New Bill Is SURPRISING Move To Protect Legal Gun Owners


With the constant barrage of anti-2A propaganda coming out of Washington D.C. and from the legacy mainstream media, it can be easy to think that the pro-gun movement isn’t seeing very many wins. In fact, anti-2A people desperately want you to think that we’re not seeing any wins because they hope to demoralize you to get you to quit pushing to keep Americans’ gun rights.

It that the case, though? Are we really losing more than we win?

No, it’s not the case, and if you think that, then, you’re only hearing one side of the stories about the fight for gun rights, the side from those who oppose them. The pro-gun side does win, too, and more often than many people think. A new bill in one state is an example of the steps that are happening to protect your rights. Michael Clements writes,


New Hampshire legislators are considering a bill to protect the privacy of firearms purchasers while preventing gun control through financial restrictions.

The New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee held a public hearing on Feb. 2, 2024, for HB 1186, which would prohibit credit card and finance companies from mandating Merchant Category Codes for transactions at businesses that sell firearms, ammunition, or gun accessories.

The bill is scheduled for an executive session on Feb. 12. In New Hampshire, members of the public may attend a legislative committee’s executive session as observers. During the executive session, the committee will write a report on the proposed legislation based on the public hearing and the committee’s own research and discussion.

Now, this is just an example of the kinds of things happening in many states. And keep in mind that over half of the states in the Union have some form of constitutional / permitless carry already in place. Bills like this are just additional steps being put into place to defang the Biden administration’s attack wolves who are trying to keep you and me from being able to protect ourselves.

And considering that gun violence is highest in areas with the most gun control, you have to ask who the Biden administration wants for us to be defenseless against.

Regardless of the answer to that question, the fight for gun rights isn’t over, and we are making positive progress.



  1. How is it, that a country like this founded on blood-shed, has become weak and cowardly! I really wished that these weak ass people would get the fuck out of the way, and let real fighting men like you and I run this country the way it was meant to be! Trust me, “No Skirts allowed!” You damn right we will not back down!!!Did it ever occur to anyone that Ukraine don’t feel the same as we do? I would make this current administration an example of why they need to be eliminated! Never ever to rise up again! Any sitting pres that lights up the white-house in rainbow colors should be taken outback and shot in the back of the head, and disposed of quickly! I don’t like playing around with my our freedom understand!?!

  2. It’s on account of all the potatoe chips, icecream, fatherless childern, well fare moms, immigrants, intitled useless people that believe the world owes them a living, out scourced jobs with in scourced products we feel are necessary(no one wants to work at a job that requires physical effort, everyone wants to sit at a desk and tap on key boards and get paid a 6 figure salary) EPA regulations on what the country can or cannot do industrially to produce what is needed to supply a nation of lazy people. The only labor force is coming in from Mexico, the middle east, or where ever. It’s been this way since slavery days. Poor folks from Europe came here over 300 years ago looking for free space of which there wasn’t much because someone was already here and had been for thousands of yrs, established a way of life that didn’t over tax the resources and on account of a lack of technical advancement, they were out gunned, out numbered, under educated and could not see what was coming! Just like it today, only a few with a little thought power can see that as the worlds numbers continue to build, space is running out everywhere. In Africa, the people are fighting for their lives, in S.E. Asia, India, nearly every country is seeing the affects of the Mice in a cage syndrome, they turn on each other and start killing so that there is less compitition for food, water (which getting to be a critical factor) space and cities keep expanding. Just look at how China’s housing projects have developed lately, Huge Blocks of concrete towers standing unfinished for yrs now because of financial set backs. Renold has stated ” a country like this” there isn’t a place, country or state on this planet that has not suffered is place in the world without blood shed to exist. Empires have risen and fallen from the beginning of time as far as people are concerned. The question arises, How many people were on this planet before it was over populated? The simplest answer is “4”, go back to when Cain killed his brother! Adam was completely satisified with the wife JEHOVAH provided him so he would never have done her harm. When Abel was the only child, he was loved by his parents without condition. Only his Brother was jealous of him. There was no reason for strife of any kind. Now here we are and have been for all this time, fighting for what we have to keep or what someone else has and we want it. There’s an old Movie titled Soilent Green that you should watch, it is a wakeup call for the future, but I feel it will never reach that point because we will become involved in such a bloody conflict, disease, and depletion of everything that the world has to give and we need to live that people we simply start dying off as is happening in parts of Africa and elsewhere from starvation, if they don’t do as Lemings do and run till there’s no place left to run to but into the sea and die there. Of course with a Nation like Russia and its meglomaniac president, China and it propencity to steal tech from where ever it can, North Korea’s version of Putin, they will all ally themselves in opposition to the free world, U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, and most of Europe likely, right up to the point they gain enough power and tech from each other then turn on themselves. Fortunately for us at the moment, Japan is with us, as is Taiwan, and a list of others, but again, what and how will it play out in the end is up in the air, Unless as is written in the Bible, Devine intervention will result and it will all be made right but only after the blood is up to the bridles of horses, Man declares we have achieved peace, along with a list of other things. People are and will be People until evil has been wiped away. As for fighting men, Skirts, none of that matters because fighting is what is the issue to start with. We were not put here to fight, but to be stewards of the earth, not its exploiters and subduers of others, animals, and such. By behaving like animals in the Okavanga or Sarangeti, Outback, or any other place where predators prey on others, we are no better then a weasel or any other animal that kills and leaves carcasses as they do. We are not eating the flesh of those killed in the cities, subways, streets, battle fields,homes churches, shopping malls, schools, etc. The saying, guns don’t kill, People do. It all applies to whatever time period you consider. In the past before it was guns, it was spears, bows, arrows, whatever primitive weapons MAN dreamed up. Some built stone castles to hold off intruders, the smart one simply moved until they found a place where no one else was to bother them but we cannot do that anymore. Well some can in some places but not for long because our governments and others will eventually find you and tell you, you cannot be there for one reason or another, mostly because you aren’t slaving for them and paying your share of blood money just like it is in organized crime circles. BOOM THERE IT IS ! Government is organized crime with legal status to do so. The very defenision of Government is to CONTROL, just like a governor controls a machince so that it is less likely to fail, but unfortunatel, it does anyway for one reason or another, doesn’t it?

  3. The real reason America is falling is because God was taken out of the schools, and then the evil Spirits come back in to fill the house again. Israel already went through this, and repented, and that’s why they are back as a nation. However America is finding this out on there own, and with all the immorality and baby killing (Abortion) the window of repentance is now coming into judgment.
    Big example is gun rights, all weapons laws are antichrist laws so the “Controllers” can enslave all the people. Been done world wide for centuries. Communist countries world wide.
    The only thing that could turn America around now is for people to repent meaning of that word means : to change ones mine Revival from not believing to believing” and following God ! I remember the Jesus Movement back in the 1970, and how things was good in America back then. People helped each other.
    “A nation divided against it’s self will not survive” That’s in the Bible !

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