Gun Control Group Partnered With Government In Lawsuit: How Does This Affect You?


Gun control groups and leftist politicians have long been friendly to each other. Both say that they want to help keep people safe and, then, cherrypick data and push policies that make the world less safe.

It’s predictable and sad.

It gets infuriating, though, when they find judges who clearly couldn’t care less about their oath of office who happily trash the Constitution to push their preferred political agenda. Which is exactly what looks like has happened in a recent case in Maryland. Katabella Roberts writes,


The city of Baltimore has settled a lawsuit filed against ghost gun manufacturer Polymer80, Inc. arguing that its firearms fueled gun violence in the city, officials announced on Feb. 21.

So-called ghost guns are partially completed frames and kits that can be purchased and assembled into functional firearms.

As part of the settlement, Polymer80—the leading manufacturer of ghost gun kits in the United States—will pay the city $1.2 million in damages, officials said.

The gunmaker is also prevented from advertising in Maryland and from selling ghost guns to Maryland residents. It must also ban its dealers in nearby states from selling ghost guns to Maryland residents.

The manufacturer must cease all customer support in Maryland and provide quarterly reports to the city documenting all sales of ghost guns in neighboring states.Philip Bangle, senior litigation counsel at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, called the settlement a “victory” for Baltimore and “the fight for gun industry accountability.” 

So, let me get this straight: people who want to exercise their God-given, Constitutionally-supported rights to keeping the government out of their personal business (Fourth Amendment) and to own a firearm (Second Amendment) have their options limited by the Brady Center and the City of Baltimore being busy bodies and using lawfare.

Yes, that’s exactly what happened.

If you live in Maryland, you’re already being impacted by this. If you live in other states dominated by anti-2A zealot politicians, though, don’t be surprised if the Brady Center looks to start partnering with those left wing politicians to work to strip you of your Second and Fourth Amendment rights, too. It may be time to gear up for lawsuits where you live.



  1. What parts of the Constitution don’t they understand? It is clearly written and easy to understand.

    • They don’t care about the constitution and our rights as citizens. They want to tie up the court system with these bs lawsuits.

    • They understand every part of the Constitution, thoroughly, and they REJECT it because they don’t like it. They reject it arbitrarily and violate it along with every law in pursuance of it, and they get away with it because they ARE the government, so they have all the physical power of government. So, they also violate all the checks and balances in it with impunity. The Constitution and its laws require PHYSICAL FORCE for enforcement and recognition. These criminals in governmental positions pf power and authority take that physical force and use it to violate the Constitution and its laws, and, if we don’t stop them, they will destroy this country, its Constitution and its laws and replace it with a totalitarian dictatorship. They are using brute physical force to do it. HOW will we stop them?

  2. You can tell those liberal asswipe so called gun control morons up their ass!! 2nd ammendment STANDS as it is no modifications or add ons. If they think they are going to control me or my weapins tell those ass holes bring their body bags they will need them when they come. Its my right not their ass wipe thoughts.

  3. It’s these liberal gun grabbers that cause people to feel a need to have a few weapons that “Big Brother” doesn’t know about. They only HATE ghost guns because they won’t know whose home to search when trying to disarm everyone in the U.S. Door to door illegal searches? I wish them luck!

    It’s the government that I depise
    Citizens get ready for a fight. It will not be easy. We have to stand together. STAND TOGETHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

  5. Kind of reminds me when Mother’s Against Vehicles Driven by Drunk Drivers suing Ford, GM and Chrysler.

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