Massive Lawsuit Against CA Gov For 2nd Amendment Violations


This one comes from the why-did-it-take-them-this-long-to-do-this file.

It’s no secret that California governors tend to have a track record of being flipped out people with crazy policies. Jerry Brown comes to mind. But current California governor Gavin Newsom is giving Brown a run for his money for nonsensical policy positions.

Of course, one of those positions is Newsom’s irrational anti-gun position, and, finally, some pro-gun organizations decided that they have had enough and filed a lawsuit. Dan Zimmerman writes,


Today, attorneys for plaintiffs including individuals, a Los Angeles firearm and ammunition retailer, Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), National Rifle Association of America (NRA), California Gun Rights Foundation (CGF), and Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a federal lawsuit challenging state and local policies and enforcement practices that violate Second and Fourteenth Amendment rights. 

Zimmerman continues,

“California’s attack on fundamental rights in times of emergency must be stopped in its tracks,” observed SAF founder and Executive Vice President, Alan Gottlieb. “This case is part of our mission to win firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time. And more, the lawsuits we are filing across the country are making a large number of other states, counties, and cities think twice before closing down essential gun stores.”

“Twenty-eight years ago, the LAPD had to withdraw their officers to protect their safety. We hope that the stay-home orders will mean that our public servants will not become infected in this pandemic, but the Constitution guarantees that everyone has a right to acquire arms and defend themselves should law enforcement not be able to respond before it’s too late,” remarked CGF Chairman, Gene Hoffman. “No petty autocrat can be allowed to suspend the Bill of Rights.”

“Municipalities and states that target lawful gun stores for closure aren’t promoting safety—by weaponizing their politics to disarm you and your loved ones, these shameless partisans are wantonly promoting a gun-control agenda that suffocates your Second Amendment rights when you need them most,” commented NRA-ILA Executive Director, Jason Ouimet. “NRA members recognize these unlawful power-grabs for what they are, and the National Rifle Association is proud to stand and fight alongside fellow Second Amendment groups who recognize it as well.”

“Especially due to the restrictive nature of California’s Byzantine gun laws that require the use of licensed dealers to buy and transfer both firearms and ammunition, the defendants’ orders and actions challenged individually and collectively violate the Constitution and individuals’ fundamental rights to keep and bear arms and due process of law,” explained attorney and FPC Director of Legal Strategy, Adam Kraut. “These irrational and outrageous fiat restrictions cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny and must be enjoined from enforcement.”

“California’s State and local governments cannot simply suspend the Constitution,” FPC President Brandon Combs said. “This case is one of many actions FPC is taking around the United States to fight for liberty and freedom. The entire FPC team has been and will remain all-hands-on-deck, working around the clock on important efforts to safeguard the People’s individual liberties and property, especially the rights to keep and bear arms, free speech, privacy, and due process. FPC is fully committed to uniting the advocacy space and partnering with organizations and law firms around the country to fight government abuses and defend the People’s right to defend their lives and homes. We especially wish to recognize and thank our incredible members and supporters who make all of our legal action, research, and grassroots activism programs possible.”

Now, let’s be frank, with California’s court system being what it is, especially the 9th Circuit Court, this lawsuit is an uphill climb, but it they can win it, this is a one worth fighting.

Let’s hope that these pro-gun organizations can find a rational Constitutional ear in the court system so that they can shut down California’s war on gun rights.



  1. Now mass has shut down the gun shops. Seems Gov. Baker is against people being able to protect them and family. Let’s get it going in Massachusetts also.

  2. The buttwipe releases prisoners then wants to make sure they can just walk into anyone’s home,& help themselves to whatever they want without fear of the homeowner being armed!
    Good luck to the ones that go into the wrong home!

