If there’s one thing that Democrats (who are more and more anti-2A) know how to do, it’s lose elections.
At least, that’s one lesson that you can draw from the 2024 Presidential election in which Trump/Vance crushed the Harris/Walz ticket.
Now, there are a number of reasons that can be given for Trump’s win in the election, and one of those reasons is that Trump clearly communicated that he favored the Second Amendment while Harris and Walz both made it clear how hostile they both are to that amendment.
It seems that the Democrats’ hatred of the Second Amendment didn’t do them any favors in the election.
Yet, instead of learning from their crushing defeat, what did Democrats go and do but double down on what lost them the election.
I’m not kidding.
In fact, in their recent internal election, the Democrats elected as vice chair of the party one of the most annoying and pathetic anti-2A zealots that they could have (hat tip to here for the lead). Carla Herreria Russo writes,
David Hogg, a survivor of one the deadliest school shootings who has become a progressive activist, is the first member of Gen Z to be elected as a chair of the Democratic National Committee.
The DNC elected Hogg as vice chair this weekend, calling the 24-year-old “one of the most compelling voices” of his generation.
One of the most compelling voices of his generation? Who are they talking with to get that idea?
David Hogg isn’t compelling unless you consider someone “compelling” who throws tantrums in public about subjects that they obviously have no clue about (just read his comments) and who pouts for photos with RBF (we’ll call it “resting brat face…”).
Look, no one with a clue about the world takes Hogg seriously. Why would they take a spoiled teenager’s ranting as anything other than what it is: a show of that kid’s own immaturity and cluelessness.
Having Hogg as vice chair of the Democratic Party won’t help them win future elections. It will only help them to fall further into obscurity.
And pro-2A advocates couldn’t be happier about this.
There party is finished, they will never come back, they have destroyed the party for good, no one will ever trust these commies again, party is over. lol
This hogg creature is not a survivor…he showed up AFTER the smoke cleared. Hogg stated that he was a school reporter and, after he heard about the shooting, rode his bicycle to the school and arrived well after. He is just one large lie…just like the democrat party.
I struggle to figure out why anyone would support a Party that deals in so many demonstrable lies! Perhaps the reasons are due to a hatred for anything that they think their parents would like, or maybe they think that they can get things given to them for free. It doesn’t make sense to me! The Party with a “jackass” for a mascot could probably do with a serpent, for a change.
Interesting fact about snakes; if you chop the head off, both parts continue to move for a while! Sounds a little familiar?