Why You Should NOT Open Carry [Video]


Open carry versus concealed carry. People have very strong viewpoints on this issue, and, interestingly enough, there doesn’t seem to be much middle ground in this area. The people who advocate for open carry are all-in on that, and the people who advocate for concealed carry are just as convinced that they are right.

Now, why do people advocate for open carrying of firearms (other than on duty law enforcement officers)? Often, it comes down to three ideas. One idea is that they open carry because they legally can.

That’s it. They can do it, so, they think that they should do it.


Maybe there is deeper thinking behind that idea, but if the only reason to open carry (assuming that you think that there are no reasons to not open carry) is because you can, then, I might suggest that just because something can be done doesn’t mean that it should be done.

Another common reason that people open carry is the idea that if there is going to be a crime committed, especially if it is an active shooter incident, the person who is open carrying wants to be the person that the criminal comes for first. It seems likely that the person open carrying for this reason is of the impression that they can stop a would-be criminal or would-be active shooter before that person can injure or kill anyone.

I appreciate the courage and, yes, bravado of that idea. I just don’t think that it’s the wisest way to handle those kinds of situations due to the tactical benefits of surprise which will be addressed in the video below.

The third reason that a few people will give for open carrying is that it’s a faster draw than concealed carry, which is often true (though, with the right set up and practice, you can get pretty quick with drawing from concealment). But I’ll suggest considering the benefit of surprise in a violent encounter which, again, will be addressed in the video below.

So, giving the other side of the issue, Will Workman has three reasons why you should NOT open carry. You can watch that video below.

After watching that, what do you think? Is open carry or concealed carry the better option? Comment below.



  1. Dear Will, my name is Tom Willet, I’m a Spec Ops Veteran, and I’ve had many hand guns, and many long guns. Currently, I open carry a S&W M&P45. I’ve redesigned a Sarariland 3 o’clock position OWB Holster, to be worn in the 2 o’clock position, making it both easier to draw, and if someone reaches around me to try to get it, 1) it has the internal lock for the trigger guard, 2) when I pin the assailants arm under my arm and grab his right wrist with my left hand, he’s going down in a heap, with me on top ! By then I’d be up with weapon drawn, to contain the attacker until law enforcement arrives ! My friends(down at the range) and I have practiced this self preservation move numerous times over the last 20 years ! Come on over Will, try to take one of our open carry guns ! Besides, I DO have a VNSH belly concealed carry holster(also holds 2 extra magazines) that I wear occasionally(carshows,concerts,church) so I don’t scare the kids w/ .45 (and yes, I load hollow points in it !) Please, let me know how you feel about this comment to your video, my email is below ! Thanks for letting me get all that off my chest ! Tom 😁

  2. Excellent advice, I have been saying that open carry hurts us legal gun owners for a long time.
    It makes people riding the fence nervous for no good reason.

  3. I am a retired law enforcement officer, I carry but cc. I avoid those that like to walk around and show off the gun. They are an easy target for theft and I believe a bad guy will see them as a possible threat and will probably be the first taken out. I don’t

    • I agree with you, open carry in my opinion is an invitation for someone to try and take your weapon. There is another thing that you should be aware of weather you are carrying open or concealed. You have to be aware of is going on around you. You may be aware of one individual and you become focus on that one and not the other one that is going to attack you. I have always made sure look what is around me not being obvious and it has served me well.

  4. There is a time and place for CC or open carry. When in town and around the Gpublic the the CC is best. When on the job (if allowed) or outdoors or in a vehicle or home, the open or accessible location is better. We all should chameleon as necessary. Make adjustments as the circumstances dictate. Always think safety, and pay attention. I am still learning and I have carried on and off for decades.

  5. I do not like open carry. If you ask me, you are just asking for trouble. So I believe in the mans video above. Element of surprise gives you a better chance to protect yourself and/or family. When the wrong people see your carrying a gun, they just might try and steel it and you may die. If your someone who cant fight off or run that fast from a strong bully, advertising you have that gun is only asking for trouble. Before I got my cpl, I had my gun for years. Never open carried.

  6. Obviously , Thomas is not the average open carrier. I also am a retired LEO. I would guess the average open carrier is not a skilled combat devotee, no matter what he thinks of himself. IMO unless you are skilled as Thomas, it is stupid to flaunt your roscoe to the world. It’s not smart to let everyone know you are heeled. Some people want to get the attention and probably have no plan if stuff happens. While he’s thinking “I look cool with my Bersa up in everybody’s face”, I’m noting who looks shady, where the exits are, and who to kill first if IT hits the fan.

  7. I live in Montana and we OPEN carry everywhere, the Second Amendment says there shall be NO restrictions on Citizens owning or Bearing ARMS, that Amendment gives WE the PEOPLE Power over the GOVT. to OWN and Bear arms not the GOvt. over the People.

  8. As a permit to carry instructor I agree with each of your points and mention a variation of each of them in my classes. Additionally, concealed carry avoids confrontation with businesses that post the “we ban handguns” signs. In our state, the law does NOT preclude a permit holder from carrying in a business with this post. Our law states that this is the private business’ policy and that they have the right to require you to leave. If you refuse, you are guilty of trespassing but have not violated a gun law. If the gun is concealed, the whole discussion is moot. I do open carry when hunting (level one holster) because there is not good way to retrieve a handgun under heavy garments in an emergency and the reasons you/I describe aren’t applicable in the middle of the woods by yourself.

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