Is This A PROPER Use Of Firearms?


There is much disagreement among people on both sides of the gun issue as to what is the “proper” use of a firearm. Those on the anti-2A side of of the issue seem more inclined to think that there is no legitimate use of a firearm except by security teams to protect wealthy people and politicians (well, at least anti-2A politicians). Those on the pro-2A side of the issue are of the opinion that the only illegitimate use of a firearm is for the initiating of violence against someone who is not a threat.

To put it another way, anti-2A people tend to think that only the rich and powerful are allowed to have firearms to protect themselves, while the pro-2A folks tend to think that we should all have the right to protect ourselves and others from attackers, whether that is a criminal or a totalitarian government (that is why the Second Amendment was put into place, after all).

Having said that, you may wonder whether a recent policy change in Idaho is a “proper” use of a firearm. Michele Blood writes,


Idaho’s Governor Brad Little (R) signed legislation Friday allowing execution by firing squad beginning July 1.

“The families of the victims deserve justice for their loved ones and the death penalty is a way to bring them peace,” said Gov. Little in a transmittal letter to Idaho’s Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Moyle (R).

“Fulfilling justice can and must be done while minimizing stress on corrections personnel … For the people on death row, a jury convicted them of their crimes, and they were lawfully sentenced to death.”

Some may consider that brutal, and it’s certainly not fun and games.

We are talking about firing squads only being used for convicted murderers whose crimes rose to the level to justify the death penalty, so, there is that aspect to consider, at least in some people’s minds.

So, is a firing squad for implementing the death penalty a proper use of a firearm? I’ll let you decide. I suspect, though, that as it becomes more widely known, the murder rate in Idaho may decrease.



  1. Hell yes, all for it! Remember that the reason is “if” there is a short supply of lethal injection drugs available! I however also think it’s more cost effective so , get on with it! Quit the multiple appeals crap and get on with it! The idiots against it state, that it costs more to put them to death, which is ONLY true because of the appeals! What does it cost for food every day for a life sentence? .22 cartridges are anywhere from 10 cents to around 60 cents depending on the type! One does the job, that’s pretty damn cheap, even cheaper than rope! I do believe there is another state that has also given the prisoner a choice of firing squad, because they only had one choice, lethal injection! AND they’ve already used it! What about the family who never got a loved one back, because some scumbag chopped them up and discarded them like yesterdays trash? “Let the punishment fit the crime”, that’s what the lefties say, well here’s the chance to have it!

    • A firing squad may consist of multiple members, perhaps 6 or more.
      A .22 cartridge is more likely to injure than to deliver a reliable termination.
      The 30-06 would be a much more reliable choice, and at even $1.50 per round would still be a cost-effective way of delivering justice.

      • Your point? The .22 caliber round has been used for decades as an efficient terminal round for assassination. We’re not talking about a 300 yard shot, it will be up close and personal, say 10 yards! I’ve used the .22 to dispatch many animals at close range! If it will put a pig down, it will put a pig down! Are you worried about the punks feelings? I’m not!

    • I wholly agree. I especially believe if the death row inmate is convicted of murder for USING a firearm then yes, give him the bullets! (lead first of course).
      Murderers who strangle should be hung and pedophiles should be hung, shot then burned and quartered!
      Just my opinion though.

  2. some states couldn’t come up with a good lethal and getting sue for ”cruel and unusual ”ree king irony seems like . ,me i think they should dip them in liquid nitrogen head first, or a sub-zero freezer ,but nitrogen gas could make use of old gas chambers ,they just fall asleep

  3. Oh Yeah ! A couple rounds to put each one down, is a hell of a lot cheaper than supporting all those criminals. They get better clothes, shoes, medical, dental, food etc. than most low income families and homeless have. The criminals get it all on US, the tax payers and the worst part, the victims family and friends end up supporting them through taxes also. They kill one of yours and then you support them til they die, why ?

    Why do you think so many criminals get themselves caught and thrown back in prison, they know they can’t make it legit outside and get all that’s needed for free in prison.

  4. Ten men,ten rifles,nine blank rounds,one live round.None of the executioners knows who has the live round.
    READY,AIM,FIRE! End result,one less violent criminal to deal with.

    • Those family members who want to join are welcome. The best way is 10 shooters with one blank round.

  5. I’m fine with Firing Squads. Then again, I’m fine with Hanging, Electrocution, Beheading, and Hanging, Drawing and Quartering for Traitors.

  6. Firing squad is fine, just make sure the bastards can shoot straight. You don’t want them flopping around like a marionet:)

  7. Yes, use the firing squad, humane for dispatching animals. Humane enough for dispatching Criminals. Although, I tend to agree with previous posts on punishments fitting the crimes. Justice served.

  8. I’m less concerned about how these death row inmates are finally ended than I am that it takes so long to get there. As of 2020, the latest information I could find, the average death row inmate spends 227 months between sentencing and execution. In 2020, the average annual cost of housing and securing these inmates averaged $35,000, so the average death row prisoner will cost the taxpayers $662,000 to warehouse him until he meets his legally mandated end. Considering how evidence fades, as do eyewitness memories over time, appealing a murder conviction a decade or two after the crime is most likely just a waste of more taxpayer money. Depending on who’s numbers you use, somewhere between 0.027% and 4.1% of death row inmates are actually innocent of the crimes that put them there, but the great majority of exonerations are based on improperly handled trials, with the prosecutor often found withholding essential evidence. These findings could happen within a month or two of sentencing, so having appeals years later may not reveal any new evidence at all.

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