Why Haven’t You Heard About This Mass Shooting?


Mass shootings are all the rage these days, at least, if you’re on the political left or working for the mainstream legacy mass media (but I repeat myself there). Everytime that one comes up, especially when it involves children, it’s front page news as Joe Biden and the cronies running his administration stump to take away our guns rights using that as an excuse.

Now, on the one hand, I understand why mass shootings are news. After all, they shouldn’t happen. Innocent people shouldn’t be injured or killed at the hands of a violent individual. Especially if the victims are children.

We all agree on that part.


But advocates for gun control, then, want to use those shootings as an excuse to ban guns.

Which brings us to today’s story: A mass shooting happened recently in Memphis, Tennessee. Multiple people killed and even more injured. But Moms Demand Action, Everytown For Gun Safety, Brady, and March For Our Lives aren’t using this shooting to push for gun control. Neither are or any of the other gun control advocacy groups. Why is that?

I have two answers to that question. Watch the video below, which shows clips from the incident, and see if you come to the same conclusions that I do.

Did you watch that? Why do you think that you haven’t heard about this mass shooting from gun control goups?

My answers are that it doesn’t fit the narrative that they want to push and that this shooting involves people that gun control groups don’t really care about. Let me explain.

First, the shooting happened at an illegal block party where people blocked off roads and were brandishing firearms openly. Any of those activities would get you arrested in most places. To put it another way: There were criminals involved in this situation, so, there is a very good chance that this shooting was carried out be people who were already criminals before they even pulled the trigger in this incident.

Gun control advocacy groups want to blame politically conservative law-abiding gun owners for gun violence, so, a mass shooting involving criminals doesn’t help them to push their narrative to disarm you and me.

The other reason is that, if you’ll notice in the video, the people at this gathering were overwhelmingly African-American (the entire group may have been African-American). But gun control groups don’t care about children being shot or dying when those kids aren’t white kids (or can be implied to be white). To put it bluntly: gun control groups are racist.

Gun control isn’t the solution to violence because guns aren’t the problem. The racism of gun control organizations and the hypocrisy of those organizations is a problem, though, and we need to start making an issue of it because the world needs to know that those groups are the monsters that they really are.



  1. Well, I’ll tell you why it is not main stream media news. First, I’m a 56 year old black man, so no one can scream I’m racist.

    Just look at the crowd, everyone is black, black on black crime does not get reported as a mass shooting, no matter what age the participants were.

    Blacks killing blacks just the normal back page news.

  2. First, understand that there was little gun control until after the War Between the States. Between the Ku Klux Klan and the era of Jim Crow, there was fear of black Americans having guns, so the comment regarding racism is obvious. Consider what happened during Reconstruction.
    Second, the concept of gun control contradicts the instinct of self-preservation, in that living entities seek to survive, and this translates to self-defense. This is against the agenda of gun control.
    Third, we have the second amendment as a check on government tyranny, which also is counter to the political agenda of those who would institute tyranny.

  3. That is because there criminals with the guns. And there allowed to have guns the hones citizen is not allowed to have then

  4. My thoughts are they are not considered “conservatives” so the left will not be able to say how the NRA is responsible so send them money to take NRA and MAGA guns, as the left lies saying conservatives are the domestic terrorist

  5. They were not aware of the phrase “What goes up must come down.” And it comes down at nearly the same velocity that it exited the muzzle. How many of the wounds were from projectiles coming vertically from overhead? Then you have the perfect storm when others respond to those being wounded by shooting directly at each other resulting in horizontal wounds. My question, how many of those idiots were cleared to buy those weapons legally? Most legal gun owners would not fire a gun into the sky .

  6. Gun control nuts only care when it fits the narrative. They simply do not care when POC are murdered or injured.

  7. Simply put, this story doesn’t fit their agenda ! They want the out of control ANARCHY !!! Also, ” RULES FOR ME, AND NOT FOR THEE ” !

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