What They Don’t Want You To Know About Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto


School shootings are absolutely horrible things. They simply shouldn’t happen, and it’s evil for people to not only plan them but to, also, carry them out. Just evil.

Tragically, though, people do carry them out, and Americans are usually subjected to massive amounts of propaganda pushing for gun control whenever one occurs. Just look at what’s happening around the recent shooting in Winder, Georgia.

There is one school shooting, though, that the mainstream legacy media doesn’t seem to want to talk about nearly as much as other school shootings. In fact, the lack of discussion around it is almost like they are trying to gaslight us into forgetting it, and, along with law enforcement officials, for some reason, the media hasn’t wanted to find out or discuss what is in the manifest that the shooter left.


You have to wonder why that is.

The CEO of one newspaper, though, is one of the remaining members of the media that believes that it is important for people to hear all of the facts and to hear the truth, and he has some controversial comments about the Nashville shooter’s manifesto that may explain why you haven’t heard much about it. From the BlazeTV staff:

“We believe that we have served the public interest by demonstrating the very confused state of mind that Audrey Hale had and the absolute total failure of the mental health system to treat her for her difficulties,” [Tennessee Star CEO Michael Patrick Leahy] continues, noting that Hale had been under psychiatric care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for 22 years.

“She was also taking very, very strong SSRI drugs since 2019. Those will have an impact on a person, and I think that really, the whole public discussion about this has been misdirected. They try to make it about gun control.”

The issue isn’t the weapon a person uses but why the person picks up the weapon in the first place.

“The real issue here is how our children are suffering from mental illness and not being treated properly and how they’re being overprescribed with psychiatric drugs,” Leahy says.

Leahy points out a disturbing factor that shows up a significant number of times in mass shooters: mental health and the prescription of psychiatric pharmaceuticals. Some would argue that these are the real factors behind mass shootings and that we should be focusing on getting people the help that they need to get better instead of trying to ban guns.

Additionally, some people express concerns about the widespread use of SSRI drugs to treat mental health issues, at least on a long-term basis, especially because, in many cases, we don’t know the long-term side effects.

And some people accuse the mainstream legacy media of not wanting to report on situations in which pharmaceuticals may have played a part in a tragedy as that could hurt their advertising revenue from the pharmaceutical companies.

Is this all a conspiracy theory? Maybe. You should look into the information for yourself, though, before deciding that is the case.



  1. It’s true. Anti-psychosis drugs cause & exacerbate psychosis. Violent murderous thoughts are especially induced by a drug called Halcion.

  2. U give people psychotic drugs, and don’t keep an eye on them, this is what happens. Especially if some one is going through trans treatment, they need mental health care, and they aren’t getting it, it has nothing to do with guns. Wake up,

    • the FIBbers and other gov’t. “agencies” (Gestapo) have red flags on people (Trump’s second shooter) and do absolutly nothing. They need to be fired for fraud (taking an oath, cashing their paycheck, and NOT doing their job). This is NAZI Amerika (and the VERY reason for the 2nd amendment)

  3. When the list of side effects for these drugs runs to two pages you have to wonder why a person would even take them at all. And to a drug, the side effects include, suicidal tendencies, violent outbursts, irrational behavior, just to name a few. Would be nice for the american people to hear the truth for a change about the real reason behind gun and all other violence. Remember the rental truck at the christmas parade?? The weapon of choice is not the question that should be asked!!!

  4. It’s not about gun control at all. People with mental illnesses should not have access to firearms period. As a responsible gun owner, I get really angry when someone uses a Firearm for other than hunting or personal protection. What most angers me is the ability of those who haven’t put in the work to be safe, paid the amounts of money that responsible gun owners pay, and still get their hands on the most expensive firearms on the market. There needs to be an accounting. No 16 year old had any business with a Kimber. How did he get it? Where was it first sold? I’m sick of the mentally ill, criminally minded, and unqualified making my right to bear arms look bad to the rest of the country. Put that right in the hands of those who have proven to be capable of handling the responsibility, and make the penalties for irresponsibility severe and stand on it!

    • need to take away automobiles from those that don’t drink, so those that do drink & drive won’t kill them?

  5. I can assure you that the problem of mental issues of children is very real. I am paying today for one of those issues. My granddaughter accused me of molesting her. The poor little thing has saver mental problems and when off of the medicine has no idea of what she is doing and when on it can not think straight thoughts. None of it her fault, she just does not know. After4 years of trials and thousands of dollars to fight it, well so on and so on.

  6. There is no way to tell psychotic events are increased by antipsychotic drugs. Their purpose is reduction and have been shown to do so. Most often the events come because the patient stops taking the drugs, not because they took them.

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