Man With “Death to America” Sign Audaciously Stands Alongside Road – Then He’s Blindsided With Swift Justice


America’s haters are becoming more courageous by the day. It used to be unheard of for someone with such an inflammatory and downright insulting message as “Death to America” to even so much as utter the words of their opinion. But now, it’s evidently okay for these people to go out on the street and shout it from the rooftops.

That’s exactly what this man did in Florida when he walked along a busy roadway holding a boldly colored sign with handwriting that said “Death to America.”

He stood there unfettered for some time, and he probably thought that nobody would be brave enough to confront him. But then he got a swift kick of justice… literally.


Two people approached him, said they actually liked the sign in order to get his guard down, then beat the snot out of him.

A video of the whole incident can be seen on The Blaze. Here’s a report of what happened:

After a couple spotted a man holding a sign that read “Death to America” on a curb in Middleburg, Florida, they decided to take matters into their own hands by physically beating up the man and snatching the sign away from him in a Tuesday encounter that was caught on camera.

The man and woman were driving past the curb in a gray Nissan when they saw Charles Brownett standing there with his sign, which read “Death to America” on the front and “Because of Obama’s policies” on the back, according to WJAX-TV. The woman in the car allegedly shouted at Brownett, “Why don’t you leave America?” to which he responded, “Give me some money,” the Clay County Sheriff’s Office report stated.

The duo then parked their vehicle at a nearby McDonald’s before walking back toward Brownett. The man, who can be seen wearing an orange shirt in video footage, shouted, “Actually, I like that sign. Give it to me,” according to WJAX.

A scuffle then ensued during which the man with the orange shirt can be seen tackling Brownett and wrestling with him, as the woman, wearing a gray shirt in the footage, walks over to join them before kicking Brownett several times. A fourth unknown person attempted to break the two men apart, but the man in the orange shirt used the lull in the fight to punch Brownett several times in the face, witnesses said.

Of course, we shouldn’t encourage violence like this, but it’s hard to say this guy didn’t have it coming to him.

Tell us what you think in the comments.



  1. Good ’nuff for the creep. Hope that man & woman got in a few punches & kicks for me, too !

    • Read closely! Apparently you missed it the first time because you read without understanding.
      The sign read, “Because of Obama’s policies, Death to America.” In other words, Because of Obama and his policies, America isn’t America anymore! Its dying and dead! You get it now Mr. Reasonable and supposedly educated?
      Yes, he should have been turning the sign. Republicans being reasonable? Pfft! What a bunch of dumbasses!

  2. Good ’nuff for the creep !! Hope the man & woman got in a few punches & kicks for me, too !!!

    • Before we get too rabid about beating this guy up, maybe some of us should find out what is written on the other side of his sign.

      • Who cares what was on the other side of the sign…it’s the side he was sticking in our faces that resulted in his getting hit. Get off your pacifying, patronizing, lefty sounding crap and stand for something instead of standing for nothing or feigning this high sounding hippy, peace-nik “peace man, I believe in peace man”, the chump is lucky he’s not in the hospital.

      • “Because of Obama’s Policies” was on the other side. It seems that he’s in defense of America, but he should have been turning the sign so people could read it correctly.

        ” Because of Obama’s Policies, Death to America!”

    • Seriously, I’m not going to lie when I say that America really does NEED a revolution; I just don’t think people should be hateful towards our country like that! Well, I understand where the guy’s coming from, given his status; also, I understand how the couple is upset too! I think they could ALL do with some solid RESTORATIVE JUSTICE! Definitely, it’s not okay to assault someone like that; you can’t use physical force if someone’s not physically threatening you in my humble opinion!

  3. I was born and raised in Middlebury I know the McDonald’s well they stopped at we used to Go every Friday night and meet up with friends . I moved because it got too crowded. Use to be a great place to live until the subdivisions came. But rest assure it’s not the place to knock America camp blanding is right there and folks still have southern pride. As we say from the burg ,talk shit get knocked out! Glad to see they haven’t changed.

  4. If he dislikes this country that much he should leave… We have enough problems in this country with the current administration and if Hillary should get elected our problems will continue..

    • If Hitlery is elected, Americas day are numbered. If the Pornography peddler is elected, America is OVER!

  5. I think the Jerk Got Exactly What He Deserved ! I would have liked to have Been There !

  6. I’m not clear … “Death to America … Because of obama’s policies” and THEN he asks for money to leave?

    • Wouldn’t you want to leave a Communist country too if you knew it was coming? With Hitlery coming, I would! Screw those Commies!

    • The sign read, “Because of Obama’s policies, Death to America.” In other words, Because of Obama and his policies, America isn’t America anymore! America is dying! If Hitlery is elected, it’s dead!
      Yes, he should have been turning the sign. Republicans being reasonable? Pfft! What a bunch of dumbasses!

  7. It is nice to see people still have pride for the greatest country the world have ever seen. It lets me know that I am not alone. If more people would stand up and fight for this country we might would stand a chance in saving it. If we don’t stand up now then the best is gone.

