Anti-Gunners Are Furious That Gun Sanctuary Movement Is Using Their Tactics Against Them


It’s an interesting thing to watch when someone’s tactics in a situation are used against them in another situation.

You’ve likely seen this before. For example, when someone that you know who has no tact and is overly blunt about everything is told in a very blunt manner how rude that they often are, the person often doesn’t know how to respond because they’ve always been the one using the tactic and not on the receiving end of the same tactic.

We’re seeing the same thing happen in several states now, though especially in Virginia, with the gun sanctuaries. Those on the political left started using the sanctuary idea by setting up sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants to prevent deportations. Now, pro-gun people are declaring where they live to be gun sanctuaries, as in protected zones in which firearms and their owners can’t be harassed by anti-gunners. Cam Edwards writes,


Everytown’s Managing Director of Litigation and National Enforcement Policy, Eric Tirschwell, told Virginia television station WHSV that the movement is dangerous.

“’If these folks actually follow through on what at this point is really just a threat to not enforce laws, that’s where I think the real danger will reveal itself,’ he said.

“Tirschwell argues the resolutions are problematic for a number of reasons; most importantly, he says, because they put lives at risk.

“’These resolutions could have, and threaten to have, a chilling effect on people who might otherwise use, or take advantage of gun safety laws to try to prevent harm, like a suicide, a homicide or even a mass shooting,’ he said.

What’s really amusing about Tirschwell’s argument is that in his position at Everytown for Gun Safety, he’s helping to provide legal support to cities around the country that are passing local gun control ordinances in violation of state firearms preemption laws. From Pittsburgh to Coral Gables to Missoula, Montana, Tirschwell has been working to defend cities that face court challenges after ignoring state law. Everytown for Gun Safety is all in favor of localities having more control over their gun laws, but only if it means more gun control laws.

Edwards continues,

Herring spouted off about the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement being driven by “the gun lobby,” but the truth is the Left has provided the playbook for Second Amendment supporters across the state. The national gun groups have had virtually nothing to do with the movement, and even Philip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League says his group isn’t leading the movement, and in fact is having a hard time keeping up with the explosive growth in the state.

“’It’s mostly grassroots,’ he said. ‘Localities have passed this that weren’t even on our radar. It’s like a grass fire that the grassroots had started and then we went in and threw some more gasoline and a match on it to make it burn even brighter.’”

Oh, the irony is rich here. But, of course, those on the political left (which are, generally speaking, the ones supporting both illegal immigration and gun control) are the ones who made the sanctuary movement a popular movement in some parts of the country. They’re just unhappy because it’s being used against them.

But they’ll get no sympathy from me on this point, and they shouldn’t be getting any sympathy from you, either. Frankly, they just need to mind their own business and to stop trying to take our guns.



  1. These dummies need to look @ the rest of our world. Every where the guns were taken away CRIME HAS GONE THROUGH THE ROOF, Australia’s crime went over 300% about 10/12 years ago it came down to almost 300%, the police man put it on line 2 years ago—surprise–surprise, have a nice day & watch your back.

    • Of course, the anti-gun activists want violent crime to flourish; it worked in the USSR and Nazi Germany so why not the USA? Of course, we have that pesky Second Amendment – Thank God.

  2. The Democrats are Desperate to DISARM ” WE THE PEOPLE “, so they will be able to impose their tyranny upon a society that HAS NO DEFENSE AGAINST THEIR CORRUPTION.
    LINE ).

    • Well, What you say is great. I have only one problem with it though. Why should “We the People” pay them because they are out of a job? Haven’t all of them gotten rich stealing from us already? I am of the opinion that everybody should read Article III of our Constitution and apply to the “Communist Democrats” at once. This article is the ONLY crime covered in our Constitution. That crime is TREASON. The Communist democrats are as guilty of this as they are of breathing. Please read the entire article. It also covers the punishment to be administered as well. I’ll say this, the punishment is very gruesome at best. However, considering the crime and the ramifications of that crime I think it fits properly.

    • Well, What you say is great. I have only one problem with it though. Why should “We the People” pay them because they are out of a job? Haven’t all of them gotten rich stealing from us already? I am of the opinion that everybody should read Article III of our Constitution and apply to the “Communist Democrats” at once. This article is the ONLY crime covered in our Constitution. That crime is TREASON. The Communist democrats are as guilty of this as they are of breathing. Please read the entire article. It also covers the punishment to be administered as well. I’ll say this, the punishment is very gruesome at best. However, considering the crime and the ramifications of that crime I think it fits properly. By the way people, I am being censored because I know the truth and I’m not afraid to speak the truth every time I get the chance. I have called most members of the U.S. House communist party exactly that. Funny nobody there has denied it. And nobody at Google, Facebook, Twitter CBS, NBC or ABC have denied my charges either. Interesting!

      • You may now remember that there was once a best selling book called “none dare call it treason,” and that was because most of the then politicians were guilty, just as they are today.

  3. These anti gun laws that they are passing has nothing to do with people’s safety it will make law abiding citizens vunerable to criminals and the police state. These laws will get law abiding citizens killed. The blood will be on there hands.

    • Not to mention these “laws?” are unconstitutional, unenforceable and illegal. That makes them “non-laws.” They aren’t even guidelines. Any law enforcement officer attempting to enforce these “laws?” is breaking the oath they took when they became members of the law enforcement community. Remind them of this if they show up at your home. If they persist contact your attorney and file suite against not only the officers involved but the government that passed those “laws?” Don’t settle for anything less than 10 Billion U.S. Dollars. We must teach them some harsh reality lessons.

  4. The irony is, that every statement this clown, Tirschwell, is making can be applied to illegal immigration and the potential for harm to come from criminal illegal aliens. They, by the way, are the only immigrants that President Trump wants to exclude from entry into our country. Get in line, wait your turn and be admitted into the country, that’s the only requirement. Oh, and not be a criminal trying to exploit this country and it’s citizens for your criminal designs. Yet the Democrats are so lacking in any cogent agenda for the nation and its prosperity, that they want to get as many illegals into the country as they can to try and dupe them into voting for their tax and spend, free stuff, agenda. Trump in 2020, four more years.

  5. I just wrote that “Eric” nut. I gave him a taste of his own medicine only this time with FACTS they can’t deny and numbers they can’t match. For example: These anti gun communist are facing over 22,000,000,000 armed and trained to kill people that say in one word what we all feel. NO! WE are veterans that our government trained to kill real good. We haven’t forgotten that training and never will. I didn’t mention our current military or the Law Enforcement community who are all facing the same disarmament the rest of us are. I also didn’t mention the millions of sportsmen and sportswomen that are saying in one unifying voice “We will never comply!”

  6. Well Folks, I’ve said enough for right now. Please read my comments and spread the word. Everything I’ve said is true and verifiable.
    Please pray that we can escape Commifornia before they catch up with us. The likely hood is getting slimmer as each day passes.
    God Bless
    100% Disabled American Veteran.

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