Is This FN Pistol Really As Cool As It Looks?


If you’ve been around the shooting community for any amount of time, then, you’re familiar with the brand name FN. They aren’t known for making terribly budget-friendly guns, but they do have a reputation for quality. And for many people, that is the most important thing.

What you may not know, though, is that FN does make some guns that just look cool. The question is: “Is FN’s new compact pistol really as cool as it looks?”

Let’s find out. Dan Zimmerman gives us details:


The 509 CC Edge has the same height and slide length as the 509 Compact Tactical. But as with the LS Edge, they used that as a jumping off point to kick the CC Edge up a few notches, including in the case of the new gun, an auto-indexing compensator.

Unlike some other pistol compensators, the CC Edge’s comp features two ports that direct gasses up and away at angles…rather than straight up.

That keeps schmutz and debris off of your front sight. That’s not insignificant, as, like the LS Edge, the CC Edge has a slim, suppressor-height fiber optic-equipped front sight post.

The compensator will also keep any weapon light you might attach to the Pic rail from accumulating carbon deposits.

Zimmerman continues:

The primary function of any compensator, of course, is to minimize felt recoil and muzzle flip. The CC Edge comp does both nicely. 

A promotional video from FN for this pistol says that the compensator reduces felt recoil and muzzle flip by 25% which, in quick repeat fires, is nothing to sneeze at.

This pistol comes chambered in 9mm and ships with one 12-round and two 15-round magazines along with optics mounting plates. Also, the 509 CC Edge has a barrel length of 4.2 inches and an MSRP of $1,569 (I did say that it’s not a budget pistol).

So, if you’re looking for a pistol that not only looks cool (see the picture above) but also has some nice features that you don’t tend to find on budget pistols, FN’s 509 CC Edge may be one to consider.