  8. Could it be that he is merely against the recent government policies that are causing America to decline? America has been declining for many years because of political actions increasing controls over Americans. Passing many “laws” that hamstring what was once a great country.

  9. Is this behavior an extension of this administration’s complete hatred of America and American citizens ???? If so then they all ought to be removed from this country from the top down and sent to where ever they feel at home, which obviously is not here. The fraud has succeeded or has been allowed to succeed in dividing this country right down to each individual. What a pitiful state of affairs for this once greatest nation in the world to be in because of the total corruption of our politicians.

    • Read closely!The sign read, “Because of Obama’s policies, Death to America.” In other words, Because of Obama and his policies, America isn’t America anymore! It’s dead or dying!
      Yes, he should have been turning the sign. Republicans being reasonable? Pfft! What a bunch of dumbasses!

  10. Wait a minute….”Death to America” on one side of the sign and “Because of Obama’s policies” on the back of the same sign????? To me, I think the person’s sign has been misinterpreted due to the ignorance of the assaulters. I can’t agree more with the sign because of Obama’s policies IS the “death of America”. NOW….who wants to come down here to Texas to kick my ass? I’ll be waiting.

  11. I believe this man was against Obama, not actually America. The sign did say, “Because of Obama’s policies” , which to me sounds like he hates Obama (like just about everyone), and not our country.

    Isn’t that what he was saying???

  12. The man holding the sign has a right to say what he wishes. And the man beating him up does not have the right to inflict a beating upon him. That said; these days our same rights to say what we believe – even hatred and prejudice – are being massively infringed upon. Our Judao-Christian beliefs are blatantly HATED in spite of our unalienable rights to freedom to such beliefs. So the gloves are off and I would have knowing done the same to this puke!

    No more Mr. Nice Guy! I also have the planet wide right to attempt to survive and that includes my way of life! They attempt to change my society to turn it against me!

  13. He should have put his disclaimer on the front of the sign as well, he probably would have been applauded instead of beaten.

  14. I would have beat the guy senseless and then when the other guy stuck his nose in I would have popped him as well and then told him thats what he got for sticking his nose in.

    • Reds closely! The sign read, “Because of Obama’s policies, Death to America.” In other words, Because of Obama and his policies, America isn’t America anymore! It’s dead or dying!
      Yes, he should have been turning the sign. Republicans being reasonable? Pfft! What a bunch of dumbasses!

  15. Seeing this sign does make your blood boil with anger. If he hates this country why live here, move to Cuba or some other country. He may have freedom of speech, but freedom comes with responsibility which many people ignore, or lack. If, I was involved beating him, he wouldn’t be able to walk away.

    • The sign read, “Because of Obama’s policies, Death to America.” In other words, Because of Obama and his policies, America isn’t America anymore! It’s dying.
      Yes, he should have been turning the sign. Republicans being reasonable? Pfft! What a bunch of dumbasses!

  16. Maybe you didn’t go to the video. I did and this poor soul is trying to do a good thing but
    his wording needs some help. He is trying to tell bummer to stop letting the syrian , iraq, afgastani,
    refugees because they could be jihadis. It will cause the death of America. Seems he has done
    this before for other reasons and has been beaten before…He may not be as quick on the draw as
    some of us and someone who loves him ought to help make a more appropriate sign…here is the link…

  17. Okay, before I start my comment, I am a veteran from a long time military family. I LOVE my country. However, only one or two commenters picked up on the fact, the other side of the sign said “because of Obama’s policies” Now, I would have approached him to hear what he had to say first, before judgement. Apparently, or common sense, should have prevailed and had two signs that clarified his intent. However, if his intent was, his hatred towards America, then, and only then would I have beaten the shit out of him and felt justified. We move to quick to judgement these days or we sit back and do nothing. Just MHO. Semper Fi.

  18. Everyone has the right to voice an opinion no matter how stupid. This violence was uncalled for and this site is an extremist site for propagating such behavior. What ever happened to just ignoring boorish behavior? I’ve seen KKK literature handed out and have witnessed Israel haters publicly crying out in public places. I simply walked away. Beating the hell out of someone because one dislikes another’s opinions simply creates anarchy. Plus it’s illegal. Why not grab an American flag, stand close to this guy and supply a counterpoint to this loon’s ideas? Hey, freedom of speech applies to all has long as you’re not creating a riot.

    • Bull-dump ! Death to America pukes deserve a beat-down every time ! And if you don’t approve of this web-site, why in the fvck are you here ?

      • The sign read, “Because of Obama’s policies, Death to America.” In other words, Because of Obama and his policies, America isn’t America anymore!
        Yes, he should have been turning the sign. Republicans being reasonable? Pfft! What a bunch of dumbasses!

    • Ordinarily I’d agree with you, Vincent, but that is the slogan of a group who pose an existential threat to our nation, and our way of life. You wouldn’t allow some one to come in and pee (or worse) on your living room rug, would you? And you certainly wouldn’t stand next to them singing a Lysol ditty as a counterpoint. There are some things that are non-negotiable, and require unequivocal condemnation. And that was one of them….

