Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Make EXCUSES. Will They Work In Court?

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Let’s be honest here. Someone has to be, right? And the honest truth is that, if Hunter Biden were anyone else’s son, he would already be sitting in jail for gun charges along with a host of other charges, if not already convicted by a hostile prosecutor and judge.

(Okay, if he were a Clinton or an Obama, he’d have gone this far without being thrown in jail, too.)

The fact of the matter is that Hunter Biden has been shown special favoritism time and time again from the Justice Department and from the court system because of who his father is. It’s plain as day for everyone to see.


And, now, his lawyers are making excuses to try to delay trials in the cases of the multiple crimes that Hunter is accused of committing. Will those excuses work? Caden Pearson writes,

Attorney Abbe Lowell has cited the “exceedingly difficult” task of preparing for two bi-coastal trials in the same month, while also wishing to attend a friend’s funeral, in a request to delay Hunter Biden’s California tax evasion trial set for June 20 until the fall.

The ex parte application, filed with the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, seeks to postpone the tax evasion trial, currently set for June 20, to September 5. Alternatively, Mr. Lowell requests a status conference earlier than the currently scheduled May 29 conference to address the matter.

Following recent setbacks for Mr. Biden, who lost his bids to halt proceedings and pursue appeals in his California tax evasion and Delaware gun cases, his lead attorney, Mr. Lowell, now finds himself in the “exceedingly difficult” position of preparing for trials in both cases, which will proceed unless delayed, according to the filing.

While I have sympathy for Lowell with the funeral situation, if he were defending a January 6th defendant or Donald Trump, would he have a snowball’s chance of having this trial delayed?

No, he wouldn’t. He would have to deal with the tax charges along with the gun charges at the same time.

And, frankly, because no kindness or mercy has been shown to politically conservative defendants when being prosecuted for alleged crimes of any sort (including supposed gun crimes: Kyle Rittenhouse, for example), Joe Biden’s son shouldn’t be shown any mercy in this either.

Hunter needs to have to deal with all charges at the same time, including, yes, the gun charges.

After all, turnabout is fair play, isn’t it?



  1. He’ll find (read: be directed to by the DoJ) some corrupt Federal judge who will grant his motions and delay the start of the trial, maybe indefinitely!

  2. Like daddy Hunter is a A1 walking A****le ! Pampered and spoiled his entire life , never taught right from wrong . A privileged brat who thinks because of who DADDY is , that he can say and do anything he chooses and it will be swept under the rug or over looked entirely .

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