The WORST Way To Concealed Carry A Firearm [Video]

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Today we’re going to dig into what may be the second most controversial topic in all of firearms: carry positions when carrying concealed. (Probably the most controversial topic in firearms is what caliber that you need to carry on a daily basis.)

So, why is carry position such a controversial topic to people? It comes down to a few things, really.

One factor driving that controversy is simply that people are emotionally invested in their opinions on the topic. Which makes sense when you realize that you have to feel that you’re making a smart decision about the best carry position to be able to defend yourself and your family. If you’re not comfortable with your carry position, you won’t use it. It’s as simple as that. You’ll use the carry position that you’re most comfortable with.


With some people, though, along with their emotional investment in that choice comes the need to justify that choice to other people. They feel that they have to fight about it.

Which, if you think about it, seems to imply that they aren’t really convinced of their choice in their own minds. If they were convinced in their own mind, then, they wouldn’t feel the need to justify that choice to anyone else. That’s unpopular to say, but, in my observations of people, it is true.

On the flip side of that, another reason that carry position discussions get heated is that people want other people to be safe, and if you’re absolutely convinced that your position on a topic is the best way to save lives, then, you’re more likely to fight to convince other people to agree with your conclusions. In this case, you don’t actually doubt your conclusion. You’re just so convinced of your conclusion (which may, in fairness, be right) that you’re willing to to verbally get into it with people in an effort to get them to do things your way for their benefit.

As a side note, fighting about the subject isn’t usually the best way to convince someone else of your position on the topic, but it is a common way that many people try in an effort to help other people.

Today, though, we’re not going to argue with anyone about the subject. Caleb is just going to give his viewpoint on what is the worst position to use for concealed carrying a firearm and his reasons why he came to that conclusion. See if you agree with him.

You can watch the video below.

What do you think? Do you agree with Caleb that small of the back carry is the worst carry position due to things like safety issues and problems with printing in that position?

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and, as always, the best way to practice your skills is with dryfire. That’s why we’re giving away a FREE 30 day dryfire program that only takes 10-minutes per day here for you:



  1. Hi.well I don’t carry but it is leagle as to my last search of the subject a few years back here in Washington State but check to see if any laws have been changed here without me happens all the time here where a law is passed and no one knows about it till it is to late and end up hopping and skipping in jail or in prison.

  2. While I agree with your comments about small of back carry, I believe that carrying in an ankle holster is even worse. It requires you to bend , crouch or kneel to reach for your weapon, while lifting a pant leg to clear the gun from the holster. This places you at a severe disadvantage if you have to move to find cover. If your weapon catches on your pant leg upon drawing, it is only natural for someone to look down to see the problem, forcing you to take your eyes off of a potential threat. This is my humble opinion, please feel free to comment.

  3. I believe your absolutely correct I would never carry in the small of the back , it is a bad spot I also believe , the strong side is we’re I carry . I have tried several different types of holsters several different types of carry ways and with a larger belly it’s just more comfortable and more flexible on the strong side . I don’t worry much about printing, my sigP320 is more to my mid section than my center of my hip , that’s just the way I carry . And if they try and take it the wife will shoot them. lol. No for real she carries also and we are very rarely apart. Almost never !

  4. First thing, slow down so these old ears can understand you better. To me, the small of the back would be uncomfortable and hard to get to when sitting. I Cary strong side and it works for me. You have to do what works best for you.. I Cary a glock 26 or 30. They handle well for me and are accurate.

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