DISGUSTING Parkland Shooting Verdict You Haven’t Heard About And What It Means For You


The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida in 2018 stands as one of the most horribly tragic days in American history. Seventeen people died, and seventeen more were injured. The overwhelming majority of those deaths and injuries were children (legal minors) and students at the school. Words can’t begin to describe how vile and evil the entire situation was and is.

Many people called the school’s resource officer (the law enforcement officer on campus) a coward for not doing his job and going in to stop the shooting before it had gotten worse. What ended up happening is that the shooter ended up stopping on his own, left the campus, and was apprehended later.

Many people have also wondered what could have been done to minimize or stop this situation. If you’re one of those people, then, spending just under two hours watching the videos here will be incredibly eye-opening for you.


A court verdict this last week related to the Parkland shooting should give you food for thought, too. And, especially, if you’re a parent, you need to know about the implications of this (hat tip to here for the heads up on this verdict). Dakin Andone, Denise Royal, and Carlos Suarez write,

A jury has acquitted on all counts the former school resource officer who stayed outside during the February 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida – absolving him of wrongdoing in the rare trial of a law enforcement officer for his response to a mass shooting.

Think about that. If you know what happened that day, then, you know that Scot Peterson (that school resource officer) did not go into the school when shots could first be heard. He not only didn’t go in, he stopped other law enforcement officers from going in and stopping the shooting. There is no way that any sane, rational, logical person could come to any other conclusion than that Peterson has blood on his hands, the blood of children.

But Peterson faces no legal repercussions for abandoning those children in their hour of need.

And if you remember this story, then, you know that courts have ruled that law enforcement officers, despite what is implied in their name that they enforce the law, have no legal obligation to protect you or anyone else from harm from someone (even though harming someone else except in self-defense or by complete accident is illegal).

So, between these court cases, you need to realize law enforcement not only isn’t legally obligated to protect you, they suffer no legal repercussions whatsoever if they don’t protect you (or your children).

What does that mean for you? It means that you had better buy a gun if you don’t already have one, train with it, and have it with you at all times to be able to protect both yourself and your family. Because you can’t depend on anyone else to do it for you.



  1. He has this on his soul and has to live and die with it. the older you get the more difficult that is.

  2. This was fixed. I honestly believe the whole thing was orchestrated from the beginning. And it’s very possible that mind control was used on the shooter too. Mind control has been used by the CIA for the last 60 years. I knew a woman years ago who was in hiding because she knew too much about what they were doing. The CIA had been doing mind control experiments in various communities around California several years back and she was caught up in it. I know folks don’t believe it, but MKULTRA is real. The SLA were subjects in the 1970s. And I believe many of these shootings and other false flag events are being done to disarm the citizens. Anyway, the woman I knew wouldn’t give me too much information because she didn’t want me to become a target also, but she divulged enough to prove her claims. I lost contact with her years ago but always hoped she is still ok.

  3. This Peterson guy was hired To do ONE JOB ! He should have never filled out an application for the job he FAILED at so miserably ! I think he should return every single cent he was paid, and go home and play Russian Roulette until he wins the game !!! What a disgrace to the HUMAN RACE ! UHG !!!

  4. I was at a loss for words when i heard the verdict and his breaking down sobbing that he now gets his life back…..hmmm…still at a loss. Guess he must have known somebody to have gotten put in that position is all i can think. Obviously way under qualified!!

  5. Hmm just another way for the anti gun folks can say guns are very bad and and do very dangerous that no one should have one at all.that guy had an idea that the perp should be left alone can for to engage him may get you killed and told the others is that is what we should do.okay fine just another reason for the government to come after your gun no matter what kind it is.do we would save lives that way.sound familiar?take s look at the placed that have baned guns and you will find one heck of a lot more stabings going on.so not much difference in getting stabed or getting shot.both will make you hurt bad if it doesn’t kill you.

  6. Cops need to remove “To Protect and Serve” from their cruisers. Since SCOTUS ruled that LEO’S don’t have an obligation to protect, then let’s stop the Facade.
    Yes, Arm yourselves, because you are your First Responder.
    Cops are just there to draw a chalk line around your dead body.

    • This is the way it has always been! Human values are what have changed. Cops have always been a “defensive” (after the fact) measure. If you want an offensive force, then you have the KGB, GRU, Chinese Secret Police, and the FBI, NSA, CIA!

  7. As a retired LEO, l see this verdict as it is.
    Morally…it is a travesty. But, it is a snapshot into just how far our society/country has fallen in the last 50 years. This cop will never be trusted again, and will probably never work as an LEO again. This is the best thing to have come out of this tragedy.

  8. Please forgive my reply, only one answer,you bitch M F, piece of Sht should have let someone with guts,to do that job may God have mercy on your soul. That goes for anyone in that line of work

  9. This is hard for someone to do but forgiveness is the answer. Everyone who wrote on this page is guilty of something. Talk is cheep know one really Knows what in another person mind at a time when something happens as serious as this. Everyone wants to blame someone Just take a good Look at Jesus Christ but yet he forgives us some 2000 years later.

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