission.” The bill specifies in detail all the types of federal laws and statues that will be null and void within Missouri’s borders and takes thinly veiled shots at NFA tax stamps and firearms registries.

All kinds of federal gun control laws will be void […].

Now, that is “common sense” gun legislation. Protecting the rights of Americans to defend themselves is fundamental to the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, so this is the kind of gun legislation that we should be fighting for in every state.

Sadly, this kind of legislation wouldn’t even get out of committee to come up for a vote in many states, so if your state is one of those gun control zones, Missouri may be a place to consider moving to.



  1. Thanks Missouri,
    For standing up for common sense laws. I am glad I was stationed in Missouri at Fort Leonard Wood almost 32 years ago its was Great then and is still Great even after 33 years with the ARMY, Then DOD. Their is still some life and Liberties left in this wonderful Country of ours. Now other States need to stand up for the rights of the American people and the Constitution.

    v/r JRC

    • Thanks to Alan Korwin I learned that there is already a law on the books – I have seen the title written two ways: 18 U.S.C.§242, “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law” or U.S.C. §18-242 with same text. We need to insist that our lawmakers obey it although the DemonRats will throw manure at it. The article is in the March 2019 issue of “Blue Press” under the title, “Gun Laws We Need, Part III: What About ‘Due Process?'” too many laws, especially the so-called “ERPO” laws are violating the 5A, 4A and even 8A The Fifth has three parts and the third reads, “No one shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due processand property without just compensation.” The Eighth prohibits excessive fines and bails and cruel and unusual punishments. Also New York wants to get Facebook passwords in order to get a gun permit. Swalwell appears willing to authorize shooting to kill anyone who “resists.” The DemonRats have shown their utter contempt toward the Constitution that they swore to uphold and defend from all enemies foreign and domestic and then became domestic enemies. And don’t forget the RINO’s who would like for the GOP to become the “Give In Party.”

  2. If this Bill gets passed and fully implemented, we’ll at least have a
    Precedent case to with which to cite should it need to endure appeal.
    Also, let’s hope its a clean Bill, and has nothing attached to it by the socialists.

  3. Not to be Danny Downer, but does anyone think the federal mob is going sit idly by while one of the 50 families
    gives it the finger? Do you think nobody on the Left is going to bring up the interstate commerce act? Really?

  4. Won’t make any difference.
    States Rights.
    As long as it’s within the State’s borders.😊🤗🐦🇺🇸❤️

  5. I’m now an old man, 82 years old. Many years ago I was in the Naval Amphibious Forces. We did the beach head landings and insertions. I was in the landing craft. LCVP = Landing Craft Vehicle & Personnel. We had new radios on the LCVP. They were the wrong radios. They were tank radios and they were not water proof. My job was standing up in the back of the boat so I could keep the radios dry. The Marines were hunkered down in the bottom of the beat. I was at the highest point of the boat. Fortunately I’m not tall. We completed the mission. I resent the Damned Demoncrat politicians bad mouthing those of us who served. I would really enjoy giving them a taste of Knuckle Yummy!

  6. Joe
    I’ now an old man, 82 years old. Many years ago I was in the Naval Amphibious Forces. We did the beach head landings and insertions. I was in the landing craft. LCVP = Landing Craft Vehicle & Personnel. We had new radios on the LCVP. They were the wrong radios. They were tank radios and they were not water proof. My job was standing up in the back of the boat so I could keep the radios dry. The Marines were hunkered down in the bottom of the beat. I was at the highest point of the boat. Fortunately I’m not tall. We completed the mission. I resent the Damned Demoncrat politicians bad mouthing those of us who served. I would really enjoy giving them a taste of Knuckle Yumee!

