Democrat Congressman Learns About Crime The HARD WAY


What happens when you support “police reform,” as it’s been called by the political left over the last few years? Well, if you’ve been paying attention to major cities, then, you know that the answer is too often, violence, crime, and other “mostly peaceful” (read: evil) outcomes.

One Democrat Congressman learned that lesson the hard way recently in the Democrat stronghold of Washington, D.C.

What happened? Oh, just a carjacking. The kind of thing that is becoming an everyday experience in Democrat-run cities. Jack Phillips writes,


Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) was carjacked on Monday evening by three armed individuals near the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., according to his chief of staff.

As Mr. Cuellar was parking his vehicle in Navy Yard, the “armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle,” chief of staff Jacob Hochberg said in a statement.  The U.S. Capitol Police also confirmed the incident in a statement, saying the carjacking occurred at 9:30 p.m. ET.

“Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement,” Mr. Hochberg continued. “Thank you to Metro PD and Capitol Police for their swift action and for recovering the Congressman’s vehicle.”

Now, this would be an unfortunate and unpleasant situation except for one detail about Cuellar. Joseph Mackinnon writes,

Cuellar, a supporter of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act who has family in law enforcement, is the latest victim of a trend in the Democrat-run city that is getting aggressively worse.

Metropolitan Police Department records indicate motor vehicle theft is up 106% this year over 2022, with 5,398 reports of stolen vehicles.

What does that mean? It means that Cuellar got the outcome of some of the policies that he supports (he has a mixed record on gun rights and, as you know, voted for “police reform” which, typically, means castrating law enforcement’s ability to protect the public).

If that’s not irony, it’s certainly karma of a sort, and it’s hard to feel too bad for him.



  1. Don’t feel sorry for Cuellar. You reap what you sow and it’s going to get A Lot worse.

  2. He should have had an armed body guard most other congressmen do??Washington is a place whee the good people can’t get fire arms and the criminals already have them.As in most dumocrat run cities??

  3. The Democrats take away our guns in the name of public safety. Then take away our police force. The crime rate soars and public safety is an all time low. In the last decade they have proven to be either crazy, stupid, or both. Please, help vote these nuts out of office. Countries with the lowest crime rates: Iceland # 1, USA # 131. It is almost as dangerous to walk the streets of Washington DC as it is in Iraq.

  4. Just think if he was not a Congress member he would still be waiting ,,,,,
    Don’t feel sorry for hin he got more attention than every one else, after causing the problem in the first place …

    • Or maybe he was peeing his pants as he blubbered, lmao. Karma has a way of evening things out. Hopefully, this works, as we surely need more firearms-loving Senators who can think instead of all those senators who can only think of money and what Oath of office am I violating! I had my fingers crossed. In my opinion, I bet there aren’t 10 Senators who think of their Oath of office, America, or the American People before they vote for a bill that goes against whoever’s teet they are sucking on at the time, and that’s just to weight whos paying the most.

  5. Well put! These people are WAY up in the Ivory Tower and apparently forget their supplemental oxygen…

  6. Oh yeah he deserved to get his car jacked. To bad he wasn’t hurt in the process as well!

  7. L M A O !!! It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy ? Maybe now, he will rethink, the way he thinks ? YES, I BELIEVE IN KARMA !

  8. When you become deluded with self-rightness that you are above the laws : the law of the land. The law of the street. You stop paying attention to your surroundings. When your lost in self-importance, thinking, because your in the “elitist class” of the senate or house, you think and act like your above the PEOPLE YOU WORK FOR. When you actually are just one of the “people”.
    Next time you vote to down grade police or try gun grabber tactics, REALLY TRY TO UNDERSTAND, “WE THE PEOPLE”, THAT YOUR SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT, deal with the reality of the street EVERY DAY!
    Glad you didn’t die. Pay attention!

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