DISTURBING Update On Trump Shooting


Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last few weeks, then, you know that Donald Trump was shot a few weeks ago while on a campaign stop in Butler, Pennsylvania. I’d like to think that all decent people, regardless of their political preferences, would agree that attempts to kill political candidates are evil and wrong, but there are some twisted people in the world.

And speaking of twisted and messed up people and things, allegations around the Trump shooter are making that whole situation more and more bizarre. The BlazeTV Staff writes,

In yet another blow to the media narrative formed after the events of July 13, photo evidence reveals someone resembling the Trump shooter openly carrying a long gun at Trump’s Butler rally.

The photo was posted to X by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.), who claims to have received the photo from someone in law enforcement.

“The question becomes ‘How in your face was this guy that he was able to just literally carry a rifle around the perimeter, get up on the roof?’” Sara Gonzales of “Sara Gonzales Unfiltered” asks.

“You saw him, you took pictures of him, he tried to go through the metal detectors, and he had a range finder and you guys were like, ‘He’s probably just trying to golf,’” she says. “‘It’s not technically a device that’s not allowed, so we won’t detain him, we’ll just let him go. In fact, we’ll just lose total sight of him.’”

“He’s just walking around with a rifle slung around his shoulder like, ‘Nothing to see here,’” she adds in disbelief.

And I share that disbelief. It’s insane to me that a presidential candidate for one of the two major political parties in the U.S., especially one that has a Secret Service protection detail, was allowed to go on stage after this guy was spotted with a gun near the grounds.


It just doesn’t make any sense.

And while I’d rather not go speculating that people in the U.S. government were actively working to get Trump killed, at the very least, this is the worst Secret Service protection that I’ve heard of in my lifetime.

And that’s just not acceptable.

Frankly, the more that we find out about this situation, the more that it explains why you and I need to be trained and carrying our firearm at all times: Because the best of the best in law enforcement can’t stop all attempts by people with evil intent.



  1. Because this was 100% planned and executed by Democrats! This was the first time they had these snipers at a rally! WHY???? To make sure their patsy was taken out so there would be nobody to rat them out! With the crowd yelling about a guy on the roof to carrying a rifle at the event and the secret service pretend to be the key stone cops? Jumping on trump after the shooting! Like look what we did. And notice the phone that was at his home 19 times and close to the FBI building is now nowhere to be found! And his parents don’t know who this person at their home 19 times they don’t know? They are getting scared that they are all going to jail! They should feel lucky! If Trump would have been hurt bad! It would have been open season on all democrats and the FBI and secret service! And be 100% their fault!

    • No matter the reason, nor who was behind it, and not whether there WAS a sinister plan, the Secret Service agents assigned to this rally BLEW it! The one in charge (STILL haven’t heard a name) DIDN’T have control of the situation, AT ALL, DIDN’T pre-search and pre-station agents at important control points (not only the sniper’s roof position, but ESPECIALLY NOT THE WATER TOWER,EITHER, which overlooked EVERYTHING)!

      Apparently, the remaining agents were either inexperienced (!!), or utterly clueless! At least ONE of them should have been near Trump with binoculars, scanning! NONE were!

  2. The Democrats are likely behind this and ever since his first run at the presidency where one woman was fired because she had stated that she would not put her life on the line for Donald Trump it is very likely she wasn’t the only one who felt that way. So maybe people in the secret service was probably hoping that that shooter would succeed in shooting Donald Trump and that’s why the shooter was allowed to get close enough to try and kill Mr. Trump. Maybe I’m wrong but this is an example of why I don’t trust our government in any way shape or form.

  3. Imagine if this happened to harris or bye-den at a demonrat rally. The msm would be all over that forever with flalse accussations. More proof the cabal owns the msm, the governments, religion, big pharma, and big banks.

  4. I have been following this pretty closely. Watching all of the video and listening to the heads of the SSand FBI stammering in the senate hearings, I can not even imagine that this kid , did this alone. There are way too many catastrophic failures to be incompetence
    This event was planned and carried out in an effort to remove President Trump from. The race for the Whitehouse. However since it backfired ( Divine intervention) President Trump is guaranteed the white house!!


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