Yes Virginia, There Is A DOUBLE Barrel 1911!


If you never heard of Santa please explain how those gifts showed up under the tree yesterday. While your at it, explain to me how Hickok45 (of YouTube fame) is shooting a double barrel 1911.  Maybe this needs repeating, there’s a double barrel 1911 that slings two .45’s downrange at the same time. Yeah such a thing exist, and has for a few years actually. They call it the Dueler Prismatic.

The main temptation in buying one of these is just to see what it can do. Watch the video below and see for yourself:


Can anyone watch this video and not want one. Sure it lacks utility; sure it’s expensive; sure it’s less accurate, but it sure looks like a good time.

This gun was featured in the 2015 James Bond Film Spectre, so you know it’s gotta be good, right? All kidding aside, the gun is one hell of show piece and with a price tag up to $8,000, it better be.

Obviously, this isn’t made for practical self-defense, but you wouldn’t want to be on the other end of it. It’s got some really interesting internal parts and should be a must have oddity for years to come.

You don’t need to be able to afford one to enjoy it. Just watch the video again…and again.


