State Passes ‘Worst Anti-Gun Legislation In The Country’


It’s both bizarre and horrifying to watch certain states in the Union compete with each other to see which can screw over their citizens in even more ways.

Sure, we can talk about how they do that in multiple ways, but we’re going to focus on guns here. And state after state, from California to New York, seem bent on outdoing each other when it comes to gun control.

Now, one other state has decided that they want to be “king of the dunces” of gun control. Naveen Athrappully writes,


Massachusetts House lawmakers approved a measure on Oct. 18 that would tighten the state’s firearm laws and crack down on unregistered “ghost guns,” which gun rights advocates claim is “the worst anti-gun legislation in the country.”

The bill, H. 4135, was passed by the Massachusetts House on a 120–38 vote. It would mandate that key gun components be serialized and registered with the state, it proposes an enhanced system to curtail the flow of illegal guns into the state, and it seeks to modernize the existing firearm registration system. It would also expand the state’s ban on assault weapons by prohibiting the purchase of AR-15-style weapons and would ban the conversion of a legal firearm into an illegal automatic weapon.

The proposed regulation would outlaw possession of firearms while intoxicated and prohibit firing guns near homes. It would ban carrying firearms in polling places, schools, and government buildings. It also provides for expanding the state’s “red flag” laws, which allow judges to suspend gun licenses of people deemed to be at risk of harming themselves or others.

The passage of H. 4135 has been severely criticized by gun rights advocates. In an Oct. 18 statement, the National Rifle Association of America-Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) denounced lawmakers, asking supporters to contact their state senators and “voice their opposition” to the bill.

“H. 4135 re-writes gun laws in the Commonwealth and imposes unprecedented gun control. This is an ominous bill that includes the worst anti-gun legislation in the country,” it stated.

Of course, like anti-2A politicians everywhere, they passed this after Bruen to thumb their noses at you and me and the Constitution.

Because they don’t care about you or me or the truth. They care about power over you and me.

I’d love nothing more than to see this law taken to court and completely crushed. The people of Massachusetts deserve that.



  1. “Ghost guns” what about the millions of guns manufactured prior to 1968 before serial numbers were required?

  2. Everyone with common sense, though apparently small in number realize that gun control is all about people control and nothing more! After the 2024 election the new CCP society will kick in and they cannot have the little people owning weapons and not complying!

  3. I’m just waiting for Obama and Biden to threaten us with martial law if they don’t get their way I think this open border that’s part of their plan to throw martial law on us to take over like dictators and communists and socialism we must avoid this at all costs

    • let them…their SERVICE CORPORATION “LEGAL” MERCENARIES mean nothing to me….they are tools of the UNLAWFUL MARITIME LAW tyrants…give them the julius n ethyl treatment

  4. Just don’t comply.resist this evil now !
    Oath breaking felons don’t deserved to be obeyed there antichrist spirit is showing through
    taking tax payers money under false pretenses is a Felony & federal crime under ( Title 5 USC section 7311 & 1333.)
    By the way who do the police work for we the people or the New World Order, The new 4th Reich.
    What ever happened to “Support and DEFEND the Constitution” ? Do we even have one now ?
    Jesus said to arm up in Luke 22:36, and Christian freedom to exercise our rights is in the first Amendment .

  5. In 1939 Adolf Hittler stated tot the german people , Dis arm the peole an you control the country. 6million we re murder we think people

  6. All IS being REVEALED! The Whole Global Cabal, demoncRATs and RINOS, ALL SATAN’S DEMON SPAWN MINIONS DESERVE DIRT NAPS. NCSWIC, WWG1WGA, and P.A.N.I.C. LGB,FJB! President Trump’s still my President. This anti- firearm BS is against the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These Anti 2nd amendment Dumbasses are in for a rude awakening very shortly. Rise up Massachusetts residents vote these ideological Idiots out of office. Launch Lawsuits against them. Don’t Tread on me.

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