Statistics That Should SCARE Anti-2A People Into Buying Guns


An interesting thing about anti-2A people is how often they pull up random statistics without any understanding of what those statistics actually mean.

In other words, they take raw data without any context, and, then, draw “conclusions” from that data. The problem with doing that is that they come up with conclusions that are wrong when you understand the data in the context of the situation.

For example, here are some statistics from our friends at that they’ve extrapolated from what they’ve called “the largest modern survey of gun ownership.” See what you can conclude from these statistics:


The authors note that on any given day, about 30% of handgun owners carry. Those who make a daily practice of it is higher still at 38%.

Grinding these numbers and stats from the Census Bureau, we see that:

– 4% of all adults carry daily.

– 6,000,000 adults carry daily.

– 120,000 in each state (on average) carry daily.

For contrast’s sake, there are only 665,380 patrol officers in the United States. Given three daily shifts, and not bothering to factor in weekends, vacations, sick leave, time spent in courts, et cetera, that makes  221,793 officers, max, on the streets at any time. Also ignoring similar variables for civilians, the daily concealed carry community is about nine times larger than the police.

Now, what conclusion would you come to from that information?

My first thought is that there aren’t enough police out there compared to the amount of crime out there, so, there had better be someone responsible carrying concealed (me, in my case) to make sure that people are protected from the criminals out there.

What do anti-2A people do? They don’t pay attention to the fact that there are nearly ten times the number of people carrying concealed than of law enforcement officers, yet, those people carrying concealed have a lower crime rate than law enforcement officers, statistically speaking. So, those anti-2A people say that we need to ban guns to make sure that there are no responsible gun owners (instead of criminals) out there.

It’s the most insane “reasoning” on their part that you’ll ever see. They come to the complete opposite conclusion from the one that logic points towards. After all, what does it make sense to want more of? Answer: Responsible people carrying concealed.

If this information wasn’t enough to come to that conclusion, what do anti-2A people conclude needs to happen in light of the fact that 85% of firearm homicides are gang related violence?

They want to ban guns and, in many cases, defund the police, too.

Their conclusions aren’t rational conclusions to come to. They’re quite literally insane, divorced completely from reality.

Because if anti-2A people were thinking clearly on the subject, they wouldn’t be trying to ban your guns. They’d be on the way to buying ones of their own and getting trained on how to safely and accurately use them.



  1. One thing always ignored is how many criminals carry daily. IIRC the known gang bangers outnumber the coppers in shykongo something like 5 to 1 but the antis want Citizens further disarmed in one of the most dangerous cities in the country. Oh and never mind that city still has some of the most draconian ‘gun control’ laws around. Yet another reminder that it isn’t really about crime it is about controlling We the People.

    • It is truly astonishing how the “gun grabbers” can skew any statistics to fit their narrative! I personally feel any argument to control “gun violence” should be put before the people in a referendum instead of a “select few” in Congress making decisions detrimental to the freedoms of We,The People! No gun law passed in the last fifty years is constitutional, but no one has ever challenged them, therefore, Congress has believed they are empowered to make more useless restrictions on our rights without the People’s input! This is what needs to be changed in “The Swamp”!

  2. Gun control has never been about the control of anything but people , Native Americans , Blacks . Jews , ETC , all could not own guns and we all know haw that turned out …

      Look at what happens in every personality cult dictatorship/communist dynasty for the answer to that question.

  3. I totally support 2A because of this.. if you ok surmise or compare numbers. Criminals or illegal guns or and almost daily shootings around Winston Salem and Greensboro NC it’s constantly happening here. Us seniors are living in fear of these types of happenings…
    We need protection from those if police are understaffed.
    No need to carry if there are enough good people carrying.

  4. The biggest problem with the anti A2 clowns is the demented fool that sits in the white house.

  5. Tehe worst of it is, if we use a gun in self defense, we are as likely, if not more likely, to go to jail as the criminal is.

    Think McCloskey.

    They were defending themselves and their property from illegal tresspassers and were arrested, fined, and their guns were taken away. NOT one of the tresspassers were arrested…

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