  7. I live in Kansas s f we have a woman Democrat for govenor….hopefully next time we can have a governor that is not against everything we stand for….and just maybe we can pass legislative bills do we can be along side MO

  8. Keep In Mind folks that the Supremicy Act of the Constitution is only in Effect for The Constitution and the Bill of Rights NOT for Federal Law. Not only the aforementioned but there are also 2 Federal Laws Prohibiting the passing and enforcement of Illegal Federal Laws and they are: “18 U.S. code 241 Conspiracy Against Civil Rights” and “18 U.S. Code 242 Violation of Civil Rghts Under Color of Law”, Both laws carry a minium penalty of Imprisonment and a Maximum penalty of Death. Please look them up as listed, Print them out, Carry them in your pocket (I do) and share them with our friends and Law Enforcement. Demand that these 2 laws be enforced and organize with others to get legal representation to Demand that these laws be enforced. Good Luck and God Bless.

  9. Good for US. First time in a long time I’ve been proud of our legislature. I’m pretty sure this will work, there is already precedent set by the “sanctuary” cities and states, who choose not to obey portions of Federal law anyway. The fun will start when some clown goes to the Ninth Circus Court wanting them of nullify the MO law. Ninth votes against guns, but it ALSO votes against the Constitution, and they’ll wind up going against their bias either way. Now all us deplorables can run madly through the streets, filling the gutters with blood, expending ammunition maniacally, and creating a jobs program for the undertakers And, we Missouri deplorables can send a message to Washington; “Ladies and Gentlemen of the government, we would like to point out that the Second Amendment was not intended to protect us from burglars, armed robbers, or enemy deer. The Second Amendment was intended to protect US FROM YOU. Which we, if not you, clearly understand. Pro Deo et Patria…..

  10. It is time to REMOVE GOVERNORS for not HOLDING UP OUR CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS. They LIED to the PEOPLE when they took their OATH.

  11. That’s a no-brainer. No state should have any control of our weapons. None at all. It’s our inalienable right to own and carry guns. The government has no business trying to tell any of us we can’t have a certain weapon, or none at all. Get real.

  12. Fellow conservatives – Keep in mind that a County Sheriff is one of the most influential positions in this great country of ours – County to County then who knows … … …

  13. Every politician, judge, law enforcement officer, all branches, local, state and federal swear an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States. A law passed many years ago made it a federal crime to violate their oath of office; punishable by removal from office, fine, and prison. (5 usc 3331, 5 usc 7311, 18 usc 1918. Violators of the 2nd amendment need to be removed, by force if necessary, and locked up. The words of the 2nd amendment don’t need to be interpreted, they mean the same now as they did then; look them up in an old dictionary and a new one. I’m one veteran who swore the oath and meant it.

  14. Constitution: a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
    So, the states must abide by the constitution or succeed, the constitution cannot be changed without the destruction of the United States. For, when the states start to succeed, they are no longer united. All states agreed to the constitution, I say stand your ground and don’t change a thing about it, just obey it. NOT TO BE INFRINGED!

  15. I live in Iowa and we have our share of ash hole Democrats,but we have a big share of ash hole lying turncoat Republicans too!!! We have majorities in the House and Senate of Republicans. Lots of good that does when the leadership in the Iowa Senate would not even bring the Concealed Carry Bill up for a vote after campaigning that they were for it!! 4 damn lying RINO’S at work in Iowa again! Bloombergs billions must have found it’s way into their pockets like Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio’s who want toos damn UNCONSTITUTIONAL RED FLAG BULLSHIT LAWS!!!!!!

  16. It’s good to hear that at least one state is taking our second amendment rights seriously. I might even consider moving there myself if I survive my fight with this cancer that is.

  17. Looks VERY good; but CAUTION!
    But the Democrats are not. And they are NOT going to take kindly to Missouri becoming a Free State. One of the things they would love to do is to send snipers to do School Shootings. Citizens who are armed and trained can easily counter this; but that will not stop the enemy from trying.
    Another thing the enemy would try is to send in storm troopers. We see enough of storm troopers on university campuses already, whenever someone disagrees with them. I don’t know how to handle storm troopers, except to protest against them.
    Actually, it would be good if more states become Free States, despite my anticipation of enemy interference.

  18. I moved to Idaho to be in the middle of hunting and fishing and gun rights. My biggest problem with Idaho is I didn’t move here 41 years sooner. I have lived in States that were good to extremely bad. For me California was the worst I lived in. I escaped in 1999, (I mean left). Idaho is way far the best for me.

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