You May Need To Sit Down When You Find Out Who Has Been BUYING MORE Guns Lately


You don’t need me to tell you that we live in a crazy, mixed up world. People have all kinds of strange beliefs and, sadly, they vote based on their beliefs (which is what is driving people to vote for gun control).

But a recent news story gives us some possible hope on the horizon about viewpoints that may be changing about private gun ownership in the U.S. among those who have been the biggest supporters of gun control.

No kidding. And, frankly, if it hadn’t come from a reputable source, I don’t know that I would believe it either.


The source? The Wall Street Journal.

Yes, really. Belle Carter, noting that article from The Wall Street Journal, writes,

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recently reported that a growing number of liberals are buying firearms in the United States, bucking the historical trend of Democrats eschewing owning guns.

In fact, during the last presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris touted how she and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), are both gun owners. In a campaign event with Oprah Winfrey, Harris told the media mogul, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”

According to the WSJ, gun culture, which conservatives have long dominated, is experiencing “a marked charge” as “a burgeoning number of liberals” flock to gun stores to purchase firearms. Surveys note that the fastest-growing gun groups identify as ethnic minorities or political progressives.

Carter continues:

Meanwhile, 29 percent of Democrats or those leaning Democrat said they had a gun at home in 2022, up from a four-decade low of 22 percent in 2010, according to a survey conducted by the University of Chicago‘s NORC research group. Moreover, the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions reported that more than half of Democratic voters who bought guns after 2020 were first-time owners.

That’s right, more liberals are buying guns than they have over the last 30 years or so.

Sure, their motivations seem to be only partially rooted in reality (one person that Carter mentioned said they bought a gun over concern about “street crime,” which is legitimate, and “armed right-wing extremists.” About that second reason, that person should diversify their news coverage beyond CNN and MSNBC.). Still, it’s progress towards their realization that having gun rights allows everyone to be safer because, then, everyone can protect themselves.

And if certain politicians don’t want you to be able to do that, then, you shouldn’t trust their thinking or their intentions on anything else, should you?



  1. Does not makes sense the same people that tell you to let the police protect you, also want to defund the police, tell you guns are bad and cause mass shootings, and want to take the guns out of the hands of the common people can see the need for protection before the police arrive …

  2. The liberal left leaning democrats don’t have to worry about legal gun owners, they have to worry about the crime they have been allowing the last 4 years, talk about irrational brained people !!! Could it be some of the brain dead have figured that out???🤪🤪🤪


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