    • the problem, is too many of us have ignored the situation for far too long. This simple beat down is just the beginning of what’s on the horizon for this country. you should probably be thankful it was only fists and feet flying, could have been bullets.

    • Oh, and here’s a thought. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, 7 x 70 times. It’s highly likely the two folks handing down the ass whippin’ had turned their 490 times, and the poor fool with the sign just happened to be 491. Don’t know about you, but with 1,974,000 legal immigrants over the last 3 years, and god only knows how many illegals have stomped on our toes, ( which by the way , is just as bad as a slap in the face), how many times does that equal the turn of the cheek?

  19. All it means to me is that I did my job correctly. We still live in a country that you can be a jackass in, and you can also f. up jackasses. Consequences.
    21 yr. Army vet, JSOC

  20. I think this guy was trying to say that the policies of Obama over the last 8 years have been killing America. The problem came in his really poor choice of words. Yes Obama has been killing America with his socialist policies, but saying Death To America in big bold letter’s is going to do one thing and one thing only, piss every real American off to the point of wanting to kick your ass, and that is exactly what happen.

  21. I wish they had broken a few bones. No pain would have been too much for that piece of crap.

  22. Any chance those wonderful people have , uh, sort of communicable disease, transmittable by video, that causes other Americans to beat the living $**T out of “you-know-who”? I’m beginning to think every American (and non-Middle Easterner) should be issued several jars of bacon fat, , and encouraged to show off their juggling skills in “certain” neighborhoods………..

  23. I think a well placed sign near him, “I LOVE AMERICA”, on 1 side, “But NOT the government” on the other side would have been helpfull. If an argument ensued, then would be time for confrontation (physical?)!!

  24. The guy holding the sign is the flowering of The Communist Democratic Socialist Peoples Party now run by Osama Bin Laden Obama traitor to America, and his bought off collaborators, and enablers. If Obama were an idiot white man he would be holding a sign saying Death to America.

  25. The guy holding the sign is the poster child for The Communist Democrat Socialist Party of America. Run currently by the greatest traitor in American History Osama Bin Laden Obama, who would be the guy holding the sign if he had been born a moronic white man.

  26. The article above states “when they saw Charles Brownett standing there with his sign, which read “Death to America” on the front and “Because of Obama’s policies” on the back”

    It would seem these people reacted to the “Death to America” comment but gave no thought to the back side comment of “Because of Obama’s policies” and putting the two comments together.

    I cannot help but wonder if they were a little slower to react and think about what the sign in total stated that they may agree with Mr Brownett. We all need to slow down and think about what is said before we just go bouncing off the walls reacting to half thoughts and information.

  27. It;s considered free speech also to burn or desecrate the American flag.
    There is no penalty.
    It should be free speech to beat the snood out of the bastards doing it.
    With no penalty !

  28. Death to America and he’s standing in sight of a Public Micky Dee’s and what’s to say he could have placed a bomb at Micky’s and the sign part of the attack. They video tape other attacks and put them on line up to cutting non believers heads off. He got what was coming to him and he should have got more.

  29. This has been going on for years. People are just more sensitive to it these days. It is not what everyone would do, but some are more tolerant than others. I seem to be one of the less tolerant myself. But, we all have imper-

  30. I would have used kindness and maybe this guy would like America again. This couple just only made it worse and made us all look bad.

  31. You dumbasses are missing the man’s point. He’s protesting the America hating asshole in the White House and warning of the results of Obummer’s actions. I’m a local and heard the whole story.

  32. Was the opposite side of the sign “Because of obama’s policies” just a ruse? No one seems to be asking that.

    “Death to America” is a rally cry of Islamofascists since the 1960s, used by Palestinian protestors and picked up by radical Islamofascists ever since: this was chanted for days outside the American embassy in Tehran just before it was overrun. It was the ISIS war cry at the American embassy in Benghazi just before the compound was attacked. Holding a sign like that on the side of any highway, no matter whether it’s in Florida or not, is like screaming “FIRE!” in a crowded nightclub or movie theater: it was certain to get a response — and it did. I question whether the individual holding the sign used the reverse side as a ruse.

    If the individual intended to explain the decay of America due to obama’s policies, it is rather elegant proof of a lack of intelligence. Hopefully this individual hasn’t bred children yet: it’s bad enough that he votes.

  33. Man, they should have beheaded the punk assed mf’er, Radical Islamic lover, right there on the street corner and put it on camel scrotum sucking ISIS social media!!! HA HA HA…why didn’t they break some bones? Break his neck or back at least? Then set his private parts on fire since he wouldn’t be able to move around to good! hahaha

    • The sign read, “Because of Obama’s policies, Death to America.” In other words, Because of Obama and his policies, America isn’t America anymore!
      Yes, he should have been turning the sign. Republicans being reasonable? Pfft! What a bunch of dumbasses!

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