Governor Gives STUNNING Victory To Vet Who Defended Himself Against Leftist


Our military veterans deserve better. They deserve to have a Commander In Chief who actually cares about the military and about defending our country. But they have Joe Biden currently.

Fortunately, for one veteran, though, there are other people in public office who are willing to buck the Biden administration’s hostility towards anything traditional in American culture, whether it be honoring our military, gun rights and liberty, or a host of other issues.

And for that veteran, a recent announcement must be having him breathing out a sigh of relief. Tom Ozimek writes,


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has pardoned former U.S. Army Sgt. Daniel Perry, who was convicted of murder and sentenced to 25 years in prison for shooting an armed Black Lives Matter (BLM) protester who wielded an AK-47.

Mr. Abbott issued a proclamation on May 16 indicating that Mr. Perry has been granted a full pardon and restoration of full civil rights of citizenship, while taking aim at Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza for allegedly directing the lead investigator to withhold exculpatory evidence and demonstrating “unethical and biased misuse” of his office in prosecuting Mr. Perry.

“Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney,” Mr. Abbott said in a statement announcing the pardon. “I thank the Board for its thorough investigation, and I approve their pardon recommendation.”

In fact, the board, after reviewing Perry’s case, not only voted unanimously for his pardon but, also, recommended full restoration of Perry’s firearms rights.

And that’s the right thing to do in a situation where a political leader has found that a bureaucrat or leftist politician has abused their office in an attempt to push a political agenda, which is what the prosecutor in this case is accused of doing.

Now, we should work to have governors elected in more states with this kind of courage to defend their people instead of trying to push a leftist agenda.



    • Please subscribe me to ALL LISTS, Prepared Gun Owners. CONGRATULATIONS, DANIEL PERRY. A win over deceit. A win for freedom!

  1. As a USAF Retired & 100% Service Connected Disabled American Vietnam Combat War Veteran I want to praise salute and Honor Governor Abbot for his courage in understanding what is right and wrong with the laws of this great nation. I defended the US Constitution during time of war by enlisting in the USAF. It was an Honor for me to serve and do my job as an American Patriot. When someone comes to the aid of a man or woman in an imminent dangerous situation and as a Good Samaritan takes control of what could be construed as a dangerous and potentially lethal situation that person should not be jailed but hailed as a Hero. I would love to see this person Daniel Perry get the Presidential Medal of Freedom but that most likely would never happen from sleepy Joe and the rest of the woke crowd. Black Lives Matter is a Racist Militant Gang of American Subversives who don’t give a damn about anything other then of their agenda. I say this with out prejudice but with facts to back it up. So Governor Abbot Your Honor I salute you and all that you do and a Big HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! to you for righting this wrong. I stand with you and all American Veterans who are Patriots who defend the US Constitution The Truth Justice and the American Way. I am Daniel-M: Furesz USAF Retired & 100% Service Connected Disabled American Vietnam Combat War Veteran and Private Attorney General Secured Party Creditor.

    • Thank you Daniel for that post. I also stand with Gov. Abbot and salute him. Thank you for you service . I also am a disabled veteran of Vietnam and have a brother and brother – in- law who also served there. A nephew and a son who served in the gulf war, Irac war and desert storm. So great full you made it home. Again Thank You from a Naval Air veteran. God bless

    • Thank you, Daniel-M for your Service and your Patriotic, Truthful comment! Thank you, Governor for standing with Daniel! Life Member-VFWA!

  2. If Governor Abbott ever decides to move to AZ, I would gladly vote for him as Governor to replace our usurping, soros/cartel-bought fake cheating crook named hobbs squatting in our governors office and screwing AZ up for the future !!!

  3. Excellent work, Governor Abbott! And the very existence of your detractors is not worth acknowledging.

  4. Hopefully America can get more people like Governor Abbot and help turn your country AROUND…

  5. I wish that a new law would be on the books that any prosecutor, AG or judge who uses the law for political reasons, would be recognized as guilty of a gross felony and would be arrested and brought to trial. Maybe we would then have fewer of these unconstitutional kangaroo court cases.


  7. Justice will not be served until the District Attorney and Lead Investigator serve the sentence that they imposed on an innocent man. As for the blm riots, if Russia was funding an army of rioters to burn cities down, and then bribing corrupt DA’s to attack anyone opposing the riots, and it was known, there’d be cries for war. But Soros does it all in the open and there are few calls for his head. Soros and his globalist ilk attack our nation, buy our politicians, pervert justice, and live their lives unmolested.

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