Biden To Push SCARY Agenda In Last Few Months In Office


What do you do when you’re a doddering old man who is in his last few months in power, and you’re desperate to leave your mark on the world in those last few months?

Well, if you’re Joe Biden, you start seriously floating an idea that literally everyone thought was insane a mere ten years ago because of the affect that it would have on the political structure and process in Washington.

Yet, that’s exactly what shaky Joe is doing: proposing insane things. And one of the reasons that he proposed the particular insanity that he pushed today is because he is angry about the pro-gun rulings that the Supreme Court has handed down over the last few years.


Tom Ozimek gives us the details:

President Joe Biden said in a July 24 speech from the Oval Office that he plans to call for Supreme Court reform in his final stretch as America’s commander-in-chief.

President Biden made the remarks after explaining his decision not to seek reelection and laying out his plans for his final six months in office.

“Over the next six months, I’ll be focused on doing my job as president,” he said, highlighting key goals such as boosting economic growth, lowering inflation, tightening gun control, and safeguarding the planet from what he described as a “climate crisis.”

“And I’m going to call for Supreme Court reform because this is critical to our democracy, Supreme Court reform.”

That last one is what we’re talking about today (in addition to, of course, his pushes for more gun control). And let’s be honest here, what Biden means by Supreme Court reform is that he is going to try to force the court to become something that he can force to take the more politically left-leaning side on issues. As if we need more anti-Constitutional justices on the Supreme Court beyond the three that are already there.

Make no mistake, these efforts are Biden’s push to leave a legacy of political despotism in his name, and we can’t let him have the wins that he wants in his last few months in office.



  1. Congress needs to invoke the 25th amendment on both Boden and Harris for failing to fulfill their oaths of office

  2. Will someone tell this arrogant, egotistical, senile, old, racist, puppet, fool, he is no longer the chief, but just an old washed up ex=president, that got kicked to the curb, in a coup, by his buddy, obuthead, crazy n.piglosi, lying, crying, schumer, the joker, hidenbiden needs to retreat to the basement, since he gave up his job. He needs to step away completely, your not fit to lead, your not fit to make more idiotic, decisions, with world leaders, or anyone. U are finished, no one wants u, joe. Go in peace as they say, because u, shouldn’t ever have any, for what u did to our country, and the world, The worst pres and vp we have ever had in the world, total embarrassments, failures, for their whole term, just pathetic, but true. Both need to resign in disgrace.

  3. First off ” this is critical to our democracy, Supreme Court reform. ” we do not have a Democrazy we have a CONSITUTIONAL REPUBLIC meaning we have this piece of paper called the Constitution that tells the government what it can do …

  4. Biden will never get his way, too bad he wasn’t standing beside Trump when the .223 whizzed by

    • the Dept. of JUST US (communist) FIBbers, CIA, ATF, DOE have killed before. George H W Bush tried to kill Reagan in 1981. Tried to re-play the insurrection of Dallas Texas. IT FAILED. They will try to kill to Trump again, they have to.

  5. What Biden proposes requires a Constitutional amendment. But who knows he may try to use an Executive Order! (the old fool) The Constitution is very clear on the separation of Powers. But that means nothing to Biden or the Democrats after all the ‘Constitution is nothing but an old piece of paper with idealistic ideas.’ That is unless they agree with it, their interpretation.

    • in my short life of 68 years, the SCOTUS has turned PRO- atheist, racist, theft, murder, does NOT know what illegal is, you MUST buy insurance, 86 genders (no proof was presented), don’t know what a woman is, and IT IS OK for the gov’t. that you are FORCED to pay for can deny you any 1st amendment rights? How much more abuse are you willing to pay for and can endure as a coward?

      • Stop holding back Timothy , tell America how you really feel about the pile of mule dung that calls himself our president .

  6. Left leaning democrats made me turn full on republican. Harris is a socialist and she wants that for this country. Never too late to jump on the Trump train…K.A.N.

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