  3. Infringed; trespassed, inhibited, prohibited, omitted, repealed, are just a few definitions. Therefore, all gun laws passed which would deny and person to buy, own, carry openly, and to utilize, are violations of personal rights of the people.
    SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! There are many gun laws already infringing upon our rights Constitutionally. WE THE PEOPLE have the right GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION to carry openly! Even being forced (by law) to have to obtain a CCP (concealed carry permit) is UNCONSTITUTIONAL per the last four words of the 2A. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!

  4. Jail for piglosie,Feinstein, Newsome and100 John does to address the criminal law firms that have supported them: remember feinstein shot a burglar in her House!

  5. These groups knew when the 9th circus court was rabid Libtard they had no chance to defeat these Demons.
    POTUS Trump has brought the court to be tilted Conservative and will be the Crux on which the civil suits will reshape all Civil Rights standards in the U.S.

  6. Iam retired from the army.
    And I didn’t spend all that time there for a bunch of dimwits to take my rights away

    Msg LHWolfrey

  7. Screw California! The best thing to ever happen to me when I grew up in California, was to get drafted into the Army and got the Fk out of there never to go back. That state has lost it’s mind.. Don’t believe it then just listen to your gov. Mr. Newsom, Nancy Pelosi. D. Finesine. Just to name a couple of the nut cases that control California.

  8. Spelling correction, Feinstein. Not that I really care if the witches name is spelled right or not.

  9. California has been completely controlled by Communists and Socialists for many years , What worries Me is that California is at least in some part controlled By the Mexican Drug Cartels ,Money from the Government of Mexico and the Communist Chinese

  10. You are late to the party. The federal trial court has already dismissed the state defendants because the State did not order gun store closures, that was done by the local sheriffs and/or mayors, all of whom remain in the suit.

  11. The 2nd admenmet was writen for people who respect the laws of our great nation. We have the to protect our selves and love ones. I am a retired masrer gunny sgt. I sereved 30 years as a scout sniper in recon. I was trained to kill and remove people who posed a danger to my fellow marines and service personal. No weapon kills anyone. The person on the triger does. I did my job so fellow service members could go home to mom, wife kids. I teach women and young men fire arm saftey and how to use hand and long wepons. I am 75 and do this at no cost and the law enforcement range is free also.

  12. The 2nd admenmet was writen for people who respect the laws of our great nation. We have the to protect our selves and love ones. I am a retired masrer gunny sgt. I sereved 30 years as a scout sniper in recon. I was trained to kill and remove people who posed a danger to my fellow marines and service personal. No weapon kills anyone. The person on the triger does. I did my job so fellow service members could go home to mom, wife kids. I teach women and young men fire arm saftey and how to use hand and long wepons. I am 75 and do this at no cost and the law enforcement range is free also.

  13. Ya know this has been going on in California since as long as I can remember of unreasonable bias towards weapon purchase denials !!! I spent 4 years in the USMC and discharged honorable without a felony conviction ever and 8 years ago I filed for a purchasers permit and waited the 3 days and a sheriff came and told me that I was denied for the permit due to a mere supposed domestic charge that was addressed by my Attorney way back in 1984 that’s “still pending” as was stated to me and the state never responded to that violation of the complaint and if warranted was told, to send it to my Attorney for addressing and still have the letter to prove my addressing the citation with Attorney and yet the runaround and loss of rights still rolls on without any solid answers from the governors to the San Diego Sherrif Dept ! It’s
    “My Problem” !

  14. I’m guessing if we can’t come to terms in the courts it might become a battlefield issue. Ask the Red Coats how that worked for them.

  15. This is CA, home of many of the leftward lurching courts in the country. In that environment, I think such a suit has as much of a chance of lasting as a snowball lasting more than an hour in Death Valley.

  16. This would be a good time should the case to reach the supreme Court for it to ENFORCE the Heller vs DC and the McDonald vs. Chicago Decisions without ANY ambiguity.

    Most gun restriction laws out side of those imposed on criminals and those adjudicated as mentally ill are unconstitutional from an exegetical reading of the 2nd Amendment. Let’s enforce the 2nd Amendment and then get to enforce the complete Bill of Rights with a vengeance!

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